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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I detest the idea of going that far into the future. Star Trek is science fiction, not fantasy. It works because it's us extrapolated into the future. But the further you get from "now" the less grounded and connected it is. By Voyager time we had tremendous technology. Going another 100-200 years beyond and every ship should be crewed by Holograms and commanded telepathically. No drama in that.
  2. Yup and I think you need to show confidence in your starter and thats Helle. Given how he played against the Pens, assuming he plays well tonight, I'd keep Helle in. You DO need to get Mason back in at some point though so I can see them doing that tonight, using the back to back as the reason.
  3. It might be counter intuitive but I’d start Helle again.
  4. Murray is unbelievable. Helle not so bad himself.
  5. Yeah. I agree with you. WWE has a big corporate business has never been healthier. But it doesnt mean interest is higher. Their profits and record revenue is all related to their US TV contract and the big raise they got. Without it, they'd be in trouble. But they DO have it of course. But if TV had changed and didnt value what RAW generates (even on a decline), there'd be trouble. The Network s hovering around 1.5 million subs, far below what WWE predicted. But its profitable now. Its all related to Wrestlemania. Big jump for WM and then declines all year until the following WM. If they keep 1.5 million and keep getting raises on their TV deal, they will be profitable forever. They've even made cut backs over the last year to generate more profit (no pyro, cutting some original Network TV shows). The question is, is the softening of their live attendance and ratings a sign of declining interest in WWE? Logically, yes it is. And their median age of fan rises. So we can extrapolate that WWE is having trouble generating NEW fans. In 10 years, what does their audience look like? In 20 years? Oddly, their audience for TV and PPV is really different from their audience for live events. Live events trend younger. Its old fans bringing their kids. Its very much a touring act in the vein of the circus or ice capades. If I was WWE, I'd be concerned over declining numbers for TV and live events though, in a long term sense. I also think the numbers tell us WWE could experiment more with pushing different guys and changing up their TV. As a well-oiled machine, they are a slick money-maker in all regards. Nothing will change that (outside of losing their TV deal). All the big matches they gave us on PPV all summer meant nothing (in fact they had large declines). So spend the post WM time building new stars. And with ratings declining or, at best, static, the oinly thing that pops a rating is a big return, a big angle (which WWE hardly does) or post PPV interest when something interesting happens. That tells me their show is boring (which is obvious) and since you cant make it worse by being MORE interesting, its time to shake things up and take chances. If they can land Omega (and the Bucks for that matter) in early 2018, they could generate a ton of interest. Their TV deal expires end of next year and they will surely get another big raise so these profits will continue for the foreseeable future. I wonder if Vince's end game isnt a sale of WWE to a conglomerate (like Disney) for several billion dollars.
  6. Guys, I think WWE is going to be okay: WWE reported this morning revenues of $186.4 million and profits of $21.8 million for the third quarter of this year, numbers that beat Wall Street estimates of $172 million and $15 million. The strong numbers led to a stock price increase of $2.27 per share to $23.82 at the time of this writing. This would make the first quarter in recent memory where the profits beat the dividend payout, which was $9.42 million.
  7. Good news is, Jeff Jarrett has now checked into rehab...provided by WWE.
  8. It was always on my "to-do" list but I just never got around to it. I do like period movies though, especially "olden" times. Deadwood was great.
  9. A new Western series on Netflix. Warning, there is some salty language in the trailer but it looks great!
  10. This is really interesting. I love the character and he was originally in the script for the solo batman film
  11. Anyone follow the Moose? Im intigued by this top line of Buddy Robinson, Jack Roslovic and Michael Sgarbossa that appear to be tearing it up. Robinson is 6'6, 26 years old and was part of the Senators' organization (played a handful of NHL games). EDIT: Sounds like its Robinson - Sgarbossa - Appleton. But what do I know.
  12. Interestingly, I read up a little about that episode (Im a bit of a Trek nerd) and it was originally written for someone else and the role was "stronger". For example, instead of Decker being overcome with grief, he was more enraged and wanting revenge. it was envisioned as a Moby **** story. They also pulled back from of his lines so he didnt seem like a stronger character than Kirk.
  13. Montreal needs lots of help so it could be anything...
  14. Discovery takes place before that episode of TOS: The Doomsday Machine. In that episode, Matt Decker was a Commodore who's ship came under attack by the Planet Killer. He beamed his crew to safety, or so he thought, on the planet below. The Planet Killer destroyed the planet, killing the crew and essentially driving Decker mad. While he did take command of the Enterprise, it turns out his plan was the correct one. He stole a shuttle and exploded it inside the Planet Killer, causing a drop in power. That gave Kirk the idea of using Decker's damaged ship to create a larger explosion, destroying the Planet Killer. And even though we know what Decker did in that episode, Kirk recorded that he gave his life in the line of duty. A novel later established that Kirk kept the details cloudy and the implication was that Decker piloted his ship into the Planet Killer and destroyed it rather than Kirk piloting the ship (and being beamed off at the last second).
  15. Im not sure its that strong a point. Although their stats are very similar. Hutch is a lot younger and might still be seen as a reclamation project. He was better last year than Niemi. I havent investigated other back up goalie options. But I'd suspect Hutch would be on most teams list of potential back up or #3 goalies.
  16. Im curious to see of Orville gets a renewal as its ratings have dropped a lot.
  17. Sounds like the Niemi experiment may be over. He’s on waivers.
  18. Good for Harry. He’s a good guy. Speaking of Calgary, TNA has officially cut ties wirh Jeff Jarrett seemingly as a result of what happened over the weekend on an Indy show there jJ arrived drunk. Remained drunk. Performed drunk and went home before the second show he was booked for guy needs to get his **** together.
  19. So we have a chance! 1-in-238 is damned good odds.
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