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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. imagjbe if the fans sat down during the national anthem to show supper for the players ...
  2. Thanks. I wasn’t sure if Phillips would be appropriate for being sent farther down or not. But if Jets loath hutch and there was an injury they’d suddenly be light on goalies
  3. Discovery opening sequence. Music and visuals. No credits.
  4. With Jamie Phillips assigned to the Moose I wonder what the Jets plans are for Hutch. I’d be surprised if he got picked up on waivers. Would they send Philips to the East Coast? Or does this indicate their plan is Comrie/Phillips as a Moose duo?
  5. Can’t begrudge then the cool experience of visiting the White House but id love if they backed out. If only to show support for the athletes trump has attacked
  6. Perkins used to leave the carafe as well or at least they did for us bouncers when we’d go there after work at 3am First time I went to vegas in 2008 my buddy insisted we go to IHOP as he had such a great experience there previously. I didn’t think it was anything special and he actually agreed it was better in his memories. I went to Rockwood bar & grill a few times and really enjoyed it. I can also attest to the sheer volume of the John Candy burger at Canadians Brewhouse. Big and good. They are building a Mr Mike’s in that same block. I enjoyed my one and only visit there when I was one Dauphin last year.
  7. I have to be honest. Emotional top of my head thoughts. As a white guy if I played for one of these major leagues and was American I’d kneel down next to my team mates. Not to disrespect the nation or piss on the flag or whatever. But to show solidarity with reality. Trump is proof positive that the fight for equality isn’t over yet...it has not been achieved. What a clown.
  8. Trump is nuts http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/23/politics/nfl-goodell-trump-response/index.html asking for players to be fired? You can agree or disagree but totally outrageous for a president to say that. He also rescinded the invite to Curry to attend the nba championship visit to the White House. Insane. I hope the entire team refuses to go. I would.
  9. As I mentioned, Im blaming Snyder the most. But yes, of course you can blame an actor that sucks for sucking. He plays the same character with the same weird inflections and ticks in every role. He was terribly miscast which is Snyder's fault. But when I say Im glad the actor was cut its not personal. I dont know him. it encompasses the entire performance. And acting is a collaboration, including with the actor.
  10. Armia is better than Matthias. I think he sticks on the 3rd line for awhile. Connor...he has to prove he can play in the NHL every shift and be an offensive threat. Lowry and Armia didnt exactly score a ton last season but they are big and if they can generate opportunities for Connor, then its his spot to lose. Perreault does too many things well. His effort might be above his skill but his numbers also dont lie. The plan surely is Connor eventually is the 2LW but not this season, I dont think. Although Perreault with Lowery and Armia would be a line full of hustle. Perreault hasnt "lost" his spot yet.
  11. I can only assume they didnt move away from Thorbs and yet feel Matt is here to make a big difference. I would suspect he DOES start the season in the line up and I suspect he was promised every opportunity to compete. But I agree, he likely splits time between starting and press box. And thats fine. Its not a matter of plugging Petan into the 4th line. Or even Dano. Petan needs to be a scoring threat in my opinion. So Matt isnt taking his spot. And Dano seems to be struggling through I like him on the 4th line. But if Dano is "better" but Matt plays more responsibly, helps the PK and wins every faceoff at critical times, I can see the value in him over Dano.
  12. Last night was Episode 3 and their first on their new night of Thursdays. They are no longer on Sundays. I agree. if they were more serious and let the comedy come organically from the situations and relationships it could be a light sci fi drama that uses the alien concept to explore serious subjects. It will never be Star Trek because it looks cheap even compared to TNG which was 30 years ago. But i think there is a market for a Star Trek-lite.
  13. I'd put it near the top. It was terrible. If everything else had been great, that performance would still render the film unlikely to be watched a second time. Realistically the worst thing about the film of Snyder. because everything wrong was directly from him, script, direction, casting .
  14. Seth is also the weakest link in the show. He's a lousy actor and his "What!" exclamation to everything happening is unconvincing and silly.
  15. Dano looks to be on the bubble. I wonder, if Trouba is still being a problem to deal with contractually, if Poolman gives Chevy pause to consider a deal. Buff - Myers - Poolman is a solid right side corp, assuming they're all healthy. And ofcourse, Trouba gets you a major haul in a trade. This scenario isnt better...or even a fair solution. But Poolman looking NHL ready and only being 24 is better than literally having no one to be a regular on the right side.
  16. Now its come out that Murray Sinclair considers Wab to be his nephew. So much for an unbiased legal opinion.
  17. that would be brilliant. Retroactively make Eisenberg the loser son of the real evil genius. Well, last we saw him, he was in prison so it could make perfect sense not to see him. Odds are the character has to return at some point.
  18. I have a feeling Star Trek is going to blow it away. Just the SFX alone look 100 times better. I only watched a few minutes of Orville last night but right off the bat we get another **** joke. But they seemed to be tackling an important social issue. The gag of the holodeck and Girls Just Wanna Fun was stupid and a good example of the weakness of the show where its very much Seth trying to do Family Guy without the benefit of the animation and absurdity that allows the cut aways to be funny.
  19. I loved the film so I’m hoping this is in the same vein
  20. So much for moving forward and healing.
  21. True. But being in hiding and Gord knowing where she is implies he'd not someone she's hiding from. He seems sensitive to her plight as he indicated he felt she might choose not to answer. And in fact, when he returned for a follow up, she didnt. Normally, in a case like this, this would result in overwhelming support for the victim to an extent where she might actually gain closure or some level of healing. At the very least, support. The fact she is being re-victimized by the NDP part and her attacker and his supporters is beyond despicable. If it was anyone else, the calls for his resignation would be overwhelming.
  22. Whedon has cut Lex Luthor from the Justice League film. Which is great news because Eisenberg sucked.
  23. Common sense getting lost in political game. This is a good point.
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