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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. He's worked in Calgary and Toronto so hopefully he has some good sources. Lawless always had some fun "read between the lines" moments where he'd hint at things he wasnt ready to run with yet but gave you a sense of what was going on.
  2. Also, Reby Hardy (Matt's wife) had posted court documents showing JJ had one of those blow things on his car, where you have to blow zero alcohol for the car to start...and that he blew over the limit on it (or tried to remove it or something). Hopefully JJ gets some help. Its been an open secret for years that he was a big drinker. But man, TNA...the gift that keeps on giving. Now there are reports that after announcing a merger between TNA and GFW and re-branding as GFW, that they may not have legally consummated the relationship and thus, JJ still owns GFW. The end result might be another re-branding for TNA if they dont end up taking JJ back. And this: Justin Barrasso of Sports Ilustrated is reporting that Global Force Wrestling, under Anthem Media's ownership, has been "hemorrhaging funds" and that "sources close to the situation have confirmed that Anthem is ready to withdraw itself from the wrestling industry and sell GFW."
  3. I have. One guy said it was "therapy". Another said it was like any other hobby. I said yeah but other hobbies dont cost $120 a week. My friend just turned 41 and got a $41 lego gift card and I've never seen a man so gleeful. He nearly cried. Ridiculous.
  4. Kids? I know guys in their 40's that are lego obsessed.
  5. It's in pre production with principal shooting to begin in January. So it's close. Word is Johnson might be enlisted to direct 9 now. Originally he was going to write and direct both 8 & 9 but then just 8 but submit a treatment for 9. But his treatment wasn't used. Rumour has it trevorrow and Kennedy did not get along.
  6. Well one can only assume there were major issues. He did have a hand in writing the script so they must have liked much of it. But to order a re-write at this late stage. I suspect they sold it as a punch up. But the new script was making major changes and he balked.
  7. Yowza LucasFilm statement is that their visions were no longer aligned. I'll give this to Kennedy, she doesn't screw around. Also I think I may have missed this but in August they hired Jack Thorne to re write the script. Uh oh
  8. interesting. There were reports he was in poor condition in Mexico. So one can speculate. And:
  9. wow. Considering he was fined as a result of visits in October 2016 and Feb 2017, his assertion that he "immediately corrected" the issues is dubious. Also, if customers took food from the top of the buffet trays but the reason the food was cool was because it had been sitting, wouldn't it be hotter? The customers were taking the "cooler" food... and he might not like it, but it IS his job to make sure the food remains hot. What a nut. He says his business is down 70% and he has been targeted because he sued Katz years ago. His silly excuses wont help his cause. Because as a consumer, I think he doesnt get it now. So Im not confident he will have corrected his issues. $2500 for 5 violations doesnt even sound like much to me. Especially because they often give warnings. Maybe if it was $10,000 he'd make sure he complied next time.
  10. That's an over-statement. His roles in upcoming films, including a Transformers spin off show the studio's consider him bankable. I dont think he'd carry a big budget superhero film though. But he's probably around where Rock was for The Rundown or Walking Tall. Going to get some leads and see if he can carry them.
  11. me too! very excited. There was some thought that Vinyl got cancelled after disagreement with Terence Winters so HBO could instead focus on The Deuce. Not sure if the two decisions are related. But this looks good (and I liked Vinyl too).
  12. AAA has stripped Sexy Star of their women's championship. She also posted another statement that was just awful. Basically saying how wonderful she is to have tried to work with Rosemary and that she applied the arm bar as she would any armbar and that Rosemary did not seem hurt after the match because she didnt leave on a stretcher and no X-Rays have been shown to her. Doubled down on her stupidity. GFW is trying to pop a rating off this, promising to show footage and discuss it. I hate to say it wouldnt surprise me if they try to make it an angle and bring Sexy Star in for a match with Rosemary.
  13. That would be an ominous update from your weather service! Yikes
  14. Ship em outta here! (Well, there)
  15. The D relies on individual players making individual (big) plays.
  16. I cant remember which game it was, last week or the week before, where I guess the D played better and someone (I wont mention name or else the comment gets lost in a flurry of posts about the guy making the comment but it rhymes with Mawless and he lives in Las Vegas), that the D clearly had MOS' finger[prints on it as far as making changes from Hall. Im curious as to whether MOS is trying to work in changes. Id generally hate to see a change made mid-season but even when we were winning, it was pretty clear this D wasnt good enough.
  17. What a joke. I know the defense is "if you dont break the law you dont get a ticket". But this perfectly illustrates why so many Winnipeggers have a problem with the traffic enforcement. Its about MONEY not SAFETY. And to me, that brings the entire thing into disrepute, regardless of those instances when its reasonable and/or appropriate.
  18. Highest salary, I think, over the course of the year. Meaning, total salary, not per film. Although he obviously is a high per-film earner. But he works a ton. I dont know how he manages his schedule.
  19. He has a starring role in the new Bumblebee film. So he's going to start getting these roles. He was fine in Trainwreck. I believe he has a starring role in Daddy's Home 2 as well.
  20. Rock's average movie draw is $107 million with an open average of $39 million. He's a draw. Interesting story too. After he had initial success and was considered the next big thing, his management had him move away from his "Rock" persona and drop weight. So you had that "skinny" Duane era. His box office began to flatline. He fired his people and his ex wife became his manager, he bulked back up and made a deal with Vince for "The Rock" name and rehabilitated his career.
  21. 300 Main is already under construction to a degree. There is work being done to move the HVAC and other systems that are currently in place so they can begin building. They announce early for various reasons. In the case of a place like TNS or 300 Main, they announce when there is something to announce. So when agreements are made, when financing is secured, when start dates are confirmed etc. It generates and keeps excitement (and large projects would get leaked if they didnt announce it). In the case of Skycity, since its a condo project, it relies on selling X amount of units to unlock financing. So making announcements and trying to generate excitement is all about generating condo sales. They have to sell X amount of units...I think in Sky City's case, they were saying 50% which I think they are close to. But there is a lot of controversy over that project because of some of the people involved. They HAVE pre-sold a lot of units which is good, but those sales have seemingly stalled out just short of where they need to be, which is not so good. I hope it gets built as it would be amazing for that area and would become Winnipeg's tallest building. But with TNS and 300 Main, there are several projects ahead of Skycity that will fill the need for downtown residences. 300 Main will become Winnipeg's tallest building (until such time as Skycity is built, if it is).
  22. I know Christmas is a big sports and entertainment day but this seems unnecessary. Feel bad for the talent
  23. The plan is to keep them apart before bringing them together I think. It would be a bit of a risk of both the headliners are wrestlers. Rock is a proven draw. Cena not so much.
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