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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Not sure what you mean by “this board”. Has it become sentient? Also, can you bring back the winning lottery numbers on your next trip to the future?
  2. If they had chosen sanders they’d have lost. I’d generally steer clear of Putin’s top picks. Warren was the obvious pick but interesting her numbers declined when she got aggressive. The b-word problem is real among far too many voters (including an alarming number of women)
  3. What’s your point? Are you hoping for more death and chaos?
  4. I predicted a mid May scenario for beginning to normalize. At times that seemed crazy. But there is a lot of talk of “August” for sports and I think mid May as a beginning to loosen period gives you a clear glide path towards July/August
  5. Weird because I read a story that claimed the opposite. For eample, in New York, their spike in "dead at home" cases during the pandemic which werent being counted as COVID because they werent testing dead bodies. But I guess there are stories that can support any position, no matter how untrue.
  6. I was wondering, is there a hotline for that? I see he has now actually posted that the government is "forcing" him to declare his business a "Church" and none of his items are for sale, they are now being given away for a "suitable donation". Uh huh.
  7. This is key. Trump doesn’t even realize that the pandemic has actually been helpful for him. The economic disaster won’t be. And when Biden really begins reminding Americans why a failure he is, it won’t be either. The Dems have to be unified. Everyone of them has to be out campaigning and funneling their supporters to Biden. Generating new voters for Biden. A wave.
  8. Well if you get fired you can collect CERB!
  9. Its interesting because students and the unemployed dont qualify for CERB because they werent making an income but this is killing their job prospects. I believe those on EI are getting bumped up. But if this student program means a student will get a part time job...why not just let them CERB? And ofcourse, change the CERB rules to allow a person making partial income to apply. Talked about a half baked plan. "Hey, just tell the nation is awesome and no one will ever have to worry. We'll screw em later." Then you've got people cheating. I know a guy who has two FB accounts. His personal account where he is bragging about how easy it was to apply for CERB and he cant wait for the cheque to buy a case of booze. His "professional" fb is his online collectibles business with a big heading of "we are open".
  10. Normally but I think this will be different. Maybe no investigations in terms of crimes committed while president. But a DOJ that isn’t handcuffed will have plenty of crimes to investigate surrounding trump.
  11. nothing about CERB though. Big surprise.
  12. I doubt the people working on the implementation are dropping due to the virus. And most of what Ive heard about the ease of applying has been positive. Its not the execution so much as the Prime Minister saying one thing and reality being another. Also, as I said, we specifically asked our MP who was very specific in his response that CERB was for anyone negatively impacted and if you had reduced income but still had some income, it was for you. Imagine his surprise when it wasnt. Couple more examples. My sister is 20, just got her own apt last year. Working full time at a juice place. The business has obviously been hit with reduced revenue so they are giving everyone 1-2 shifts per week. By doing that, she doesnt qualify for CERB but still cant pay her rent. A friend is a gig worker, free lance writer. He actually suffered when a couple of outstanding invoices have gone unpaid because the people who hired him were hit by this, so he's fine with that. What can he do. He actually does qualify for CERB right now, but he has some usual work that is coming up. You're not supposed to decline work but if he doesnt, he might take a gig for, say $300 and then not qualify anymore. One thing, this shows the importance of having some savings. But we know that anyway. Most people cant. This is an extenuating situation.
  13. I’d sign deMelo and go looking for another top 4 D. Maybe Hamonic. If we’re signing fringe guys then no issue with Beaulieu. Jets probably sign bitetto.
  14. https://www.iheartradio.ca/newstalk-1010/news/come-on-people-family-admits-to-exposing-technician-to-covid-19-after-installation-1.11647118
  15. It was specifically stated it would be there as a support for anyone negatively impacted by the pandemic. Self employed were specifically mentioned. We actually emailed our MP (a liberal) to verify and he specifically said it would be there for people who had their income reduced by the pandemic. Then it launched it was not for people with reduced income. It was for people with no income. I saw a business write on social media that they were trying to support their workers by giving everyone one or two shifts a week. But they screwed them by doing that. Someone going from full time employment to one or two shifts has been drastically negatively impacted but because they make at least $1 they don’t qualify for CERB. And you specifically cannot decline work to make yourself qualify. And no one wants to decline work anyway because you don’t to risk losing your job or losing clients. Trudeau said all the right things. He sold CERB as a simple solution for anyone and everyone impacted. That was untrue. And now they are suggesting they will fix it and allow reduced income earners to apply. Because of all the push back from people wanting the government to deliver what they said they’d deliver in the first place. Thats my problem with it. I expect it be fixed. Because of outrage. And media coverage. (And btw, pressure from the opposition parties). But the program should have been what they promised it would be. Which I thought I was awesome. I thought wow, Trudeau is hitting a home run. Turns out it was a bunt.
  16. You took exception to someone else expressing they had issues. I assume you’re telling the truth when you said you had a posit live experience just as I trust the negative experience too (cause I’ve heard it directly from people). Why should I hve to find an alternative to the CERB? I don’t even understand that. Whether Trudeau sucks or not he’s still my PM. He’s the one that mischaracterized CERB (and the numerous news stories over the last 24 hours pointing that out are proof). I don’t hate Trudeau. I don’t hate anyone. But facts are facts. He was disingenuous. CERB is not working for many of the people it was specifically stated to be for. Maybe you’re not aware of it because it doesn’t impact you or people close to you and that’s ok. I’m expressing the negative aspect of it which is true. Also I was very critical of Scheer. It’s not about criticism. It’s about you comparing something that hasn’t happened to something that is. It’s Irrelevant. I can rip JT based on what he is and what he’s doing. Scheer ain’t the PM. And thank goodness for that btw
  17. Are you suggesting that everyone else’s experiences are untrue? you’re wrong on the facts. And your embracing of Trudeau is totally your business but you can’t say what Scheer would or wouldn’t do when you have no idea. Whataboutism sucks either way. Trudeau either lied or was mistaken when he said what CERB would be vs what it is. In fact I hve in writing from our MP exactly what Trudeau said and it’s not accurate. Hence why there are several news articles stating exactly what I said was an issue. You’re just wrong. Now hopefully they do correct it and correct it quickly. But if you don’t want someone’s blind love for trump to cloud facts you can’t do the same for empty suit JT.
  18. Not huge, but not small either. Excellent. Re-signing Demelo is really important moving forward.
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