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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think its more that when someone seems like a White Supremacist and people come out and support that person, it rubs people the wrong way. You're also missing the point again. You're sarcastically saying he should be fired. But in doing so, you're supporting the position of Trump who wants NFL players fired for kneeling during the anthem. This person has a right to express his opinion, even if it is unreasonable. Which it is. When he crosses from "players should stand" to "or be fired", his statement transitions from a valid opinion to unreasonable. Ofcourse a player should not be fired for kneeling. Disagreeing with such a ludicrous position is not "unhinged". its actually pretty reasonable. And as much right as this person has to express his opinion, those that disagree can express theirs too, no? So why is only he side you disagree with "unhinged"?
  2. Yes and I think people generally dont like the idea of higher taxes and massive debt. While people do like getting stuff, I think the honeymoon is over. The second coming of Camelot never happened. But I have very little faith in the Cons to put together a successful campaign when the time comes.
  3. I think they think he's very good at generating heat while at the same time, they are using his real life backstage issues. Its sort of weird because while its a punishment to say he's a jerk, he's getting a push for it. Its about drawing eyeballs to 205live which under-performs on the Network.
  4. So the point was made earlier about Obama. I generally believe any argument in defense of Trump that begins "well what about Obama" is a diversionary tactic. Obama is not the President so its irrelevant. However, players have skipped the White House in the past, several under Obama. I dont believe Obama made any remarks at all about players choosing to attend. He certainly did not dis-invite the whole team or attack those players publicly. Obama also never attacked black athletes as SOB's, encouraged them to be fired or encouraged other people to be fired for being critical of him. He did not use his position to try and negatively influence many businesses and individuals to lose money or jobs. He did not call neo Nazi's very fine people. I dont think we can pretend the President is not very divisive on racial equality. And thats a nice way of putting it. Im sure there are a lot of people in Puerto Rico who wishes Trump was as invested in their plight as he is in which NFL players stand or kneel for a national anthem.
  5. No no my point was merely that the predominantly white Pens are more up Trump's ally. He will enjoy that photo. And the announcement came at a time when Trump could use it politically. What will it say to Trump's base that he's calling black players SOB's while celebrating the support of mostly white players?
  6. Are you suggesting meant mostly white as in they built a team like that on purpose? I think you missed my point lol
  7. Surely Trump will be asking for their resignation while ordering a full investigation.
  8. Funny. But Troy doesn’t write for the NY Times. So moot point.
  9. If an election were held today, the Cons would win a minority
  10. That’s certainly true. Although I’m not sure you do either. So let’s agree and move on.
  11. When did I assume everyone who disagrees with liberals is racists? Im a conservative, pal. lol
  12. Thats what I didnt understand either. it was a drive by insulting of everyone with no substance or context. Imagine thinking racism was a liberal creation. lol
  13. Again, what are you talking about? You pop in here to insult people without adding anything relevant or even expressing a cogent opinion, probably because you know your position is stupid. If I recall, you're an unabashed Trump lover. Ill take you're incorrect and silly description of me as "hysterical" over being so blindly in love with an ideological that you'd accept everything that goes with it, hook line & sinker. Which wasnt even the topic at hand. I guess you dont know why many players took knees yesterday right? Are you suggesting all conservatives are racists? Because that's idiocy.
  14. I have SPACE but I dont think i originally did. I think I added it awhile back. If it was a good streaming service I'd add it for Star Trek though. Most people complaining about it in the US are people who dont want to like it anyway.
  15. One of my disappointments is we didnt get much "lore" at all. There was really no mystery to anything at least nothing rooted in Trek mythology. So the ship was really just an outcast group of Klingons that had been preserving their dead for centuries.
  16. Do you even know what you're talking about?
  17. Connor. There is enough talent on that line to score.
  18. If you havent watched yet and dont want to be spoiled, dont read my review: I liked it. It was not perfect. It was flawed in many ways. But it was definitely a balls-to-the-wall effort. TONS of money clearly spent. Any argument about Orville vs Discovery are totally moot. Discovery is Star Trek. And its a film on TV. VERY cinematic. Looked beautiful. The core of the story is interesting and they were careful to make it fit into canon and even had some references to Enterprise (in-directly). I thought the pseudo religious cult Klingon stuff was weak and cutting back on that would have allowed more room to get to know the human characters we're supposed to care about. It really a prologue to the "real" story that begins next week. They spent two hours setting the table.
  19. You forgot the opening line Im sure you've used many times: "Im not racist but..."
  20. Ill get to my review in a little while. But most comments I've read (and I share, though they didnt bother me before I saw it) is that on screen is a lot better than the photos and short clips that have been seen. They are pretty different, unique personalities. The biggest complaint is that they only speak Klingon (lots of sub titles) and some people felt their dialogue was muffled through the major prosthetic. I didnt have an issue with this though.
  21. I think Ive changed my mind a bit about the Pens, who are my favourite team next to the Jets. They not only allowed themselves to be used as a pawn in Trump's racist games, they encouraged it with the timing of their announcement. Its hard not to look at it and see a bunch of white guys happy to go to the White House when predominantly black athletes are under fire from the President who actively wants their jobs taken away. Troy Westwood was irate this morning. And I agree with him. Its hard not to see this as a matter of the Pens feeling "well, we'll go. We dont have an issue". yeah..well, you're predominantly white. Like, do people not understand that the desire of racists is to divide in this manner. Trump used the Pens. Calls them a great team and happy to host them. That mostly white team. Dont like it. If you cant support the black athletes when they come under attack can you at least support them for the fact they are fellow athletes?
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