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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You see a bunch of these guys now basically throwing themselves on their sword which is, I guess, better than the weak denials. Unless you're the President. Then supporting a sex abuser is ok as long as he's a Republican.
  2. My sort of indirect Cassidy story is that I never watched the show when I was a kid. I saw it on a couple of times as my older brother watched it but I never got the idea of a family going around in a bus and singing. Years later, I worked at Boogie Nights bar and they often played "I Think I Love You" and I remember asking the DJ what it was because it was so darn catchy. I then started dating a girl that also worked there and I had to break the news to her one day that "I Think I love You" was our song. She thought it was great! It was also used in Scream 3 when the male lead sang it to Sidney to try and win her back.
  3. Aww David Cassidy. Fun show and good singer. I love “I Think i Love You”
  4. The way I read it, the final post credit scene (the one that directly impacts future films) was from Snyder. The mid-credit scene which is more fun and has no bearing on future films, was added by Whedon. I read a list today of which scenes belonged to which guy. And man, without Whedon, this film likely would have been a snoozefest. Virtually all the character and heart seems to have come from Josh. And here's something I just thought about, if Nightwing exists in this Universe, where the heck was he?
  5. They sort of stumbled across Wonder Woman as a success I think. Its a shame they put their eggs in the Justice League basket because WW could have been the real lens through which we get to know everyone and slowly build to the team up film. A Legion of Doom films has a better chance to be successful because it could be more grounded. But then you need Joker and I wasnt buying Leto's portrayal.
  6. Yeah they could do a brand swap. Nak could work as well although I doubt Vince sees him as a reasonable contender but he used to do MMA. I think Nak's contract is up in early 2018 also so that could work. Or Cena, the Free Agent, but they'd normally want him to remain hot for WrestleMania rather then lose clean to Brock in January. Problem with WWE is we're not talking about multiple *great* options. We're rattling off barely decent options because no one is really over or a star. And at SS, they put the onus on Hunter, Angle and Shane, three guys who wont be working Brock Lesnar. Although I suppose Angle vs Brock would be...something.
  7. You never know but I dont think Bray is that good. Maybe a multi man match. Joe over Balor last night was interesting. Perhaps they are going to go back to Joe/Brock. If they use someone who isnt that over (since the draw of the PPV is the actual Rumble match), a crazy idea would be Brock vs Jordan. Jordan is a good worker, super athletic and a "real" athlete. if they did a good story and had him start beating guys asap, he could be a fun story.
  8. It was supposed to be Balor but Im not sure thats the plan anymore. They likely see balor as not over enough or big enough. They'll want someone impressive so Brock looks as good as possible for the latest Roman coronation at WM (when he beats Brock).
  9. Nothing scheduled for RAW until the Rumble. That should be better for building up the angles for that show though.
  10. Vince Russo was whining about how many women they now have on the main roster. I would suspect its because they want to do a Women's Royal Rumble. But it is a lot. Especially since WrestleMania is likely a Four Horsewomen (Charlotte, Sasha, Bayley, Becky) vs Four Horsewomen (Rousey's group).
  11. To imply that people reporting harassment are activists as a hobby or whatever is wrong.
  12. Unbelievably the White House has now come out to supper Roy Moore. Wow. As if there was any doubt about the moral bankruptcy of this government....
  13. @Noeller I think thats why I am so adamant about DC's vision being wrong. Why "catch up" to Marvel when you really cant? There has already been talk of a potential superhero burnout so if anyone things thats a real possibility, DC should be wanting to start out simpler just as Marvel is beginning to wane a bit. make it easy for all the fans Marvel created (and obviously they arent JUST comic fans since these movies have done killer business) to try DC. they've created too large a mythology too fast. I think thats why WW did well, among other things, it was a simpler story with a simpler character. I really think as Marvel transitions away from some of their core characters and actors, DC could have been attracting people that miss the traditional heroes and the smaller stories. Instead, DC has come on with fantasy and massive mythology and convoluted stories. And now you might lose Batman & Superman after one more movie? WTF. Why werent they locked up to ten picture options? DC just had no plan. Even when they say they have a plan, they dont have a plan.
  14. Its pretty odd. The simple answer is that Hunter wanted to beat Shane himself. Or he will say it was obvious Angle couldn't get the job done so he (Hunter) had to. The WrestleMania idea was Hunter vs Kurt so I assume thats still the plan. Hunter vs Strowman might have been done just for the visual of Strowman "up" to end the show. I cant see the benefit to doing that as a match. I guess it would "sell" well but big matches dont sell Network subs anyway and you cant have Strowman lose to Hunter. The one worked shoot feud they could do but wont for some reason is Hunter vs Shane. I kind of wonder if Hunter was meant to come back at this time. The fact he did some South America and UK shows would indicate he was because thats what you'd do to get your ring rust off but those matches were necessitated by the illness spreading through the roster. He didnt look in his usual Wrestlemania shape. So who knows. i'd expect him on RAW tonight and then probably gone until RR build up.
  15. I had to FF through a bunch of it as I watched it really late. Shield vs New day was really good. Miz vs Corbin looked ok (I like Miz though). Charlotte & Bliss was given time to be an epic but they seemed a bit off. The womens elimination was pretty good. I thought Paige might return there. Brock vs AJ is worth going out of your way to see. TREMENDOUS. Both guys better off after the match. Mens elimination started great but went flat fast. Apparently Hunter got hurt but I think it went flat because the point was all about Hunter and Stroman instead of elevating the "newer" (I wont say young cause they arent) guys. Cena was an afterthought and appeared to be going through the motions. I actually liked Orton here (and I usually dont). If they are still building to Hunter vs Angle for WM they better have something good in mind because I think both guys got really cooled off here. Angle looked good, but moved pretty slow (Understandable and doesnt bother me). Hunter too, looked old. The finish of Shane being the last guy....I like Shane and I thought that was hamfisted. And ofcourse its ALL ABOUT THE GAME. meh I was more interested in jason Jordan due to his pre-match promo than I was in seeing Hunter on top in 2017.
  16. Worthy thread. We were posting notable deaths in random news I think or their own thread. Keeps it all together. Plus, the Oscars does it, so why not MBB? lol
  17. Its an insult to most people who give a ****. Call them Social Justice Warriors. whatever. if being on the side of men & women who have been harassed and/or assaulted makes one a SJW, then we should all be SJW's.
  18. Yeah...and I think no one wanted to do "Robin". They like the idea of Batman having a Robin and all the psychological issues that come along with it. And they like the idea of **** Grayson and the idea of his replacement being brutally murdered and Batman living with the guilt. But actually doing the Robin story, I dont think anyone wanted to. So they skipped it.
  19. Thor 3 is killing it right now. I think part of it is lack of enthusiasm for DC. I think people are less likely to go into it blindly than for a Marvel film. But ultimately, they have a chance to be successful by making good movies and they've stumbled so far.
  20. From Latino Review: Another big mistake they made was the aged Batman. Because what do they do now? They have good things like Wonder Woman and I think Flash and Aquaman can work as well. But the through-line of the extended universe is Batman and Superman. Cavill is signed for only one more film. Affleck is already wavering and seems to have trouble getting into shape (he looked a bit paunchy in JLA). So do you just replace Affleck? Do you go younger and if so, why did you go older in the first place?
  21. Oh and one more thing, regarding the TWO extra scenes post credits: The first one, which was for fun was and the second one which was the set up for future films involved
  22. I think it would be reasonable to discuss spoilers now since the film is out. But as a warning for those that havent seen it, I wont spoil anything yet. (Or if I do, Ill use the spiler tag) I liked Justice League. Its sort of hard because I think I like it more than it deserves. If I didnt know the back story of Snyder being replaced by Whedon, I wouldn't say I could tell but knowing it, you can tell. There were tonal shifts and shoe horned scenes and it was uneven throughout. The story telling aspects suffered from what I disliked about the DC films from Day One - that they just jumped right to the whole group. So unlike Marvel where we got the stand alone films first and got to know the characters, we had to be introduced to Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg. And even then, once introduced, we had to see the relationships develop because we didnt know any of them. Other than Bruce and Diana, which didnt get that much in BvS, none of these characters knew each other. I still think Gal Gadot is the star of the DC franchise. They had a minor subplot about her being a leader (and references to Steve Trevor from the Wonder Woman film, so its worth seeing if you didnt see it) and it sort of spoke to the actual film in that the actor (Gadot) is better and more interesting than Affleck and the character (WW) is more likeable and "cheerable" than Batman (and Batman is my all time favorite superhero). Ezra Miller as The Flash almost steals the show. He's a very likeable actor which is good because there were times when I thought the forced humor could be a bit annoying. There was one good scene between Batman and Flash where the elder hero gives him some very basic advice about how to rise to the occasion and it was a great scene that was not really a focus. But could have meant something if you knew about Robin (which no one does because they've never discussed it). In fact, Batman recruiting Flash needs to be examined through that lens. Because if we get a Nightwing film where a brooding Batman laments the death of the second Robin, it sort of needs reconciling with why he didnt seem to care about Flash. But thats the problem with these team up films. Not enough time. Steppenwolf was well done in CGI and voice acting (great actor portrayed him). But one issue DC has is that the other-dimensional stuff isnt very interesting and yet with heroes as powerful as these ones, what earth-bound threat could really hurt them? Whereas in Marvel, you had smaller stories that built up to something so crazy it required all the heroes join forces. And none of them, save for maybe Thor, is as powerful as DC's. That also hurt Batman in another sort of plot that deserved more. The fact he's the only one who has no powers. It would have been easy for him to be the one that is the greatest of humanity but they save that idea for the alien Superman so Batman sort of gets a lame Tony Stark rip off without any of the depth or likeability to the character. They hinted at him liking Diana. But went nowhere with it. They hinted at Flash having a crush on her as well, but went no where with it. There wasnt enough time to slow down and have character moments. Whereas in the Avengers, they DID do that. And they COULD because we already knew the characters and also, Avengers had a more linear plot. In Justice League they had to recruit the heroes, develop the relationships, explain back stories, explain Steppenwolf and then of course ... ...Which didnt really resonate for me. It felt too easy and cheap. However, I will say that So it sounds like I didnt like it. But I did. And here's why. The cast is really good. As much as I like Batman and I like Affleck, he was the weak link to me. Affleck CAN act but seemed uninterested in doing so here or didnt have the material. He was just ok. Gal Gadot is really a revelation in every way. She's amazing. Mamoa as Aquaman was great but his character was under-served by the land-based plot so he seemed sort of tacked on. But he had some good lines. He's the Thor of DC. Ezra, a great Flash and you root for him as a character. I'd heard Cyborg was uninteresting but I didnt feel that way. I liked the actor and the portrayal. Unfortunately, he's sort of a Deus Ex Machina type where I think he'd have benefited more from being a kid with some implants and telling that story. Again, its like they had to skip three films worth of development because they HAD to have the team together. There was also a brief appearance of... Without knowing what Whedon added, it would seem most of the humor and character charm came from him (at least it seemed tonally different from much of the main plot). And thats really the key. They cast this film very well and the team is charming (minus Batman who is portrayed and stated on screen as an *******). I think Im more interested in seeing stand alones for Aquaman and Flash than I am a JLA sequel, to be honest. And ofcourse a WW sequel. She's really the heart of these films now and should be written that way on screen as well. There you have it.
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