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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Pro wrestling isnt an Olympic sport. Enzo draws heat and ratings. Which is good for everyone.
  2. This is a good point. I got an iPad because I got a sweet deal. Mostly, my thought was this - last year when I went to Las Vegas, the plane had that wifi set up (no TV in the seat back). So you watch TV and movies through your own device. I just had my iPhone so it wasnt that fun watching TV on my little screen. I figure this year when I go away, Ill enjoy the larger screen of the iPad. But now that I've had it for a couple of months, I hardly use it because it really is just a larger iPhone. Im sure some people use them all the time...just for me, I haven't yet assimilated it into every day use.
  3. Voyager was mostly boring. Great concept on paper but they never executed it. They over-used the Borg. In the first couple episodes they set up a great story where they were alone with limited resources (the whole point of Neelix being the cook was because they were rationing replicator power) and two crews coming together that hated each other. But every episode the ship would get beat up and be fine for the next episode, they needed a cook but used the holodeck all the time, and the hated Maquis just became immediately assimilated into the Starfleet crew. boring. Enterprise was similar. Great concept but never executed well. I love Scott Bakula but he was badly miscast as Archer. The whole Xindi war arc was terrible and boring and ended with Nazis...ugh. By the time Manny Coto came aboard to showrun the final season and begin paying off the prequel concept, it was too late. Even then, Coto got too focused on explaining canon violations, like why the Vulcan's were jerks and why the Klingons looked different. basically answering questions that nobody asked. And Enterprise had the single worst finale in Trek history. DS9 had the best cast, best writers and best stories.
  4. Great game by Helle. That curve ball was unfortunate and crazy. Cant blame him.
  5. He absolutely said he was considering making a change for "health and play". That happened.
  6. Dreger's perspective was, its not that he'd get more if they were both free agents at the same time, but that the cam goes up so if you're star player is a certain percentage of the cap, then Matthews' salary will be higher simply based off of negotiating later with a higher cap.
  7. I have no idea what this is about but it sounds intriguing
  8. Oh well, hey we can just forget about discussing and go right to insults. Like for example, your reading comprehension is poor. Maurice himself said he was considering a change due to play. As I stated previously, I think Buff was scratched because he is hurt. I think that is clear. But given his level of play in those games, there is relevancy to people discussing it. You dont have to partake if it insults your "intelligence".
  9. Sometimes people get scratched for sucking. Thats common sense too.
  10. One of the things he was pissed about, supposedly, is that his match against Austin Aries at WrestleMania was left off the DVD so he received no royalties. Aries was also angry about that and he quit some time back.
  11. They're rendered in SD. So they can be "blown up" to HD quality but would look fuzzy. They have to be completely re-done. And unlike TNG, they used CGI more often, even for ships, rather than models. DS9 especially, had many ship battle scenes that would all have to be re-done. Knowing CBS, they wont do it unless they can do it at a really high level of quality. So they'd re-create from scratch.
  12. Yes. TOS HD treatment was successful and prompted them to do TNG. TNG was a lot of work. They used the original negatives, scanned them into an HD workflow and then used timestamps and episode notes to stitch them back together. SFX done on video, like phasers, planets etc were re-created. Fortunately, most of the ships were done with models and had tremendous detailing. CBS did great work on it., a really really great job. But some feel the blu rays were priced too high and came at a time when streaming began taking off so CBS sort of bet on Blu Ray sales that didn't materialize. To do DS9 and Voyager is supposedly going to cost $40 million because they used more CGI than TNG. But that CGI was rendered to the standards of the day thus needs to be recreated. And I guess assembling from scratch from tons of negatives is a painstaking process. My feeling is, they eventually HAVE to do it because Star Trek makes lots of money for CBS because they are heavily syndicated and streamed. But who's going to watch DS9 in SD on a big tv? So CBS will get less and less fees for those unless they upgrade them. Maybe they can budget them into the over-all budget for All Access. Once they launch All Access in 4K (presumably they will), its sort of muting the celebration when two of your series are in SD. Or perhaps they can make a deal with Netflix to share the costs in return for a sweetheart deal on streaming them. It has to be done. They always said Star Trek always makes money. Sometimes it takes longer than hoped for...but in the end, every series and film makes profit because they are watched forever. EDIT: The people who made DS9, like Ira Behr, are making a documentary about DS9. They crowdfunded it and it was so successful they have enough money to do some limited clips in HD to show off what it can do. Hopefully the success of the documentary will revive interest in a full conversion. Here's a test video of DS9 in HD (taking into account Youtube compresses it, it still looks awesome):
  13. They really need to give DS9 the HD treatment. I recently re-watched the TNG pilot and the DS9 pilot and DS9 was lightyears ahead of TNG in terms of quality - acting, writing, depth of characters, everything.
  14. We asked the same thing about the Coyotes. And they found an owner (a couple of times). The NHL felt more invested in that fight because they pushed for the taxpayer-funded arena, PLUS, it became a battle over who had the right to decide - the NHL or the team owner - so the NHL had a point to make. Im only saying, the NHL will look long and hard for an owner willing to keep the team in Carolina before allowing relocation. And if its relocation it will be to someone the NHL wants, not whomever pays the Hurricanes the most.
  15. He can only sell to an NHL-approved owner. So it wouldnt matter if a relocation option offered him a billion dollars, its up to the NHL. The Hurricanes have operational control of the arena, but I believe its not owned by the team. In Atlanta, the Thrashers owners had the NHL over a barrel because they DID own the arena so any prospective team owners in Atlanta would have to negotiate with them to play there. Since the Thrashers owners didnt want hockey at their arena and their lacked a suitable alternative, the NHL had little option but to consider relocation. I doubt the NHL will be so easily moved on the Hurricanes. They will try to find a local owner, pressure local government to assist etc. before considering relocation. But Quebec would be a soft landing spot. The NHL would rather get a half billion expansion fee before relocating for a fraction of that though.
  16. Isnt Buff's ice time down this season from years past? Im not sure he's being over-played. At $7.9 million, he's going to play a lot.
  17. No, I believe 100% that Buff has an "injury". I also believe 100% that Maurice was not happy with Buff's play.
  18. Yeah, Neville has been around long enough that I find it difficult to believe he'd quit over doing a job. Its possible he was promised something that was not delivered. Who knows. I'd suspect that, if he wants his release, the condition will be remaining silent on the matter. So we might not ever find out the real reason. Or he might cool off and be back next week.
  19. CBS hasnt released definitive numbers for All Access but some numbers out there seem to indicate 500,000 subscriptions were added around Discovery, taking All Access from about 1.5 million subs to 2 million subs. CBS wants 4 million by 2020. They have said more seasons of Discovery are "likely". I tend to think they know 100% that they are renewing it but waiting for a particular time to announce. Discovery just wrapped production for the entirety of season 1.
  20. Enzo is one of the most charismatic guys in WWE and has actually helped steady RAW ratings which is why he's been featured the last few weeks.
  21. Jimmy Jacobs, former ROH worker and recent writer with WWE was fired by wwe for posting a photo of himself with the Bucks.
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