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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Details on the shooter. Interestingly his father was a bank robber and on the FBI most wanted list. http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/02/us/las-vegas-attack-stephen-paddock-trnd/index.html
  2. Interesting. There are less bad drivers than I would have thought.
  3. There also seems to be questions of guys like Myers. So if they can play 100%...but not all the time, you create an opportunity to spell them from time to time if needed. Im no expert. So its a matter of whats better for the player - being around the pros or playing top minutes with the minor pros?
  4. The issue here is an attempt to politicize this because Linda McMahon (Shane's mom) is part of Trump's cabinet and most of Team Trump is against legalizing pot.
  5. What if we're incredibly healthy on the back end this season? Does it make Toby expendable early? The instinct would be (if the Jets really do compete this year) to keep him and have depth for the playoffs.
  6. Very true. Just guessing. Maybe using "assault rifle" as a catch call for deadly machine gun style weapon that average people do not need. Witnesses make it seem like he paused to reload/change mags.
  7. In what way? People commit mass murder with knives? People will always kill. The point is to make it harder to kill in masses. Charles Witman killed 17 people in a similar action using rifles (he was a sharpshooter). Had he had assault rifles, it would have been much worse. It also took much longer for police at that time to respond appropriately.
  8. Planes is a good example. We did not ban planed after 9/11. But we banned weapons that the terrorists used. We changed the culture of how one is to act in a hijacking. We made it very difficult to access a cockpit. We reduced the ease at which one might weaponize an airplane. In the same way, we should reduce the ease in which one might commit mass murder using guns.
  9. How many of these gun attacks trace their weapons to collectors? One of the coolest things to do in Vegas is fire assault weapons. But Im not sure anyone is concerned about the people who own the gun range are going to go rogue. Thats a very specific thing. Same with gun collecting really. Its only been recently that they made it so you couldnt just buy and sell guns at conventions or whatever without registrations and licenses. Having a "collectors" license...thats one thing. It should be considered the moral responsibility of leadership to remove these weapons from general population. As others have said, the gun culture is one thing but surely a minority of people in the US.
  10. Thats a great idea! lol massive taxes for registering your guns and massive fines for not.
  11. If I understand correctly this would mean Copp & Hendricks are on IR to start...or, if they arent, there are more changes coming. In Moose news:
  12. They prey upon people's fears. First they come for your guns, then they come for ...insert whatever is important to those people. Its utterly ridiculous. If Trump's being President actually resulted in such a backlash to the GOP (which I tend to doubt) that the Dems won majority control of everything...and then rammed through a strict gun control law, it will have been worth it.
  13. How did you hold and fire one? It would be very effective. Because it would mean any one with one suddenly becomes very conspicuous. You could be right. I'd like to see stats on gun attacks and how many were done using registered and legal weapons vs ones that were stolen or acquired illegally.
  14. It sort of dovetails to the Constitutional argument. It means accepting that the founding fathers really intended for guns, in any form, to be a right of the people. And I think that's rather silly. But I know others think the constitution is sacrosanct even though the fact there are numerous amendments would tell us its not.
  15. That's good for checking in. What about every other time I, as a hotel patron, come and go? Or walk through the casino? Generally, only hotel guests are allowed to access the hotel room area. In one hotel I stayed at, you had to swipe your room key card to go up. In another, you didnt, you just went up the elevator. Im definitely interested in how this guy assembled his arsenel in his room, what video cameras caught (because there is amazing security in Vegas hotels/casinos. Did they miss a guy with 10 gun bags? Did it matter? Did he have them all broken down so they fit in normal suit cases? Did he bring them in in multiple trips?
  16. I disagree. Just because deranged people can break laws to get weapons doesnt mean we should make it easy for them. Really determined people can sneak weapons on planes too but we still try to stop them...we still ban those weapons on planes. These kinds of assault weapons being legal is the difference between a guy with a smaller weapon killing 5 people and someone killing 50. You might not stop the intent or the act, but you sure can mitigate it. If there is any sensible reason to legally own an assault rifle, I'd love to hear it.
  17. http://www.newsweek.com/las-vegas-gun-laws-open-carry-concealed-weapon-machine-guns-all-legal-nevada-675310 Nevada has some of the most-relaxed gun laws in the country Nevada law does not require firearms owners to have licenses, register their weapons, or limits the number of firearms an individual posses. Automatic assault weapons and machine guns are also legal in the state as long as they are registered and are possessed in adherence to federal law, according to the National Rifle Association. I guess we can take comfort in knowing this vile murderer likely registered his assault weapons before killing 50 people.
  18. 1) remove the right 2) I get sport shooting. Im going to guess this guy was not a sport shooter (but you never know) The issue with the former is of course the constitution. And we've had this debate many times. I personally fall on the side of those who dont believe the constitution guarantees that right at all. It's quite specific. Others argue the opposite. One thing everyone can agree on, the founding fathers did not envision assault riffles so I cant see how that even enters the debate. You can maintain a right to bear arms while restricting access to military grade weapons. Can someone own a tank? If someone gets a nuke, can they own that? I think most gun nuts, the "smart" ones anyway, their argument is not that we WANT assault rifles or that we NEED assault rifles. Its sure, take the assault rifles but if they take those, they will come for your other guns next. And thats where the discussion ends.
  19. True. But again, this is a matter of trying to put a ban aid on a massive wound. The guy wanting to pick off people from his window isnt going to check his weapon in with security. So, would complete airport level scanners and pat downs at hotels work? I suppose. But anyone who's been to Vegas or any large city can see how that is not really practical. And again, it might stop the guy from taking 10 rifles to his hotel room. But it doesnt stop him from walking up to the concert grounds and opening fire.
  20. Casinos are very open. Thats the point, people walk in and through all the time. In fact, you WANT to in the summer because its hot as balls and the casinos are very air conditioned. They wont be doing door security at casinos, not invasive anyway. Nevada is an Open Carry state. You can get carry conceal but you have to be authorized by the Sheriff I believe. There is no long gun law. Im not sure what that means. But I think you can posses long guns. So really, someone with appropriately stored guns, including rifles, have no issues in Nevada. I know some people are pushing back on this and saying the tragedy is being politicized. Shouldn't it though? There is no reason to have 1) assault rifles unless you intend to kill human being 2) multiple weapons.
  21. I have to assume that Tanev is getting a look...but that has to be Connor's spot. Tanev is fast but doesnt really need a stick when he plays.
  22. That would surprise me. Are there not gun conventions in Vegas? How would one bring their guns if they cant keep them? Would a guy checking in with a legally acquired assault rifle raise any alarms before last night?
  23. Poolman and Connor make the team. Man...that is really interesting on Poolman's side. I wonder if its indicative of some banged up bodies. Unless they see more value in him being around the big club and practicing with pros then playing top minutes with the Moose. Didnt they do this with someone last year..Petan, maybe? Or Connor? Where they kept him for awhile and then finally sent him down to get more playing time.
  24. I disagree. Does hotel security know what you're carrying when you check in? Sure, if he clearly had an arsenal of weapons then someone should have been notified. But its also Las Vegas. Would it be that unusual for someone to have a gun case? These weapons are legal. Thats the problem.
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