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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. True. Maybe the issue wasnt this guy and his weapons. It was that the 50 people killed didnt also have weapons. Im being sarcastic but thats basically the argument of gun nuts.
  2. The thing is, the immediate reaction will be more security at hotels, make sure windows cant be opened etc. But thats really not the solution. Its like the answer to the Edmonton attack being banning trucks. The issue is guns. Period. Guns guns guns. That's the problem. And while this guy could still attack people with a hunting rifle or hand gun, he aint picking off 50 from the 23rd floor with those weapons. Take away these guns that have absolutely no reason for existence other then killing human beings.
  3. Imagine if he got there with all of his guns and ammo and prepared for this horrible act and was foiled because he couldnt open the window. if only... Its hard not to want to on an anti-gun rant when we see this. A lot of gun nuts will be hiding today. Didnt Trump say if Clinton won, they would come for "our guns". I wouldnt mind if someone had come for this guys' guns...
  4. Most of them are sealed but not all. The Tropicana across the street has windows that open partially, like for venting but you can fit your arm outside (I held my camera outside the window to take pics). But at Cosmo you can rent a room with a balcony. Other hotels, windows open. But even if the window doesnt open and you have an assault rifle, it would not be hard to break.
  5. Im not sure if it didnt start that way, Apparently its a staple of Bryan Fuller to do that, name characters with traditionally opposite-gender names. Since he's gone and they kept the name we can only assume there is a reason or they simply liked the idea. I think Fuller does it, not for some political statement about men and women and gender etc but to be unique and a create a bit of uncomfortableness right away. A lot of Trek "fans" complained about, especially the jerks who likened it to overly PC, gay-pandering etc. So it was funny to see a scene where another character actually says the same thing.
  6. Thats not why they did it. There was a scene in last night's episode where another character remarked that she didnt know any other women named Michael.
  7. Awful. Man firing, presumably an assault rifle, from a high floor window of the Mandalay Bay hotel, towards a concert taking place across the street
  8. Jagr didn’t want to play in the West. That might change out of desperation. But to him, Vegas would have to be about the worst case scenario.
  9. Born Monty Halparin in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in Canada, Hall grew up during the Depression. In 1942, Hall was doing manual labor at the time when a wealthy stranger offered to pay for his college education on condition that he repaid the money, got top grades, kept his benefactor’s name anonymous and agreed to help someone else.
  10. His comments are beyond stupid. He’s a vile human being.
  11. On CBS, 9.6 million. That does it count those that would have just watched on CBSAllAccess streaming. They expected to hit close to 15 million once DVR numbers were accounted for so far, very successful.
  12. Trekmovie Earlier this week we reported on the US ratings for the debut episode of Star Trek: Discovery and today Bell Media released the Canadian ratings for the first two episodes. Episode 1 brought in 1.17 million Canadian viewers on Space with episode 2 gaining with 1.2 million and according Bell Discovery “delivered the most-watched series audience ever on Canadian specialty TV.” The first hour was also shown on CTV and so the total combined viewership was 2.2 million viewers, making it the third most-watched series debut in Canada for the year. Discovery’s debut on Crave TV also set a record for that streaming service.
  13. Luke Bryan is a good idea. I dont watch but thats a good idea.
  14. If he's doing straight to DVD movies for little money why wouldnt he do the Expendables?
  15. The ECW invasion was a work. The WWE invasion of WCW was a shoot. It was totally cool in that it was showing WCW (sort of) on RAW. But DX was so **** scared of getting arrested or having a shoot fight (none of DX were really tough, X-Pac being the smallest and toughest) that they were pretty lame. They actually thought WCW was going to send their shooters like Haku out to fight them and didnt want that to happen. They are super protective of their position as rulers of the world. The legitimate perspective is, if you own trademarks you have to defend them no matter what or it can be used against you. In the case of the Kliq hand sign, there is a real question of whether WWE owns it. They were denied a trademark on it in 2015 when they wanted to scoop it from New Japan (they tried to license Bullet Club but New Japan wasnt interesting in selling). The North Carolina state college used the sign for years and WWE admits DX saw it in Europe for something and began doing it. So its unlikely WWE can ever claim it. But for Bucks to assert fair use, they'd have to go to court and WWE would just bankrupt them. As it is, Bucks dont use the symbol on their Hot Topic clothing which are #2 sellers at that chain (I think Bucks said they sold 300,000 or 500,000 shirts in six months) so its not like its killing them.
  16. To me WWE comes across really humorless. Bucks spoof them and they're pissed. But on every Monday Night War retrospective, they show the "invasion" (which was really lame) as cutting edge and cool. The fact the Bucks are making a ton of money off merch is probably what is annoying WWE.
  17. The Young Bucks "invaded" RAW last week. Part of the rebellious image. It was a spoof of WWE invading WCW. Well, WWE was not amused. They immediately issued a cease & desist to the Bucks for use of the "Too Sweet" and the "Kliq" hand sign, which WWE doesnt actually own. Bucks response?
  18. I agree. I always argue Die Hard is a Christmas movie and we watch it every year. i enjoy Die Hard 2 as well. Under Siege was great and totally ripped off Die Hard. Die Hard should have taken back the concept through. I remember everyone being so outraged that Bruce Willis got that role since he was a comedy actor on Moonlighting. He was perfect for the role though. And Moonlighting was awesome!
  19. Yup. Chiarot seems tailor made for the 7th D role. He's decent as a fill in, but you're not wasting him in the Press Box. He could have a pretty decent career as a 7th D. Poolman should play big minutes and make sure he can handle it every day. The fact they played him on both sides would seem to indicate he's the first call up regardless of who might go down to injury. Nice problem to have for a change. if Niku works out too...and down the road, Stanley, we're looking ok. Especially if Trouba re-signs.
  20. lol Those are big cheques! I'd do it. I wish they'd get back to what Diehard is. As ridiculous as it might seem, its the everyman in a crazy situation. I think they wanted to expand on it after 2 and it made no sense. Taken doesnt try to be more then it is. Put John Mclean on a cruise ship.
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