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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Ive seen talk of potential mental health issues and some of which can be hereditary. Of course, you still no right from wrong, especially when planning such an awful thing. Interestingly, when the University sniper (US, years ago) was autopsied, he had a tumor pressing on the part of the brain that deals with aggression. So its always interesting looking some clues in the physical and mental. But it should not excuse the act.
  2. And imagine all those Generals and other military people in the room just shaking their heads at this guy. Like he's joking about war... he's tragically out of touch. Same guy that goes to Puerto Rico, calls it a "wonderful day" and "a good news story" and throws paper towels to people. His Sec of State is right, Trump is a ******* moron
  3. Looks like Brock will be working Survivor Series, probably against Balor, which is an intriguing match. So Brock will be doing a RAW later this month and in November.
  4. FOX's exclusive negotiating period with UFC has expired. So UFC can negotiate with other outlets for their next TV deal. Current deal expires end of 2018 and is about $140 million for next year. When UFC was bought, the idea was they could get $400 million per year on the next deal but internally, they actually hope and expect to get close to $250 million. Which is obviously very significant.
  5. The vocal minority of these types that stockpile believe the constitution gives them the right for the sole reason of being prepared to fight the government (or invading force). The fact people would stockpile weapons for an "inevitable" fight with the government should be the first red flag. And Im pretty sure England wont be invading anytime soon. Unless Red Dawn happens, these guys can lay down their weapons. It really is ridiculous.
  6. Yup.. Shows many holes, even in the current level of gun control. The guy was smart enough to know that even a gun seller would be suspicious of his purchases so he moved around. Should be a national database of gun (if there isnt already) and owning more than X amount or owning a certain combo earns you a visit from the FBI. This guy was on no ones radar and had a stockpile. Ridiculous.
  7. At some point, if the team continues to struggle, the message of accountability will be lost because the players will say "if WE have to be accountable why doesnt management?" Ofcourse, this doesnt account for the fact the Jets are going to rattle off 7 straight wins here...
  8. Note to self: if you ever meet Brie Larson, do not ask for number.
  9. This is either very telling or very irresponsble From CNN: Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump hosted his top military brass and their spouses for dinner at the White House on Thursday night. The group posed for a photo. Then this exchange with reporters happened: Trump: "You guys know what this represents? Maybe it's the calm before the storm." Reporter: "What's the storm?" Trump: "It could be ... the calm, the calm before the storm." Trump: "We have the world's great military people in this room, I will tell you that. And uh, we're gonna have a great evening, thank you all for coming." Reporter: "What storm, Mr. President?" Trump: "You'll find out."
  10. Mason was actually pretty good for much of the first game and made some big saves. I have very little doubt he will settle into being a goalie that makes the vast majority of saves he's supposed and a lot of the ones that werent being saved in years past. I agree about replacing the coaches. The truth is, every coach gets fired. Coaches win the cup, win Coach of the Year awards, are lauded for their brilliance and still get fired. Results and consequences gets coaches fired. Jets want an air of responsibility and committment. But every goalie that has played for the Jets has under-performed. Noel got fired when the team under-performed. The fact Flaherty still has a job is actually mind blowing. At some point you have to fire him just based on common sense consequences. Poor results = change the voice/vision. I've harped on this before but other teams change their goalie coach numerous times to find the right fit for their starting goalie. The Jets change goalies looking for the right fit for their coach. Huddy is supposedly a really good coach but again, based on results at what point do you make a change? Good coaches get fired all the time. I suspect there will be no coaching changes though. I think Chevy has set this team up the way he likes and if they fail to produce, its a major house cleaning. If Maurice gets fired, they will ALL get fired. Except Flaherty.
  11. You come back with Mason. Have to really. Its not like Helle was a revelation in relief so to me, there is no question. Mason is your starter. You come back with him.
  12. Chevy generally gets a pass by people. I felt he could have done more to try and salvage last season. But that aside, in hindsight its always better to focus on long term than short term. Even if Mason is a flop, that doesnt hang on Chevy. Mason is *at least* average and a big step up from Hutch last season. So immediately out goalie tandem is better. Kulikov was probably the best free agent D man available. And its depth because our biggest issue on D was half of it was hurt all season. Plus he signed Poolman. He can only look at available facts and do what he thinks is best. He cant predict if players will be better or worse than that information would tell him.
  13. I suspect he did have an agenda. We'll see more and more come out. He staked out different sites to do this. I heard on CNN that there as evidence he intended to get away and escape. So its not just the idea of a suicidal nut case trying to go out in a blaze of glory. He also apparently bought guns in different states from different dealers to help avoid suspicion. So he certainly put a lot of thought and effort into doing this. And that would seem to indicate an agenda.
  14. Makes us feel a bit better I guess. Will they regret letting fleury go. Where Is J Toews?
  15. To cause time travel? No kidding! But its not an accurate method of time travel. he missed his target by a year
  16. But what if he’s telling the truth?
  17. Being on the road should help put this behind them. Very disappointing. Very embarrassing. Too much talent to play like that.
  18. Jets will probably be all right. Going on the road, they might win 2 of the 3. But that was so embarrassing. And so weird. It was an brilliant example of every issue that plagued this team for years that they said they were going to fix. The idea of "nerves", I dont buy. if this team is so nervous for a home opener they play like that, we have no hopes of ever winning a playoff game. At some point the excuses and sound bytes and analysis by Maurice wont be enough. If the Jets win the next ten, great. But THAT performance will always linger in the background. But....here's hoping they got their worst game out of the way on day one.
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