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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Obviously they dont count to career totals. But its a footnote in history.
  2. He was doing appearances very recently, including Winnipeg, which is insane. But shows his love of meeting the boys and fans.
  3. Dont they have a "year" that runs to a certain point? ie. Vincent and Stanton would be included next year.
  4. Due to football, I missed the middle 20 minutes or so, which might be why I liked it more than last week. But its problems are all the same. If it throws 20 joke at you, 2 work and the rest are lousy. The tone is so uneven as to mute the attempts at drama. Its still the Seth vanity project and his brand f humor doesnt work in a traditional comedy setting (and I use that term loosely here but without animations and absurdity to fall back on, hes just not funny). The gags about Kermit the Frog and even Elvis undermine the setting. In both cases, those could be jokes Seth had written down that were not specific to this project but he thought they were so funny, he shoe horned them in.
  5. Some think he's messing with fans. Who knows. But I had heard some other speculation about this before so it makes sense.
  6. Wow. Family of the victim speaks out. In addition to the throw they say Wab dragged the Victim down the hallways by her hair and threatened to throw her off the balancing. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/opinion/columnists/family-of-kinews-accuser-wants-their-story-heard-444958773.html
  7. Word is there will be flashbacks of scenes filmed but not shows in the first movie. Something related to the house fire etc
  8. I haven't been following close because I'd never vote ndp. But unless Ashton is a pretty good alternative I'm not sure the comprison applies lol wab talking about women with his history is truly a slap in the face. Very sad. The pretentious party though.
  9. There will still be flashbacks in the second chapter.
  10. Yes they split the film into two parts. The original had both the kids and the adults story. Chapter 2 will be the adults.
  11. I would never vote ndp anyway but boy did they sell their soul today. Congrats Wab!
  12. I think that top six and maybe top nine is how we start. But wheeler and ehlers might swap at some point anyone try the new jerseys? I'm hearing online chatter that they fit really weird how do they look on the players?
  13. Also David Thomson was asked about Jets name at the announcement presser and he called it "a fine name". Bettman almost immediately told media that the NHL owned the name and trademarks and they were Chipmans if he wanted them. So there was sort of forces working in its favour.
  14. Zinger wanted the Moose by all accounts. The rumour was Chipman liked Bears. But I think he's since said there were no decisions until after the team came back and the outpouring of support for jets made his decision easy.
  15. "Burnt Orange" was also said to be a colour scheme. Im sure I recall Chipman saying they had nothing in mind, nothing in the works when they bought the team. But I could be wrong.
  16. As I recall it was never Polar Bears. Certainly Chipman didnt tell Ford that. It was speculated based on Chipman's love of Bears. I know the speculation was keeping Moose or something new and Bears was on the table. I heard it was Bears but using a Polar Bear. I also heard there was no design done. One thing Ford did also, was create a supportive voice. So when media did run those "can the NHL ever return" stories, it wasnt ALL doom and gloom.
  17. And to take it from Owens of all people! Like, bumping for Roman is one thing, but OWENS?? lol Im sure Shane wanted the best chance to get his angle over though. Frog Splash is pretty safe from a good worker. RVD had a notoriously stiff frog splash that the boys used to call the gerbil squirter (you can guess why).
  18. Some controvery over an "embargo" by CBS concerning Star Trek reviews. They have made no screeners available for critics. They are holding screenings in New York and LA this coming Tuesday but the caveat is that no reviews are allowed to be posted until Sunday night after episode 1 airs. Of course, the negative nancies are saying this is because it sucks and they know it sucks. The company line is that there are twists, turns and spoilers that they do not want ruined. I think there is something pretty damn important that happens in that first episode...
  19. Oh for sure. its not unreasonable why so many dislike him. I think he blocked me at one point (and Im pretty nice!) lol. I talked to him many times. The best thing he did was that website and he did a lot of work to keep the idea of the NHL return in one place. It was big for media too...because he provided a lot of information and numbers so media and general public to get facts and reality instead of BS and lies. I remember Geoff Currier (who I liked aside from his Jets thoughts) routinely saying people wont pay $150 a ticket 82 times a year. 1) not every ticket is $150. And 2), you dont play 82 home games. Ford had legitimate numbers showing reasonable ticket prices. But he had nothing to do with the Jets returning. And his attitude changed abruptly. He was a very humble guy for a long time. But became very arrogant. Local celebrity status can do that. My favorite example was he said he knew the name and colours and popped into his site to say it was Manitoba Polar Bears and powder blue jerseys. He was going to some Jets event (before it was Jets) and thought they were going to announce. So when he was wrong, he and his cohorts claimed he was joking. He wasn't. The worst thing was his vow to never commercialize his website. Many us told him he should. And we all begged him to make that site a "Jets Fan Forum". Instead he sold out to the Free Press to become a Freep contributor and get media passes. The site was terrible and died quickly. I do see people ride him on twitter unprovoked. But my experience was, he brought a lot of it on himself. He DID change. But man...the good old days of Jetsowner!! How many of us were regulars there??? I WAS!
  20. I watched it once, online so didnt notice too much but thats what I heard too, that there was also a small colour difference in the skin Stupid in that Owens still had to shoot headbutt him. Which is exactly what happened a few months ago where Shibata ended up nearly dead in the hospital (except he was the one GIVING the headbutt). There is very little room for shoot anything in a worked endeavor. I mean, props to Vince for taking it at 72. Blood is great. But he could have bladed if he really wanted blood. I assume they WANTED it to look like a shoot (they seem to be on a "everything else is fake but THIS is real" kick lately.
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