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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Im not as down on these guys as some. Yes, they were trying to buy the Coyotes with no money in a smoke & mirrors deal. But if they managed to navigate that craziness, the CFL should be a piece of cake. They managed to make significant connections in the Coyotes deal and should be able to secure financing. Plus, they are local which is important. The key is a Stadium and the government will have to come to the table. Hopefully they look at it as a way to justify a Stadium for the community.
  2. I, for one, very much appreciate @FrostyWinnipeg game day threads and his amusing notes.
  3. I'd like to see Laine switch to his preferred side of Left Wing. That automatically puts him into position for that slap shot. Even on the PP in OT last night, he was on the RW and I was somewhat confused. If Laine enters the zone on the LW and there is nothing to work with, worse case scenario he slaps it at the net and maybe scores...his "nothing else so ill slap it" shot is better than most.
  4. I agree. The issue is bringing in directors/producers who say "I have a great new idea for Superman..." Ummm, no. Superman is Superman. Can you bring Superman to life in a great way? Great! If you need to change him, hit the bricks. Superman Returns was infinitely better than Man of Steel.
  5. Other than WWE having more guys than they know what to do with already for the Rumble, that's an excellent idea. Perhaps he is a surprise in the first ever women's Royal Rumble...which would be pretty funny.
  6. I agree Keaton was good. I only disliked that he wasnt physically right for the role. I didnt believe that this skinny guy was able to throw guys around and have this impressive strength just because he was wearing rubber. As a physiologically disturbed Bruce Wayne, he was excellent. His Batman films were definitely 80's films though. Affleck is really good. He has the pretty boy charm Bruce Wayne needs and is physically imposing. Bale is a better actor by far though and made Batman seem REALLY physical in a real world way. But between the three DC leads currently, Gadot is the best of the three as an actor.
  7. If I was DC, I would have based the DC Universe off of *that* Batman's universe. Throw whatever money you have to at Bale and Nolan. As it is, didnt Nolan stick around to produce Man of Steel, so he stayed with DC. Doesnt make sense. Choosing the vastly inferior Superman film to base the universe on was awful. Barring that, cast a younger Batman and either skip the origin (since we know it) or recap it in some easy way and go from there. Im not sure what the reasoning of this aged Batman is other then 1) wanting to catch up to Marvel or 2) wanting to use the Batman characters without establishing them, like Nightwing, Joker and Batgirl. The new Joker sucks. Batgirl and Nightwing could either be established in the first wave of Batman films or kick it off with like a 30 year old Batman who's been around for a decade. I thought Batman Begins was pretty slow. Dark Knight Rises had its poor moments too. The Dark Knight was a masterpiece. All in all, the trilogy was really good but I agree, Wonder Woman was better than BB and probably comparable to Rises.
  8. Man...do a lot of guys act like ******* jerkoffs or what? Is it the power thing? Like you have a little power and you just think you can cram your tongue, hands or cock anywhere you want? Awful.
  9. People dont like Wonder Woman because of girl power. They like it because it was good. Was it great? Nah. Was it good? Absolutely. What made it better was Gal Gadot is the best thing to happen to the DC film franchise in forever. But you're entitled to your opinion. DC had a fine franchise built around Nolan's Batman, which itself was not perfect but far better than Man of Steel, BvS, Suicide Squad and very different from Marvel too. But they handed the keys to a guy that just didnt have it, Snyder. Man of Steel was terrible. BvS was terrible UNTIL WW showed up. She was literally the best thing about that movie. Ill see Justice League this weekend and if its even remotely decent, Ill give them a slight pass because of Snyder's family tragedy and Wedon having to finish the movie. I think DC's focus from the beginning was stupid. Marvel got it right because of 1) Robert Downey Jr being amazing in Iron Man and 2) taking time to build up to the Avengers. By doing that they gave us a chance to care about each character and let us take in the over-arching story that was slowly coming into view. It built anticipation. When Avengers came and was really good, it was good on its own but what helped was that we knew the characters already so we didnt need to get to know them. DC wanted to catch up to Marvel for some reason and I really feel that was wrong. Because I think Marvel might experience some fatigue soon and especially as it moves onto new characters, There was sort of an innocence about those early Marvel films. DC should have been happy to start the same way and take years to build to Justice League. They could have attracted fans that missed the simpler times of the early Marvel days. I like Ben Affleck as Batman. But it was a weird casting choice. They claimed they wanted an older Batman when Affleck is only two years older than Bale and arguably looks younger. He's already had trouble staying in shape and has seemingly grown tired of the role. They didnt want to pay Bale. Using Bruce Wayne in the tony Stark role would have made sense. Anyway, my two cents...
  10. I think he means they should want to lose. But sure, if the choice is 1) win the cup or 2) finish last. But it doesnt really matter and every team wants to win. But in Vegas' case I agree, they might not feel any great need to bring in a stop-gap because when everyone is healthy they would then have to do something with that stop gap.
  11. He did a program with AJ Styles. He was booked as a comedy figure, not a serious contender. Initially when they used him it was as an "extra" and he got the gig getting squashed by Stroman but his unique look made for good comedy. Funny thing, he had a t shirt when he first appeared which was essentially a joke but I guess he's a nice guy so a bunch of the other guys wore his shirt and he sold a bunch. Living the dream!
  12. I know people that have TV's set up outside on their deck all winter to watch from their hot tub. Maybe the Bombers should invest in those TVs if the weather was too much for the ones they have.
  13. I respect your opinion. And its a deeper subject than is probably worth debating here. I see the Iraq war differently. Sure, hindsight might say Saddam was the devil we knew. But the original war when he invaded Kuwait didnt end, it was a ceasefire based on certain conditions he didnt meet. And there was evidence to support the idea that his own scientists were lying to him about their ability to create weapons. We know he did have WMD because he used chemical weapons on his own people. The Americans were hailed as heroes when they rode into Baghdad. It was what happened after that was the problem. In my opinion. It probably comes down to whether you think a nation like the US and its allies have a moral responsibility to stick their nose into other nations' business when those nations are truly evil and vile. Iraq had oil which made it higher on the priority list over other nations that probably deserved the word's attention more, Ill grant that. But I also like W and though he made mistakes I dont think they were because he was evil. Whereas I do think there is a very dark heart inside Trump.
  14. Sort of a misleading headline MOS tries to be diplomatic about takeaways and stuff. Yeah, the D, combined with the O and Special Teams is good enough to win some games and host a playoff spot. It will never ever win a cup with that D. Period. So if Hall IS back next season, and the D is as bad, MOS has to go with Hall.
  15. Poor James Also, any of who had bought tickets or were interested in the local Winnipeg show with Santino, Ken Anderson, Eugene, Gangrel, the show (and Thunder Bay & Thompson shows) was cancelled last night.
  16. You had me til the evil stuff. W. was a lot of things but evil wasnt one of them. Lets not get crazy. And certainly we should debate W in 2017. The way they went about Iraq was wrong but going in wasnt. Should have back in HW days.
  17. They beat Arizona ten times? I realize thats the cool reply to some people having very measured discussions about the teams obvious success at this juncture. But dont be that guy, dude.
  18. One of the local media guys (cant remember who) helpfully slandered the Jets' players by openly suggesting they were out and up to no good because of how they played in Vegas. I guess a media guy who was there corrected him because he sort of apologized and reported that the Jets players were allegedly on their best behavior all week.
  19. Based on those remarks, and sort of expecting Lapo to be a pretty genuine guy, I'd expect his full expectation and desire is to see his stint here to its conclusion. I'd suspect he'd feel really empty if he left without winning, even if it was a promotion. I think he stays. Saying that, its like me saying I intend to keep my job til I retire but if I win LottoMax, plans change.
  20. I didnt really follow the murders that closely when they happened so there was a lot of new info for me. Like I didnt realise the abuse had much more evidence than previously thought especially the revelation (assuming its true) that both parents had also been abused as children. So knowing that (again, assuming its true), I could not convict them of first degree murder. However, I do think they wanted the money and wanted their parents out of the way. I think they were likely abused, sexually and mentally/physically. They grew up privileged and their awful life behind closed doors was the price they paid. When that was threatened, when they were going to be cut out and not going to be allowed to truly become adults and go out into the world, they became enraged and decided they werent going to stand for it. Because they could have gone to the cops. I dont believe they felt imminent danger. I believe they said screw it, time to wastes these assholes and get what we deserve after all these years.
  21. I would imagine this doesnt preclude him accepting an upward offer though...? Can we suggest Montreal hire Hall as Head Coach?
  22. I shall not allow myself to truly believe...not yet!
  23. How can this team be so snakebit in net? And Hutch is like ummmm hey guys....
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