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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. He was picked right in the area that he was forecast to be picked. Not a reach at all.
  2. What a choice - higher taxes or less service. The NDP made a mess of Manitoba, no doubt. But the PC's have to be smarter and more creative than this. You cant cut front line services and you sure as heck cant raise taxes in this province.
  3. Thats a good point and its fair. These are D men. Let's see where Stanley is at 24. He definitely has a lot of maturing to do as a player. But they didnt pick him to not work out. They expect him to be a top six NHL d man.
  4. Because its an investment in the community. For example, a lot of people were angry when Manitoba put money for MTSC. I remember when they had a presser a few years later to announce the investment was complete paid back through new taxation as a result of the arena being built. Thats a small price to pay. there is direct return in the form of new and increased taxation. There is indirect return in the form of increases taxes for all the things around the arena. There is abstract return in the form of renewed development in the area. And then measure the "feel good" aspect of having a world class facility, NHL team, people downtown etc. I 100% believe there is absolutely a place for government investment. They get a return so asking them to kick in isnt asking too much.
  5. A few years ago I had an argument online about this. It was some TV show where they actually "fat shamed" a character and a bunch of viewers were upset and claiming we should embrace how we look no matter what. My unpopular opinion was, we should certainly not emotionally scar children but this idea that you should be happy being unfit is ridiculous. You're 100% correct, it starts in school. Phys ed should be required from Grade 1 through graduation. If for no other reason than to keep kids active. As they get older, you can add more advanced education like nutrition, to the phys ed class. I actually took First Aid and CPR in gym class in Grade 11 (the last year it was required). I took Anatomy and Physiology as a separate science class but you could easily roll that into phys ed. But the important thing should be activity, team building, leadership. All important.
  6. If you're fat and you cant handle the doctor saying you're fat, then that's not the doctor's problem. I would be VERY concerned with any health care professional that would agree to this pledge, to be honest. They should insist that they will provide their medical advice as they see fit.
  7. I think he's somewhere between your perspective and Brandon's. But you could provide your opinion without the mocking. LOL
  8. Yup. I like Apple and I like cool tech. But I dont rush out to be first. But its a status symbol to many. I like the idea of the iPhone X. I upgraded a year ago to the i7 so im under contract for another year. At that point, I'd look at the X. I guess im the type of consumer Apple likes too. I wont rush out and buy it today but when I have to upgrade, I DO want to latest and greatest (or at least one generation removed).
  9. its next on my to-do list once we finish re-watching X-Files, which by the way, is currently filming its 11th season.
  10. Yup, I was curious to see opinions about the Fat Care article. I was incredulous. They want doctors etc to pledge not to make anything of weight. wow. Sorry you're fat. Its a health issue. I've struggled with weight over the years so I get it. But my goodness, women who are 30 and overweight avoid the doctor because they dont want to be told to lose weight? Crazy.
  11. The government should be willing to invest to a degree. But the bulk of funding should be private. The nearly $2 billion pie-in-the-sky dream was wonderful but crazy.
  12. For sure it was going to get high ratings. And will for a couple of weeks. Its actually moving to Thursdays permanently after, I think, this week or next.
  13. Space is airing it Sunday to match CBS in the US. I believe Netflix is actually airing it internationally a day later. Since it's on streaming in the US they won't be as concerned about live viewership.
  14. Good timing. Flames fans will see Seattle in their future and rally against politicians.
  15. Anyone watch HBO's the Deuce? It debuted this past Sunday. Its about porn and prostitution in 70's New York starring James Franco as twins. Its really really good.
  16. Maurice said Lemieux is "knocking on the door" but there are more guys in that position than years past. So increased competition. Hendricks being here pretty much closes off one spot on the 4th line too. BL will be Moose. But he has a shot. Apparently, he bulked up last year and didnt like it and has trained leaner this year. Thats the same thing that happened with Morrissey. Niku definitely ahead of Stanley. Stanley is going to be sent back to junior for sure. Niku will be a top defender with the Moose and he or Tucker are the first call ups I'd suspect. Vesalainen would be Moose bound...when, next season probably? Maybe Jets. But that would be his first opportunity to even try. he's been playing with men so he might come in able to handle the big game. Who knows. Wont need to rush him. Cant remember where I saw it but apparently Laine and/or Ehlers has added some bulk too (I cant remember which one or if it was both)
  17. Safe bet. I suppose they could end 9 with Luke, Rey and Chewie killed and the Dark Side back. But I doubt it lol
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