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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. His only real hope can be that it was something not known in a supplement he declared. But even then it's only a mitigating thing. He'd still be subject to reversal, stripping and suspension. I think...
  2. You will not be disappointed if it's anything like winnipeg. They play long and hard. Great show. Axl hits all the notes. Slash is out of this world. Realty really great concert!
  3. Excellent concert i actually thought they didn't mic the band properly as the lyrics were often drowned out by the music. But Axl hit all the notes. Three hours. Really good. Now....I've offen defended IGF. Not tonight. If there was a medical emergency or fire or some sort of evacuation someone would die. The design of the concourse is egregious. Mostly the staff there are horrible. Terrible awful staff. Arrogant. Incompetent. Miserable. Security especially. Not all. Entry security was great. Friendly and quick. But inside, awful.
  4. Now word is Gotham City Sirens is being replaced by a Joker/Harley Quinn movie. Gal Gadot has come out to say the Justice League re-shoots by Whedon arent that major even though others have said they are. Damn it WB!
  5. Eddie Lebec! Goaltender for the Boston Bruins and husband of Carla Tortelli. Sad.
  6. Was just down at IGF to get some merch. Probably 60+ people in the merch tent. Sound check going on. Funny, I bought a lithograph and the woman working the table said "you might want to put that under the seat so you dont spill beer on it". My car seat? Cause I aint staying all day. lol Getting warm out. Should be beautiful night.
  7. Ill be in attendance at the Jericho show tomorrow night as well.
  8. I really like Affleck in general and he's a good Batman. Bale is a better actor and they havent asked Affleck to do much as the character so its not like his acting talents are being pushed. But I thought the excuse to go with Affleck over Bale was odd. They said they wanted an older, grittier Batman. Affleck is only two years older than Bale. And one could argue Affleck looks younger. But for me, I was concerned because the plan was to have a multi-year arc and you cast an actor in his 40's for a physical role. And Affleck has had trouble getting into shape before. But he is physically imposing, more so than Bale as Affleck is much larger. If they want to tell stories of the younger characters, fine, but tie it into the larger world, like with Wonder Woman. It would make sense to show us batman with **** Grayson to prelude the Nightwing film. And you can then move on to Death in the Family with Jason Todd's Robin and show us how/why Batman became the angry guy he was in BvS. They just seemed to skip over so much. they fell in love with Zack Snyder for some reason, even though Man of Steel sucked. And they decided to build the world around Snyder's vision. Now they are scrambling.
  9. Until he headlines wrestlemania! Lol
  10. Exactly. How can they gain traction with a bunch of films with various actors playing the same characters in unconnected movies? Makes zero sense. They friggen goofed when they have Snyder the keys to the kingdom. They goofed when they decided to have an old batman. They goofed when they cast the joker so soon and in suicide squad of all places. They goofed with Jesse Eisenberg as lex. At some point they have to just stop. Re-evaluate the plan and start over if need be. At least lex was cut from justice league. That's a step in the right direction. And reportedly the film was "unwatchable" until Whedon was hired to fix it.
  11. This is getting stupid. Even if it's a prequel why make such a big deal out of an "aged" batman on the first damn place?
  12. I think there is a growing fear that gun shots will happen. Not from the man himself. But the way he carries on about his "enemies" and the media, someone will take a shot at someone. The environment he fosters has created that already with Virginia.
  13. Im not so sure on this tour. I havent looked though. I saw GnR play way back at the use Your Illusion tour. And then when Axl came a few years ago with the Pussycat Dolls (I think that was it) and Sebastien Bach. He came on really late. They had three opening acts I think. But the next time he came, which was a better concert, he was out on time. Supposedly IGF has been told 8:34 because they want to be on right at dusk. I think we're going to head down around 7:30. I'd like time to wander around a bit beforehand.
  14. GNR tomorrow night. Looking forward to it. I've heard GNR intends to walk on stage at exactly 8:34 (for those of you hoping to avoid Our Lady Peace) lol
  15. Come on, there were very bad people on both sides.
  16. If they gave up on draft & develop it wouldnt be to trade the veterans away. I agree. And they wont give up. If anything, they'd trade some youth for help right now. I get the impression Chipman is getting impatient. Maybe not impatient, but if they struggle this season he is going to be asking why.
  17. Williams was SOOOOO good on Boardwalk Empire.
  18. Whats the over/under on General Kelly leaving...
  19. CNN has a good story up about all the lies and half truths from the rally. Earlier I said the 25th was not intended to remove a President under these circumstances. But if he is mentally ill, and some have questioned whether he has early onset dementia or whether his issues such as borderline personality or narcissistic etc are prevalent (or accurate) enough to invoke. Ronald Reagan was actually close to having this happen. He went downhill mentally after being shot and some close to him were very concerned. They held a meeting where, unbeknownst to Regan, he was being carefully studied with the intent that if he was not of sound mind, they'd recommend invoking the 25th. Reagan passed with flying colours. But the argument was, he was very good at conversational stuff because even as someone who might struggle, as an actor, especially a charismatic one, he was able to easily disarm people. But some would argue he should have been removed. Im reminded of an episode of West Wing. The President's daughter was kidnapped and he was considering stepping aside. Leo (his CoS) advises him not to and the Pres says "what if I do the wrong thing?" and Leo replies "I wont let you". For dramatic purposes it works because we know Leo wont let him and we know the Pres will listen. We're actually at a point in reality where we can only hope the advisers and generals wont listen if Trump orders the wrong thing...
  20. Okay, I watched the first episode of the Laci Peterson docu-series. Its really good but be prepared, its very much a "balanced" look at the case, meaning it presents an argument that Scott didnt do it. I actually found nothing compelling about the pro-Scott arguments that were made in the first episode although they promise to show many witnesses who claimed to see laci the day she disappeared AFTER Scott had already left for the day (meaning he couldn't have done it). I love true crime and I was so emotionally invested in this case. Much like the revival of interest in the Jonbenet case, this is really fascinating to discuss. For the record, I think Scott did it. And I think his father's statements in the TV show were efforts to dismiss his guilty behavior. For example, Scott was asked on day one if he'd take a polygraph and he replied "Sure....they're accurate right?" I found that response really interesting. Scott later refuse and his father claims he told Scott "whatever you do, dont take a polygraph". I think his father was taking the heat for the son. The other scenario is that there was so much press that Scott went fishing that day that whomever really kidnapped Laci knew to dump her body there to frame Scott. And that he didnt really go fishing (he didnt know what fish he was fishing for etc) but just to get the boat in the water (it was new). But his original alibi was to go golfing but he was seen at the marina and had to change his story.
  21. Michael K Williams dropped out of the Han Solo film, which is unfortunate since he's a really good actor. He claims he filmed his scenes with the old directors but they needed him for re-shoots as his performance didnt match the new tone under new director Ron Howard. And he was unavailable.
  22. Well, 6'8". lol He's okay on the mic. He reads his lines. I thought he read them too stiff but I think thats how they want him reading them. I saw someone suggest he returns under the kane mask which is so hilarious of an idea, WWE might consider it. I kid, I kid. Put him back with Carmella when he returns.
  23. The trend seems to be moving away from paying those big deals for a guy ending past his mid 30s. If its a 3 year deal, then over pay. But if he wants 5-6 years, I dont see it being $6. Then again, Radulov did, so who knows. I do think the Jets can afford it. They have a pretty good salary structure moving forward. Assuming the cap rises a bit every year, they should be able to afford Little.
  24. Already talk of Jones vs Brock at WrestleMania (fan speculation). It would be something WWE might consider, but they'd need UFC's cooperation.
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