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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Samberg is 6'4". Under 200lbs now but give him a year or two...
  2. Not angry at all....did it seem like I was angry? I guess the people trying to subtly underplay the pandemic is annoying. In regards to Trudeau, it directly impacts me as my gf is self employed and has had her income drastically reduced. We know many people in the same situation so as a non-Trudeau supporter, I went from very impressed with him to utterly disappointed in his lies. We'll see how long it takes them to alter the CERB to actually do what JT claimed it would do from the start. Fortunately, I continue to work (Im "essential" lol). Although I have lost money on my side business too. @J5V you find it amusing when people suffer financially? Speaks volumes about you.
  3. Winnipeg-based wrestler (and current PCW Canadian Champion) Jay Walker has made the internet wrestling newz sites for his in-depth analsys of the Firefly Funhouse match. Proud of the guy for working to get his name out there. Bray even replied to the tweet (among others)
  4. Yeah fine but Trump wont hold them to account. Want a bail out to protect jobs? Great. Here's your bailout. You cant buy back stock for 20 years. You have to provide cost of living increases every year to all employees. You have to main X amount of employees. Airlines should say "yes ofcourse" if that was what they wanted the bail out for, but they wont.
  5. lol As if a Conservative or NDP Prime Minister would sit around twiddling their thumbs? Meanwhile, Trudeau dodges questions left and right and launched a CERB that was not what he promised (and has now acknowledged as changes are coming but who knows what, and who knows when).
  6. You know there is a lot of space between "posting and discussing news" and "panicking", right?
  7. Saw a projection website that has things flattening in the US in June. And deaths of 80,000 by August. Which would be well within trumps “good news” body count. I always figured his numbers were high so he can claim he somehow saves the nation. We shall see.
  8. Trump will bail them out and he'll let them buy back stock too. Whatever can provide an illusion of gold boats in every drive way. The airlines should be told no. Let them sink or swim. How irresponsible have they operated since being bailed out after 9/11?
  9. Yeah where are the worry worts now! Great signing anyway. The D rebuild continues.
  10. Details on MLB plan to potentially begin play in May.
  11. Anyone watching The Plot Against America? I had been waiting for it and then totally forgot about it. Looks....timely. Airong on HBO, hoping to start watching it this evening. By the way, Ozark Season 3 may have been the best season so far, Fantastic!!
  12. Lot of confusion. If you look at some social media coming out of the UK, there is a mistrust in what is being said. Hopefully its the case but I read 75% of people in ICU are on ventilator so it would make sense. Ofcourse, he might be in ICU when someone less important wouldnt be.
  13. It doesnt matter how you feel about a 22 episode season, its never going to happen. WHo's the 82 year old Commander?? I disagree that there wasnt character development or that we didnt learn about the crew. I thought they did a very good job of adding layers to each of them.
  14. slow news day I guess. Anyway, reports are the UK PM is on a ventilator.
  15. lol yeah well, the narrative I've seen that best explains it, is I guess Cena going back to his first match was back to his initial failure. Not sure what Thuganomics had to do with anything since it was a successful gimmick (maybe that was the point). The Saturday Night Live stuff was to show Cena was just a muscle head but got super over (like Hogan). But when the fans turned, Hogan re-invented himself as a heel and had a whole new run. Whereas Cena didnt. Thus the nWo thing...saying it could have been Cena. This also makes little sense since Hogan turned largely because he needed to. Cena remained a huge star even as fans turned on him. And then going back to the first WM match between them six years ago, Bray should have won but didnt. Cena wouldnt give into the hate then, but does now and loses and loses himself in the process. Which, is sort of contradictory. Should he have turned heel like Hogan or he shouldnt because then he loses himself? Meh
  16. Everyone who thinks the masses will support what they want think the masses should vote. Thats why you have elections. The idea of referendums on everything is stupid.
  17. Obviously you cant let the masses vote on something that impacts the health of others. People are often selfish. Also, anyone still whining about COVID vs Flu are just burying their head in the sand. Seasonal flu has 30,000-60,000 deaths per year in the US. I believe thats October to May, so7-8 months. We're barely three months into this with massive social distancing and lockdowns and over 10,000 deaths. But yeah, no one cares about the flu and this is all a hoax. Id look to see what Trump buddy or company is connected to that drug he keeps pushing. It also could be Trump is just a simpleton so he hears that maybe a drug not approved or tested, could have some positive impact and just goes nuts on it. If it did work, he'd claim to be a miracle worker. if it doesnt, he'd just deny he ever said it.
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