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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I was thinking that same thing, if they wanted to cut it, this is great cover to do so. Doesnt fit Vince's MO though. But with WWE taking a huge tumble, he might finally give in to the pressure to not split his focus. To be fair, WWE probably doesnt gain by Vince's re-focusing on it...lol
  2. Sums up the character of the alt right quite nicely (and their supporters). Bill is 70, is that close to last legs?
  3. That’s trump at his most popular due to the crises.
  4. If you don’t know the huge difference between Obama and Bernie, well....
  5. I find this one tough to believe. Nxt has a take over style show with big matches and coming off WM. edit: makes more sense. But still ouch
  6. COVID related but figured I'd put it here for the wrestling fans. MGM Resorts has cancelled all events through end of May which would impact AEW's Double or Nothing PPV. All the scheduled events are listed as cancelled EXCEPT the two AEW events (PPV and the TV the following week). So I have a feeling AEW might be waiting to see if they'd be allowed to travel and gather in sufficient numbers to do the shows in an empty arena. The Plan B, I'd have to assume, would be to scrap it and make All Out their next PPV. If they want to add another to the schedule, its a gamble, not just in terms of gathering but of drawing an international audience with all the travel restrictions and reduced airline capacity etc. Personally, I have tickets to DoN so Im curious to hear.
  7. Conflating "hope" and "change" with "far left" is not accurate. Change from W. Hope for a better future. How is that different than Biden...the guy who was in Obama's White House? All the Dems are "hope" and "change".
  8. huh? Obama ran on change and hope. Mostly words. And the idea was change from W. Easy to get behind for most people. He didnt run on universal health care and cancelling all student debt and other far left ideas. Obama was a lot of sizzle and didnt need much steak. Obama sure wasnt Bernie. You're making the mistake of painting Biden as a same old same old. The Dems winning, regardless of who it is, is a BIG change. Heck, a normal republican beating Trump would be a big change. I like Bernie too, but he was not going to win. And guess what, he didnt get the nomination. He didnt have the support. Vocal minority doesnt translate to majority support.
  9. Yeah, I think there for sure will be another spike, just not as severe. They'll be dealing with COVID for years, most seriously until there is a vaccine but the goal was always to flatten the curve, as they say, and spread it out. The hoax people and the deniers want to look at the positive news and say "see, nothing to this" when in reality it demonstrates the massive efforts to contain the virus are working. Why would Copeland donate money to a virus he already cured with his breath?
  10. If all the people want change, why did Biden keep topping polls and winning primaries? YOU want change. That doesnt translate to everyone. Although obviously the majority do want change, but they want change they trust. Why did Obama win? Not because he embraced far left ideas, regardless of how good they might be. The "change" candidate was nothing like Bernie.
  11. You could be right and if Bernie was the nominee, I'd have been all for it. I actually think Biden being pretty bland will not work for him but also not work against him. He will always seem calm, measured and competent next to Trump. And he's very good at coming across as an aw shucks grandfatherly type. Yeah, that sounds boring when we have more dynamic options. But the VP will be dynamic (I hope). And again, wait for Obama to get in this thing. Any time Biden makes a mistake and Trump gets one on him, Obama can give a speech and take all of Trumps venom. And people will not like that. The key thing is, if this is a middle of the road, relatively boring and traditional campaign, Biden wins easily. No cheating. No health issue (which is possible for both guys). No scandal (important for Biden because Trump's base doesnt care obviously).
  12. Yeah, some aspects might work in her favour in terms of appealing to some of the moderates. Her positions are pretty strongly aligned with the general Democrats. I like that she supports a transition to Medicare for All. She supported Bernie's plan and then came up with a, somewhat confusing, transitional plan. But she wants to get there. She has an F rating from the NRA so thats a good thing lol Sen. Amy K is the other front runner for VP.
  13. In terms of her law & order background?
  14. Its possible that Biden will flop. But he's been the front runner from day one. So all those left wing populists just werent carrying the polling. Id get behind Warren. But Crazy Bernie is just too easy to frame as a nut. It swings moderates to Trump. Remember, there are going to be a lot of right leaning voters that voted from Trump because he was the conservative candidate that will not want to vote for him this time. Holding your nose and voting Dem is one thing. Voting for Bernie? Not happening. Biden might flop and lose. Bernie would have lost. He'd have been a fantastic cheerleader for the left and for a lot of amazing and needed reforms and policies. And everyone would cheer him on. And they could feel really good about it. And they'd lose. If there is a sense that Bernie supporters wont vote for Biden, then they're crazy, plain and simple. You dont vote for Trump or stay home (which is a vote for Trump) because you'd rather the alt right racist serial sexual abuser win than the Democrat who just isnt left enough. Wait til the party really begins campaigning. Who's voting against 4 more years of Obama? No one and once he's in this thing, look out.
  15. Yeah, I didnt love the Biden pick either. Didnt like the optics of old white guy. But his polling was top notch from day one. And remember, his President, Obama, has said virtually nothing yet. He will. Biden will win and will be a one term President. His VP pick is so important. I think Kamala is a likely choice (but there are others). Whomever becomes VP is the presumptive President in 2024.
  16. Kept calling the kid who worked Brodie by different names too. He was really good. I was actually thinking I missed a bit of heelish commentator. Like, you dont want someone who grates on your as a heel, but just someone who who can see it from that perspective, adds some interest. In the various times I've done commentary for DVD or TV, Im usually a play by play guy but I much prefer when I can be colour and Im like that...a bit of a **** but putting everyone over. I thought this was a really good Dynamite. Shida vs Brit was terrific. Best Brit match in a long time and the blood added to it for sure. She did a great job in not shying away from it either or being freaked out. Her "personality" has really come through. She'll be a world champion sooner than later and probably hold it for a long time. Once her work gets up there consistently, she's a perfect heel champion to carry to division. They did a great job building Hager vs Mox and in a realistic way. Loved the on-location vignettes showing them both training. Subtle stuff too, Hager with a professional looking gym and Mox working out of his garage in Vegas and running through the desert. Matt was pretty good too. Hole of the Ass is pretty funny. I also liked the subtle contrast between the Hardy compound and the Jericho estate (he called it a compound when he was sort of stumbling on his words, but he should refer to it as an Estate). Elite Deletion will be great. I hope they end up doing a sequel at Jericho's place too, for the contrast. AEW fans got to see a side of Kenny Winnipeggers see, not full fun, goofy Kenny but a taste of it. Funny stuff. Best Friends have grown on me the last few weeks. Good booking as they beat Kenny and Nak which puts them in line for a shot at Kenny & Page. Cody vs Spears was good too for a match we really didnt care about until they began hyping it this week. Oh and Jake Roberts...man, the guy is so good. His delivery is tremendous. Loved him putting over Marko and then saying "You're an idiot" dismissively. What a contrast to how WWE uses "legends". Jake, Tully, Arn are all important but not over shadowing anyone. Treated like legends who still have something to offer, rather than jokes. Ill be fair and say something nice about WWE. Bianca is tremendous.
  17. Except all the polls that have him creaming everyone. And, ya know, being the presumptive nominee. Sometimes coming here feels like the twilight zone or something. Remove emotion and partisanship out of it and look at black & facts. Biden was never my favourite either. But to suggest no one favoured him, no want supports him and he has no chance is to deny facts.
  18. Where do you get that from? Trump desperately wanted Bernie. A far left, super old, major health issues....he was the perfect candidate for Trump. Why you think a left wing populist is a sure fire to win, I dont know. The Russian bots all wanted Bernie. Trump extorted Ukraine to hurt Biden. Biden is the guy he's afraid of because he sees him as an extension of Obama and Trump is desperately afraid of Obama and feels tiny next to him.
  19. Lots of the Russian bots were used to promote sanders. I don’t think he was a witting Russian asset but he was definitely Putin’s pick for the Dems.
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