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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Thats what I expected initially. He married a local girl.
  2. @Spuds Yup. beating a woman...and Wab has a long list of issues so this isnt a "mistake", meaning he has no option but to say "I've changed"...is always deplorable. He threatened to kill her actually. But if he really was a changed man, he would hold a major presser, admit his wrong doing 100%, apologize profusely and demand everyone leave the victim alone. His continued statements that she is lying is encouraging his supporters to pursue her and its sickening. I've seen people online supporting her being shouted down as racists. Which seems to be the NDP's plan here. Anyone critical of Wab or the party are racists. Wab and the NDP's behavior here is re-victimization 101.
  3. I have a lot of respect for Sinclair I have a lot of respect for Sinclair (he was the judge assigned to the baby deaths inquest that my mom was involved in and I actually dated a relation of his years ago). But he's out to lunch here. Comes across very biased. Because I dont think his opinion would be the same if these instances were about Pallister. The desire to sweep this stuff under the rug is a major issue in the Aboriginal community and its sad to see someone of Sinclair's status supporting that. The changed man routine is all fine and dandy but Wab is lying TODAY. He also lied in his book which just came out a couple of years ago. In fact, he heavly implied in his book that several of his relationships ended due to "arguing", "fighting" and his "anger". Wab could be Premier of Manitoba. This is all fair game because of his own deeds and words. This poor woman is being re-victimized and Wab calling her a liar and the NDP, the party that supports women endorsing that position is deplorable.
  4. How do you figure Gord looks bad? What looks bad is how the mainstream media ignored it until the "citizen journalist" blog types pushed the issues. Wab saying his victim is a liar makes it relevant. Wab downplaying (or out and out lying) about the assault on a cabbie makes it relevant. Wab's demands for other public servants to step down for personal issues makes his own relevant.
  5. Pretty good summary http://blackrod.blogspot.ca/2017/09/contradictions-in-ndp-leader-wab-kinews.html
  6. He held her over the edge of an 18th floor balcony. He stole $500 from her. Among the other allegations. She felt his call to warn her of the story a few weeks ago was an attempt to intimidate. It’s about time for Wab to resign.
  7. They could guy either way, full on spoof or more serious drama. I dont think they'd have to make too many changes to be a light drama in the vein of a less serious and less pretentious TNG. Im sure Seth fans are loyal but the comedy is so awkward and lame I cant see the ratings holding up. Viewership was down a million for the 2nd episode but it was also delayed by 40 minutes or so for Football. They now switch to Thursdays...
  8. Do you have to buy it or is it a rental or freebie provided by SHAW? EDIT: This is the PVR for using the whole home set up right, where there are hubs at other TV's and you can access the main PVR from all TV's? I only use one TV so it doesnt seem worth it...
  9. http://people.com/sports/ric-flair-alcoholism-health-crisis/ Interview with Ric Flair. Coles notes version is that he had a 20% chance of surviving was in Kidney failure and verge of heart failure and it was due to years of drinking. Flair broke his back in a plane crash and was struck by lightening. Never took pain pills. Self medicated with booze. Admits he's an alcoholic. Had part of his bowel removed and a pacemaker installed. “I’ll never drink again,” says Flair. “I never want to go through this again.” According to his wife, Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan were two of her biggest sources of support during the ordeal, which is nice to hear.
  10. This Sunday. 7:30PM on CTV and SPACE (with a second episode at 8:30 on SPACE). Moving forward it will be every Sunday on SPACE.
  11. The new Terminator will be a sequel to T2 and ignore the ones that came after it. Makes sense. I assume given Hamilton and Arnold's ages that Judgement Day will not have come and it will be some years later (like modern time) and we get more info on how Skynet came to be. Cameron talked about wanting to explain why the Terminator's look like Arnold. One thing I always wanted them to pick up on was how similar Arnold in T3 was to T2. I guess it wont matter now, but they showed him exhibiting some of the traits he "learned" in T2. I always thought there was meant to be something to the idea it was the SAME guy. In JLA news, Zack Snyder will not be returning at all. He was supposed to return to finish the film in post production, editing etc. But wont be back. Supposedly what Snyder left for Whedon was such a mess, it required extensive re-writes and re-shoots to the extent Whedon is getting a writers credit. And there is a hot rumor about Han Solo...that a certain Dark Lord of the Sith appears in that film. Some think this is gimmicky. I like it.
  12. After the premiere last night, the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Of course, its what you'd expect from one of these red carpet events. But the descriptions are very similar. Cinematic. Amazing SFX (some remarked the FX are better than what has been seen in the trailers). Music. Make up. Lots of "Trek Lore", shocking twists and surprises.
  13. I imagine its, like MTS, just a dedicated channel. You still have to have a Netflix sub. Much like the dedicated button on most blu ray players now.
  14. I doubt it. MTS offers a dedicated Netflix “channel” on their boxes. I didn’t notice Shaw did though. What channel is it? Or is it through the vod?
  15. Remember when Gord Steeves' wife made the "drunken Native" remark? Wab's position was "you wife makes a racist remark, you're unfit for office". But Wab, he's fit for office because he's a changed man. By his own standards for public office, he should resign immediately.
  16. http://blackrod.blogspot.ca/ He (Wab) called her three weeks ago when the secret of the domestic abuse charges against him began circulating in Winnipeg to tell her she might be getting calls from reporters. But when he insisted nothing happened between them that night, she hung up on him.
  17. If it came out that Pallister had the exact same history as Wab, the NDP would lead a fire & pitchfork mob all the way down to his front door in Costa Rica. And they wouldnt stop until he resigned. If this was anyone else, Wab would have to resign.
  18. Im not a baseball fan but that didnt seem like a balk to me. What was actually called??
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