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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. It will be interesting to see how much trump pushes them. He was talking about a tax incentive to get fans to buy tickets. And interesting to see what the PA’s say too. I know the nhl players have been debating whether to take their final paycheque because they’re going to get escrowed to death next year. So the PA is likely as determined to have the playoffs as the league, to generate revenue they get a piece of. But If they come back too early and a team ends up having the virus hit, then what?
  2. Wrestlemania was pretty awful this year. Having now seen it I’m still perplexed why they didn’t just postpone it. It does lend itself to the idea major sports (and entertainment) companies know this is not a three month thing. Anyway I thought firefly fun house was okay. But I’ve yet to see someone who loves it adequately explained the narrative of it. Just seemed like a bunch of unconnected images and ideas, all of which were gimmicks more over than Bray himself. So I guess he is a genius to get himself to a point where he doesn’t even have to wrestle (and in fact we don’t want to see him wrestle). It was still rather stupid. But the kids who like shiny things seem to enjoy it.
  3. So on trumps conference call with major sports he said he wants it open ASAP and suggested August. He wants nfl to start on time. If august is best case I think the NHL likely cancels. When you factor in a mini training camp to get in shape there seems no way to do that and finish the regular season and have a full playoffs. Plus you need time for free agency, draft etc before the next season begins. Given a choice between finishing this season and keeping next fully intact I think they will cancel this season.
  4. I like that even he starts cracking up halfway through. I assume he’ll do this routine everyday until the pandemic passes and claim he cured it.
  5. Sure. But when there is a vaccine available widely then it becomes a “flu”. It will still cause issues for business where people not vaccinated get it and spread it to co workers. But it won’t be a run away thing.
  6. Is that three days in a row now of reduced cases? Maybe we’re over the worst of it....for now
  7. He was really annoying but in a relatively brief appearance. No dancing.
  8. Well. That was something. Everyone loves the boneyard match. I didn’t. And nice knowing you Goldberg.
  9. Prepare yourselves for no sports til 2021.
  10. Ofcourse Covid will be over and gone by May. The flu was defeated and no longer exists. All viruses are defeated in three months. Don’t listen to health experts or government officials. What do they know. Listen to Crazy Ike on YouTube. He knows. Anyway. In Covid news.
  11. If I was going to be suspicious of anything it would be trump embracing these death toll predictions. He wants to put our worst case scenario so he can claim victory when it’s not as many. Watch. and don’t forget his real prediction was zero.
  12. That’s not what I disagreed with. If you had read what I wrote we were mostly in agreement. But then you said I wasn’t reading facts. My point being dont prop up the ravings of science deniers just because they finally grip, however tenuous, a logical point. There is pretty of room for debate and discussion among the rest of us without giving legitimacy to those people. That’s all. the Covid vs flu debate carries no weight right now.
  13. What facts don’t we have? I mean I’m sure you’re far more qualified than all the medical experts telling us the facts. But whatever.
  14. Must be playing the long game on world domination.
  15. The simple fact is. Covid is more contagious and more deadly then the flu for which there is a vaccine. It sucks so many people die. But it’s not the potential wild fire Covid is. That’s the difference. People can say oh look the curve is flattening. I guess we didn’t need a strict lockdown. When it’s flattening precisely because of a strict lockdown. every flu season you don’t have major cities like New York over run in hospitals because of it. it’s really rather simple. the deniers who reach to grasp the most tenuous of logic do so to use as a wedge to bolster their alt right trump love anti truth nonsense.
  16. Wait this is for real??? At least some levity to this thread. Is the Queen a reptilian alien too?
  17. They've already filmed it. Mainly at the WWE Performance Centre in Orlando. But apparently some other locations. Undertakr vs Styles is a Boneyard Match so they likely created a cemetery set somewhere or filmed in a cemetery. Cena vs Bray is some gimmick match too and apparently it was going to be a full film-style production, not a traditional "match". For what's worth, AEW also filmed a ton of matches this week and over the last couple of weeks and claim they have enough in the can to advance storylines for weeks or months. Their PPV in Vegas on May 23rd is still scheduled. (I have tickets). In regards to sport running off rights fees, for NFL and NBA and some others sure. But...wrestling has seen ratings drop significantly even with more people at home. Now wrestling isnt a competitive sport but its something to consider...does the crowd and the atmosphere matter? Will people watch the NFL and NHL the same or more with no crowds? And the NHL certainly relies on gate revenue too. On the other hand, the single largest expense if salaries so if players didnt get paid and the NHL went on hiatus for a season, they likely could survive relatively intact.
  18. If true there is no sports or concerts or large scale gatherings until there is a vaccine. Which could be over a year from now.
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