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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. No I said it was the most compelling part. The entire film should have been his resurrection and struggle to find his true identity while fighting the other heroes.
  2. He doesn’t even Pretend he’s not trading on fear and racism. He’s inciting it openly. I’m sure the people of Egypt are reassured now and appreciate the Presidents kind words.
  3. I think their goal is 1) create "victories" to inspire like minded lunatics 2) create hate and vengeance on the other side that they then use as a rallying cry for their own side.
  4. Snyder's son: I can imagine he is biased against changes to his dad's vision. But I cant even imagine JL without the infused comedy and charm. It would have been like a two hour kick in the nads. Also a theory going around. In the opening credits, a homeless man is shown holding a sign that reads "I tried" just as Whedon's name appears on screen. The theory goes this was a bit of sarcasm from Whedon saying that he tried to save the film but couldnt. Surely not true but I thought the "I tried" sign was a bit odd.
  5. Yup. That was an odd decision, killing Superman in BvS. The use of Doomsday in that film was odd too. The root of DCs issues are creatively. The films are slickly produced, well casted and well acted (for the most part, notwithstanding the debate over Affleck and the terrible casting of Luthor). They just had awful creative ideas from the beginning. Doomsday should have been a far bigger deal. The Death of Superman (and resurrection) could have been a multi-film arc (especially true if you ever needed to recast the role). A "bad" Superman should be a film on its own. And the mystical elements of Steppenwolf and Darkseid should have been saved for when the team was fully established so that those characters (the heroes) carried the film and it wasnt brought down by a hokey villain. And none of these things are crazy ideas. Basic common sense. Its the people at the top of DCEU that need to be changed. Bringing in Whedon was a good choice but if all he's doing is trying to improve someone else's garbage, its not going to work. Its going to be hard to truly have Marvel style success now since they cant put the genie back in the bottle and start over.
  6. Batista says he's in talks to return and it would be "full time" (ie. working house shows). I imagine if true, it would be short. A Rumble-WM time frame, maybe a bit longer. I believe the House Show thing because he did it last time and enjoys doing them. But with the films he's making, he cant spare the time for very long. Plus, there is the insurance issue. Rock got in some **** when he did WM and got hurt, delaying production on, I think, Hercules. Although Rock's insurance is probably a lot more than Batista's!
  7. There was rampant speculation earlier this week that Warners was cancelling the DC Extended Universe due to the below-expected box office of Justice League. But reportedly that is not the case. Who knows what they are doing. Seems like common sense issues with that franchise. I've whined enough about how they should have built up to JL slower. Perhaps the most compelling aspect of JL was the (Do we need spoilers still?) So I'd have gone with that concept as the main plot of a JL film and the threat that brings all the heroes together.
  8. Harper is really good. Im pulling for him. I believe it was the European tour where they had a few matches and did one or two in their old gimmick so its possible the higher ups were sold initially. But whatever gets Harper pushed is fine by me. I thought it should have been a Women's Single title on one show and Women's Tag on the other. There was talk initially of only one Women's Championship but that would have meant women on only one show (RAW because its longer) and they want women at the house shows. So if you have women on SD, they need something to fight over. But if they introduce a tag title, I'd strongly suspect there would be one each show. I havent heard anyone else talk about the idea though. They've kicked around a mixed tag show (for their FB exclusive) so they're far along in the idea stage and I cant believe they'd bring in six women without at least a slight plan. Generally the idea is more titles makes them all mean less. But good booking trumps all. New Japan has a ton of titles but they mostly all mean something and the fans buy the title matches.
  9. Bit of a surprise as yesterday was an off day so Mason hasnt had any practice.
  10. usually the women only have to be knocked through the ropes to the floor to be eliminated. I assume because they are smaller. But to me, that's an advantage in story telling because it creates a tougher elimination and more drama. The women are mostly all good athletes so they should be able to handle it.
  11. Reason enough for a psychiatric hold, I'd say.
  12. I really enjoyed season one of The Crown. Many of us have British roots. My mom was born in England, my dad in Wales. So I grew up with it. Season 2 drops Dec 8th (they will be re-casting the lead roles to age the characters in Season 3)
  13. Sort of a chicken & egg thing. More women with terrible booking wont lead to more interest. It will just lead to more boring multi-person matches. They've terribly mismanaged Bayley and Sasha especially and Asuka has been given no favours either. They should have created a women's tag title off the hop and I'd hope that is the plan now. If it was me, I'd have not had two world women's champions, I'd have had one tag and one world. But WWE would likely create two tags, one for each show. Which is better than doing nothing I guess. They could also be looking to replace some women though they usually save releases for after WM (they just released a few people recently though). It might be as simple as the impending angle with Ronda Rousey that they want more women as a way to promote the idea that their women's division is equal to the men. But that angle will mean another 4 women on the main roster.
  14. Well they did the women's network special but it didnt do as well as the cruiserweight version. So Im not sure they'd spend more time and effort on a women's only show. They are considering a mixed men/women concept for a new show that will start out as a Facebook live exclusive in the new year. The Women's Rumble has been on the table for a year or two now and I think its definitely worth doing. I'd do it as a 20 women Rumble (not a 30) and I'd ditch the stupid rule where women dont have to go over the top to be eliminated. Given that SD and RAW had an almost-identical angle for debuting new women, its possible the two are connected. But its just as possible its lame booking.
  15. Also they better play this song at the Boogie Knights reunion this Friday!
  16. I would agree. Im sure Ivanka loves her father but I cant see her and Kushner sacrifices their potential futures as America's First Couple for her creepy old man.
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