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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yeah, I like the Clintons to a degree. And Hilary is sort of damned either way. There is a bit of a "*****" mentality with strong women that isnt deserved (I know I know...she can be ...tough). But she admits her failures. But regardless, if half the stuff being looked at is true, she got screwed big time.
  2. Not at all. I was being sarcastic...about both parties. Im perplexed you took the Dems remark as a personal insult. Im sorry you feel that way.
  3. Im not sure what you're talking about it. Sure, blah blah Dems suck blah blah Reps suck. I mean, what would the government do if they have proof that Trump didn't win (or that it was too close to call)? What's the mechanism for dealing with that?
  4. I dont have the story in front of me. But I know it was a mainstream story that election officials were told something about "most" numbers were not hacked. Which implies some were. There were some non mainstream stories about this and the idea that they might be investigating whether some of the actual votes were altered. Supposedly some areas where Trump won when it was a surprise, he won by just enough to not trigger a hand re-count. Im generally of the opinion, like Clinton stated at the time, not to risk sour grapes. You lose, you lose. BUT...the two big issues are, did anyone from Trump's team conspire with Russians to influence the election and/or were any real voting totals altered. If it's the former, you're likely looking at jail time, impeachment etc. But imagine its the latter. If they ever proved that actual numbers were changed and Trump might not have won...what would they do?
  5. Im very intrigued that they played Poolman on left D. I'd say thats simply to see if he can handle it due to being impressed and then he becomes the first call up to play either side. But it gives them some freedom with Toby after this season as well. I'd say it opens up trade possibilities but they dont need the cap space and if they really mean what they say about competing this year, no reason not to have deep D.
  6. Well yes...with 3 million less votes. And now you see stories, not quite mainstream yet, of hints that actual voting results might have been altered through hacks. If that is ever proven, the US has a constitutional crises on its hands. There is no mechanism for a do-over.
  7. Regarding Klingon culture, the idea that they dont care about bodies was a TNG thing. But the impression I get in Discovery is that respect for the dead is more a specific thing relating to this sect. It also retro-actively canonizes something from The Voyage Home. When Spock is studying with the computer he mentioned Klingon Mummification Glyphs. So it all makes sense. I also felt the Klingons were killed too easily. I can accept the Torchbearer because Michael used her thrusters. But I didnt feel it was very exciting. One thing I felt lacking in both episodes was a sense of desperation. It was almost too slick all the time. When Michael is first confronted by the Torchbearer, I'd have had him whip her ass in a fast, brutal way with her *desperately* backing off, flying around, dodging etc. Make that fight a struggle to the death. And then when Michael and Philippa fight the Klingons on the ship, again, pretty boring fight scenes. T'Kumva striking down at Phillipa and she blocks him? He's WAY stronger than she is. Needs more desperation. When Michael decides they have to attack first, again, I didnt see desperation. I DID re-watch the episodes and liked them more than I did on first viewing (expectations I suppose). And she was pretty desperate when talking in the ready room. But even Sarek told her not to do it...so Im not sure why she felt it was so important that she should attack her Captain. We get the hint that the Klingons killed her parents. But because that was only hinted at, we cant identify with that in THIS episode. I think I would have had the Klingons attack and do an extended fight scene with consoles blowing up, fires etc. More desperation. Like the first episode of Lost when the plane crashes and its just wave after wave of sensory input.
  8. Seeing NFL fans burning their tickets and merchandise...man, how can so many people be so stupid? Certainly within their rights, but how about donating them instead? Anyway, the Pens and Crosby are taking heat. I dont care that much. I'd respect them MORE if they declined to go to the White House. But I dont really respect them less for going. However, the Pens putting out their announcement when they did, was absolutely an endorsement. And if they didnt want it to be read that way, they should not have released it when they did. It was either a calculated statement on the issue or very stupid.
  9. I loved Party of Five. But this seems a bit weird. Like, it sounds like an entirely different show. Even if you call it Party of Five for some reason, its not a reboot. If anything, there might be value in resiting the original. They all still act but arent *that* huge that you couldnt get them for a reunion.
  10. Sounds like Rock n Roll express vs Anderson & Gallows at WWE Starrcade in November. That sounds....interesting.
  11. Poolman getting lots of opportunity on LD as well.
  12. I think it’s basically a beta to try it out before opening it to everyone. I don’t like it. Too much.
  13. Flair has consistently been one of the most respected guys everywhere he went. Especially during the territory days you had to be respected to go into multiple promotions and be put over. They used to put the world title on a legit tough guy to avoid screw jobs but Flair was not a tough guy. There was even a trip to Japan where they sent Harley Race with Flair as his bodyguard. Lol he did always pick up the tab though. They used to say he’d be the last one to leave the bar st night but the first one on the gym in the morning. And then go 60 minutes that evening. Sometimes twice super respected.
  14. lol that would make for an interesting read. Ric Flair's Greatest Exploits! One of the reasons he has financial issues is due to generosity. He always liked everyone else to party. I remember when he was in TNA, they went to the UK for shows and he'd always pick up the tab for everyone at the bar after the shows. It was TNA's policy to pay the boys at the end of the tour but Flair went to them half way through asking for his pay because he had no money...and wanted to keep picking up the tab! Heard another story. Can't remember where it was, but Flair enters a nice bar with the local sports team owner or someone of that ilk. Place is packed and everyone recognizes the entourage. Flair is acting super chill and professional and laid back. The group is taken upstairs to a private dining room. Some time later, Flair comes back down to the main bar area, still very quiet, and speaks to the bartender and goes back to the dining room. Bartender begins handing out drinks to everyone - Flair had come down to buy everyone a drink. After while, the entourage comes down to leave. Flair holds the door open as everyone exits and before he goes, he makes sure none of his party can see, he turns around, gives out a big "Wooooo!", does a little dance and exits. Also, Flair has a certain predilection when it comes to his ladies... "No hair, no Flair".
  15. The numbers are surely wrong. Its like saying I had a hundred beers at the Bombers game (it only felt like it the next day). Flair was "stylin & profilin" til very recently. He had a very young, very hot wife not that long ago (she appeared on RAW for his retirement). His current fiance played Fifi The Maid in WCW back in...oh, 94-ish I believe.
  16. They would have found him. Back in his travelling days. Not hard at all to think he had a different woman every night when he was in a different town.
  17. Yes, I doubt he can be saying that with any kind of accuracy. I'd take it as "LOTS AND LOTS" lol He used to travel a ton and wrestle in a different city almost every night. So its certainly conceivable he had a woman in every port (probably more than one).
  18. it doesnt have to do with racism in 99% of people? I'd take those odds, especially concerning Trump. You certainly have the right to call people expressing an opposing opinion "unhinged" but you undermine your own argument by doing so.
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