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The Unknown Poster

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  1. Wrestler Sexy Star (Francine Orr/ Los Angeles Times/TNS) The fight got a little too real for a Winnipeg-born professional wrestler at a major Mexican wrestling card Saturday, after she was injured in what many are saying was a malicious attempt by her opponent to hurt her. The incident has left the wrestling world up in arms and sparked coverage in publications as far ranging as niche websites to Rolling Stone, with many suggesting the perpetrator of the attack could be blacklisted from the sport entirely. IMPACT WRESTLING Winnipeg-born Holly Letkeman, who goes by the name Rosemary. Holly Letkeman was born in Winnipeg in 1983 and entered the world of professional wrestling in 2008, where she currently fights under the name Rosemary. Over the weekend she was involved in the TripleMania XXV event in Mexico City, which is the one of the largest annual shows in the country. She was fighting in a four-way women’s match for the "Queen of Queens" title, when all of a sudden one of the wrestlers began to go off-script. At the end of the match Mexican wrestler Sexy Star placed Letkeman in an armbar that was dangerously real. Video from the event, which was seen by more people than usual since it was streamed by an Amazon-owned company, shows Letkeman yelling in pain and repeatedly tapping out as her elbow is hyper-extended. Despite the referee calling the match and the final bell ringing out, Star continued to hold Letkeman in the armbar. About eight seconds after the match finishes the referee finally manages to pry open Star’s grip on Letkeman’s arm, only to have her reapply the armbar and hold it for a few more seconds. The incident left Letkeman rolling around in pain as Star walked around the ring in celebration of her victory. It was a short lived win for Star, however, as the wrestling world quickly turned on her and some of her future bookings were dropped. "If you take liberties with someone’s body when they are giving it to you and trusting you to keep them safe, you are not tough. You are an ass----. And you don’t belong in this business," wrote Letkeman in one of two public statements she’s made since the incident. An outpouring of support for Letkeman was posted to social media by well-known figures in the wrestling world, while Star was the target of many vitriolic comments and denunciations. When Andrew Shallcross, promoter of an independent professional wrestling company in Winnipeg, first saw the video, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. "I immediately wondered if it was actually true or if it was an elaborate story line. When I realized it was true, I was shocked and disappointed. It’s completely unprofessional and cowardly. It would not be accepted by any wrestling promotion in the world," he said. "I would never book that person again. We’ve seen people die or be paralyzed in the ring. It can happen. This is a dangerous sport. And you have to co-operate and trust your opponent. Obviously, that trust was violated." Jackie Lee, a multi-year professional wrestler living in Winnipeg, agrees with Shallcross and admits he wouldn’t be comfortable getting in the ring with someone who had a documented history of purposely injuring an opponent. "It takes two to tango and you have to put your trust in your opponent because you’re taking care of their body and their taking care of yours. It’s like going in a car ride with your friend, where you trust them to drive safely, because you’re putting your life in their hands in a way," Lee said. While initial reports on the extent of Rosemary’s injury varied in severity, she’s now said that she has a "strained tricep/bicep with swelling around the area" and will be out of the ring until a doctor allows her to return to the sport. In the statement she made it clear she would no longer be addressing the incident. ryan.thorpe@freepress.mb.ca
  2. Nikki Bella will be on the new season of Dancing with the Stars.
  3. Well, to be fair DX really kicked off the attitude era. And HBK had a huge influence even though he flamed out so quickly. It came down to choosing between HBK and Hart and Vince chose HBK. Hart didnt like the really extreme stuff of the attitude era so had Vince chosen Hart, chances are they dont go as far with the attitude stuff. Also possible HBK leaves but he had a long term deal so thats doubtful. But yes, Michaels missed most of it. it was really the Hunter-led DX that pushed the envelope but Michaels was there for the start of it.
  4. Question for the gamers as I cant remember. In the EA NHL series, can you move a player from the European leagues to the NHL? I know you can re-assign players to make the rosters accurate. But specifically, Kristian Vesalainen wont be on the Jets or Moose this year. He wont be under NHLPA contract so wont be available but I ASSUME he will be in the game for the Finish league. Can he be re-assigned to the Moose on the game? Speaking of which, NHL 18 is not getting rave reviews in Beta...
  5. Cruiserweight is a big step down. Its a step up for guys that otherwise wouldnt be in WWE. But 205 doesnt attract a lot of viewers. Good for WWE for continuing to support it though. Enzo is so good on the mic and has so much charisma, he'd be a HUGE asset doing the mouthpiece role for someone on RAW or SD.
  6. Doing an end run around Trump's pardon powers. Mueller is smart.
  7. I would think so. But maybe they werent going to feature someone who doesnt have a contract. I doubt the video department is privy to a blockbuster deal that hasnt been made yet.
  8. The video where they showed 5 or 6 jets? Arent a lot of faces missing?
  9. I was thinking the same thing. Im sure True North will have no shortage of options when it comes to naming rights. if the Oilers get $6 million now, in four years, True North could get a lot. Bell would likely want to keep it.
  10. Enzo has nuclear heat in the back. Very poorly liked. My impression is WWE is squeezing every dime they can out of him as fast as possible which probably isnt a good sign. Being moved to 205 isnt an upward move either. However, its a wise move to help 205 as Enzo is over and has charisma to burn. He's probably safe simply because of his talking ability which WWE would not want to make available to anyone else. But all it takes is for someone like Cena to say Enzo is a problem and and Enzo will be gonzo.
  11. Some money info coming in unofficially. Mayweather claims the gate was $80 million. Dana White claims 6.5 million PPV buys. If true it will mean about $300 million for Mayweather, $100 million for Conner and $50 million for the UFC
  12. yes it was the same promo but the crowd loved the easy to mimmic catch phrase. And of course, the women. Once Koko Ware went into the HOF, everyone was qualified lol They will put guys like that in, because he was a star during the Attitude era and because he had a long career and because he is friends with the right people.
  13. Cut a good promo. Not a great worker but worked within his limitations. Charisma. Work rate isnt the only thing that gets over.
  14. ScotiaBank already makes a multi billion dollar profit. They werent lowering fees regardless.
  15. So maple leafs sign a $800 million deal with Scotia Bank that includes naming rights off the arena to the tune of $40 million per year. Air canada reportedly paid $4 million per year. And Edmonton gets $6 million. Seems like naming rights are sky rocketing. Anyone know what mts for our arena naming rights?
  16. Vince always found MMA barbaric and didnt think it would ever take off. When Spike asked for his permission to air TUF after RAW (Vince had veto power), he felt UFC would never be a competition or take any of their audience so he said ok.
  17. The ironic thing about Papa Shango is, the performer had obvious charisma but got stuck with a lousy gimmick (I believe he came up with it somewhere else first, maybe Memphis?). But once he was given the Godfather, he was super over.
  18. Doesn't this essentially countermand an order from trump?
  19. This will become a bigger issue as genetics are identifiable early. When they can tell you you're child will be gay, then what? Or hey, you wanted a tall baby with blond hair but your child will be short and have brown hair...then what. Or hey, we can manipulate genes to alter your baby in the womb. Anyway, I agree, Im against abortion too but the genie isnt going back in the bottle. But having an abortion shouldn't be easy. It should be treated like the grave decision it really is. In my humble opinion. And late stage abortion *should* be illegal. It simply should not be allowed.
  20. They'd never put Roman in a mask. He has a great look. The Honkytonk Man was arguably a terrible worker but was IC champ for over a year and used to headline arena shows all over the continent. Legitimately a huge star. The "gimmick" guy - HTM, Boogeyman, Shango - there is certainly a place for it. If you had 30 Finn Balors you might have great matches in every segment but it would get old fast. I finally watched the RAW segment. I thought Cena *did* go out of his way to cut Roman's balls off a bit. I assume they spoke beforehand and Roman probably agreed they should give it to each other feeling he could keep up. He couldn't. Cena probably felt that he wasnt going to take it easy on Roman if he's supposed to be the big star now and was trying to get an emotional response from him (which it seemed he did). Roman forgetting his line is a perfect example of why the overly-scripted promos are a problem. Its hard to remember lines that arent your own.
  21. Sort of a shame he didn't see the writing on the wall and retire a few weeks ago with Arizona. But great career.
  22. Its sort of tough. We know its the wrong decision. But assuming he is very close friends with Briles, he was throwing a friend a lifeline. I can understand his desire to do that. Unfortunately, it wasnt like he was hiring him to work for his landscape business or something - its a very publicly visual business that impacts a great many people. Can't do that.
  23. They've been using Cena as the barometer for some guys. For example, Ziggler got a thumbs down from Cena and has never recovered. Looked similar with Corbin. If Cena gives a thumbs down on Roman, he's toast. I suspect Cena views this more as trying to raise Roman up though. But Cena isnt immune to being an ego that cuts balls off too, so it should be fun. His line ridiculing Roman when Roman got lost is not what you do when trying to help a guy lol WWE's perspective is probably that if they are going to finally go all the way with Roman, he needs to prove he can hang with Cena. So it will be interesting to see how Roman responds, if he's better next week. If WWE will let him be himself etc.
  24. Reportedly it was 99% pre-scripted by the writing staff. Just a good "worked shoot". Because WWE is so stagnant and sterile, when they do stuff like this, it comes across new and interesting. Good for them.
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