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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Lisa Bonet was my crush as a kid. Gorgeous woman and a solid actress. I recommend Angel Heart (super under-rated film). At the risk of sounding creepy, I now have a crush on Lisa's daughter, Zoe. In a nice twist on the Hollywood norm, Lisa is 11 years OLDER than Jason.
  2. I disagree. Slava is Russian so you have to take his passion here knowing its very personal for him. And really, it should be. I mean, we're Canadians so be it. But you have a major athlete publicly saying he's starting a group to support a foreign dictator. There were actually people mad about McDavid dressing as Trump...but this is actually an athlete proclaiming his support on US soil for a dictator of a nation that interfered in a US election. Slava is correct that it should be much bigger news. Sports media isnt just feel good stories about scoring and winning. They're media. Plenty of sports media covered political issues pertaining to Olympics and other sports when it was appropriate. But I agree that it shouldn't just be sports media. it should be all media. If Ovechkin was an NFL star, this would be on main stream cable news. Ovechkin is an idiot.
  3. And looks like John Cena! TNA would have been an option but they are in cost cutting mode like crazy including at The Fight Network to pay for the losses of Impact. Emma could end up there though. She's really good. It might depend on her VISA situation.
  4. Rumors of her being a pain in the ass but I dont buy it. Supposedly Vince made the call during a budget meeting. It was probably "we need to cut three guys damn it!" It is too bad. She comes across so sweet and living her dream. She's a solid worker too with a great look. If anything, send her back to NXT to let her work with the newer girls. She was trained in Calgary. I'd book her right now (in fact, Im going to look into it).
  5. Thought this sounded ridiculous but the trailer is good!
  6. I was just saying the same thing, that it might be the right time to get Mason in. You have to start him here soon.
  7. Manson Family murders and is similar in style to Pulp Fiction. Hmmm, could be really interesting. I generally love QT but havent really loved his last couple efforts. Nothing beats Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill.
  8. Sounds like the original idea was very political. This one seems more contained but I'd have to think would still touch on the politics. Although the actors cast as President, Governor etc, they say they are looking for "new roles" for them. Good to hear. Its a really good TV show. I love how it not only takes place in the 80's but has a feeling of being filmed in the 80's. And a terrific cast.
  9. It wasnt plagerism because there was no effort to pass someones work off as their own. And it only had general similarities to the TNG episode Cause & Effect, that being a repeated time loop. How it was caused, how it was resolved and how everyone acted within it was completely different. It would be like saying you can only do one time travel episode because its now done and everyone else is stealing. And since CBS owns everything regardless of writer, director etc, if they did steal it would be from themselves. I get what you're saying but its sort of a staple of Trek to do "time" episodes (time travel, time loops, time jumps). I actually liked how they spent little time on examining the how of the situation and just went into trying to work through it. And apparently "Time Crystals" are a thing...
  10. NHL needs to get this right. You want to increase scoring and you use reviews to get it wrong? Bishop hooked his stick around Schief cabs the Dallas defender was pushing scheif against the stick. Speaking of Scheif
  11. I think I have it figured out. Sessions will be forced out and replaced with a trump stooge who will then fire Mueller.
  12. Interesting that Kennedy confirms they are looking at more stories with the new characters like Rey and Poe (interestingly she didnt mention Kylo). She always said the Saga was the story of the Skywalkers. So...would further adventures of these characters amount to spin offs and NOT a 4th trilogy? I would think so. But the Saga is the bigger money machine...hard to ignore that. Also, how do you effectively end this trilogy while leaving open adventures for these characters to go on? They have to be careful. I definitely think they can fill in gaps effectively. Obi-Wan film, for example.
  13. For sure. The incidents with Munn had too much creep factor to ignore. of course, this woman who claimed he raped her might not be true. And he has the right to prove that. Interestingly, she posted her accusation a week before the actresses came forward. But we also have to consider a power and rich man using a lawsuit to silence an accuser. Its tough. Certainly the opportunity or lack thereof will be easy to prove (was he there when she claims it happened).
  14. Yeah Katrina has been a tough one for them. I think they went in thinking there were so many things wrong that it would make a great story but they actually halted production and went back to the drawing board. It was originally based on the book The Great Deluge and told the story of government mismanagement (Dennis Quaid was cast as George W Bush). But they said they had trouble with finding the story, scheduling the actors and complicated water effects. the new story sounds "smaller" but perhaps more dramatic. Though I admit I was REALLY looking forward to seeing Quaid as Bush.
  15. It based on the book Five Days at Memorial: Five Days at Memorial explores the aftermath of 2005's Hurricane Katrina at the New Orleans Memorial Medical Center as well as the decision by staff — including Dr. Anna Pou — to euthanize critically ill patients after being trapped in the hospital for days without power. The book explores the attempts to prosecute Pou and two nurses for homicide after an investigation revealed elevated levels of morphine and other drugs in 23 patients who died at the hospital. Fink won the Pulitzer for a story she did in 2009 for ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine.
  16. So several women with strong reputations and similar stories say he sexually harrassed them and he sues the the one "non-celebrity" who said he raped her? Hmmm Now that I read other versions of the story, he also sues "Jane Does 1-10" so that could be the actresses. He's demanded a jury trial. Interesting strategy.
  17. They played poor in more than two games though. I agree, panic is silly. Its the same as planning the parade after a good game (like in Toronto). But its not the losing, its the way they lost. Helle is playing lights out though. If he just played average, are we better than last year? Because I think we make the playoffs last year if we get league average goaltending. Im not sure we know what this team is yet. Im anxiously awaiting 20 games to really have a solid snap shot of this team. But Maurice's past failings will hang over him until the team shows something in the playoffs. I think everyone has raised the expectation now where making the playing is a must. If they dont make the playoffs, regardless of why, I cant see Maurice being retained. Im not sure how successful they have to be in the playoffs. If they lose a great first round in 7 games thats not necessarily doom & gloom, especially since they have yet to win a single playoff game! lol
  18. You must be testy this morning (or so). I dont hate the goalie coach. Can you imagine hating the goalie coach? lol How weird would that be. Why would I criticize the team for Scheif's off-ice work? I fail to see the connection... Do you love the goalie coach? Are you suggesting if Helle didnt go to that camp this summer that it means he doesnt have drive? Does it mean he only had drive this year (presumably he did not attend that camp last year). I made the point that Helle showed initiative. I didnt mention Flaherty. Who said anything about not having drive? I said the opposite by pointing out he took the camp on his own.
  19. Im not convinced we've turned a corner yet either. The bad games this young season were REALLY bad. They now have a goalie playing way above average. Can he be top three all season? What happens when he drops down to "average"? And lets not forget that his play is directly attributable to efforts he made on his own time, to improve.
  20. Lots of chatter on social media about Quebec. I guess the news is a sale of the Hurricanes that would have kept them in Carolina has fallen through. You look at photos of attendance there and in Florida and its bad. At some point the Hurricanes ownership is going to want to broaden their sale options. Quebec is the softest landing spot. I think enough time has passed since the Thrashers relocation that the NHL could demand a very high relocation fee and Quebec would pay it (it would be lower than an expansion fee).
  21. If they make the playoffs and lose four straight again, I dont think I'd feel like we've made sufficient progress.
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