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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The best part of the Eichel deal is reports that he felt he left money on the table for the team to use on other players. lol Regarding the Cap, as others have said, its a false cap based on the PA escalating it and then having it clawed back through escrow. I think its a strategy on the part of the PA to anger the players who dont understand how it works. They all want a lower escrow but keep going along with the escalator. 50% of revenue is 50% of revenue whether you trigger an escalator to 100 million or drop down to 70 million. Upon completion of the next contract there will be a long, nasty work stoppage. And the end result will be the cap (and wages) rolled back.
  2. You’re right. The improvement was remarkable.
  3. The third line is the only good thing to talk about.
  4. This is one of the worst losses ever for this team when you consider the talent. The changes. Everything they said. And opening game at home. One of the most embarrassing games.
  5. I thought the previous six years was the learning experience.
  6. No. But I mean it’s game one. At home. It’s embarrassing. No excuse for this performance.
  7. Yup. Sure it’s one game. Yadda yadda. But literally every single thing they said they would improve on they have put on display
  8. Complete embarrassment. This is the type of game that if it was January it gets someone fired. Where is the heart on this team. . Game One?!?
  9. They’re being boo’ed. It’s the first game of the season. Ugh. Chevy looked pissed off at first intermission.
  10. 0 for 6 is because of Anderson. But it’s hard to question Maurice. Outsmarts himself. Play the best players the most. Score 6. And let’s go home.
  11. Okay. Season opener. At home. There is something wrong with this team.
  12. Mason isn’t terrible. Made some good saves. Let in one horrible goal. Bad d. Anderson amazing. Jets could have had half a dozen. My concern isn’t that jets have zero. It’s the focus on reducing goals against and being disciplined and we see neither in game one.
  13. I was also going to mention Australia where their strict gun control had an immediate and clear positive impact. This is common sense stuff. Its not complicated. And every single one of these lying politicians who deflect it away has blood on their hands. Ryan trying to say its a mental health issue and we have to weed those people out better. So they want more invasive efforts to identify mentally disturbed people but more passive gun control. WTF. These GOP is in the midst of loosening regulations on silencers. Among other efforts to lessen gun control. Assault rifles exist to kill humans. Period. Thats it. Common sense - adopt Australia's program. Just adopt it. Its great. CNN had some polling that showed the majority of Americans are ready for stricter gun control. And those with guns say "protection" is their leading reason for having. This is so common sense. Hunters want rifles. Homeowners want hand guns. Get rid of semi auto, assault rifles, pump action etc. Its brain dead simple. I dont know how easy it is to get a firearms license in the US but I imagine not that hard. Hell, we have a graduated drivers licensing here where it takes months of restrictions to get a license. I see people saying "if you take their guns they will use knives". The single stupidest argument of them all. I saw them say he had a highly illegal, hard to get on the black market machine gun. Oh really. Not that hard to get obviously. How about owning more than, I dont know, 10 ******* guns is a big red flag. Take the guns. Just ******* take the guns.
  14. So if they disallow people easy access to these types of weapons, it wont stop? The difference between a guy with 42 weapons including assault rifles, autos etc and a guy with a hand gun or hinting rifle is the difference between killing 58 and killing 4. Not perfect but a hell of a lot better.
  15. Yeah, Jets might be in the market for a replacement. Maybe not.
  16. Deadline to reduce rosters to...24? Whatever the number. You can waive guys all season.
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