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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Everyone thinks Jamie will die and I guess it's likely. But he has a solid story arc which should conclude with a heroic act. He's the KingSlayer. Maybe he becomes the QueenSlayer too.
  2. And apparently John Cena is being considered for Michael Knight in a knight rider film with Kevin Hart as KITT. What a disaster. I think they are underestimating the concept. Video out there of Dolph Lundgren training for Creed 2.
  3. I think the thing with Corin is that he was an NFL player so they felt there was merit in rushing him. And perhaps he wouldn't bother working indies for years to get better. Drew had "it" when he debuted years ago too but they dropped the ball, over-pushed him etc. He's really good though. I agree about Lana. She doesnt *have* to wrestle. Why cant she be a valet? She was a good character. I thought the same with Carmella too, should have kept her with Cass. But she's done alright.
  4. Hunter's plan was to never bring someone up without a long term story for them. Vince sometimes changes things though. I dont disagree, everyone you mentioned is good enough to be called up right now. Cass & Amore are a good team. With Carmella, they were a great act. Should have stayed together. Vince wanted Cass as a singles. Corbin, I agree there. Never saw anything in him at all. Sending him back to NXT wont help much either.
  5. It IS a development promotion. Thats what it is. Its not trying to be bigger than RAW or SD. Adam Cole was ROH World Champion. There is talk of moving some guys from RAW & SD down but it upsets their financial structure so Im not sure that they will do that.
  6. Bobby Roode is the only star on Smackdown? I mean...ok. He was literally working less than Adam Cole and Drew before he signed with NXT. And NXT is a development promotion that also had Neville, Joe, Nak, Owens, Zayn, Charlotte, Banks etc before they were called up and are top stars on their brands. I think you just summed up a development promotion lol
  7. Weird. A complete lie. But weird.
  8. When did you choose to be straight?
  9. I dont think Strowman will have lasting power. He cant sell very well, which will lose the sympathy eventually. The four way was a great example of how bad WWE is. Roman, their choice for top face, boo'ed out of the building. Joe, their choice for not a top guy was cheered heavily. Strowman, their choice for top heel, was cheered wildly.
  10. I had to check if it was 2017. Yup, it is (CNN)Sam Clovis, Donald Trump's pick to be chief scientist for the Department of Agriculture, has argued that homosexuality is a choice and that the sanctioning of same-sex marriage could lead to the legalization of pedophilia, a CNN KFile review of Clovis' writings, radio broadcasts, and speeches has found.
  11. The one criticism Ive seen of Hiddelston as Bond is that he's kinda slight in physical appearance but he certainly looks more like the Brosnan style of suave Bond. He'd also make a PERFECT Data if they recast the role for a Star Trek TNG film. I wouldnt mind them keeping Craig for awhile and make his aging part of the story arc. I dont really feel like they need to get cute with Bond by seeking out a female or minority actor. Although they absolutely could create a female 00 agent and spin her off.
  12. That kind of stuck out to me too. Him not wearing it. Does the cfl really have to mandate their coaches wear the shirt so idiots don't stand out?
  13. Craig grew on me. My original thought was that I liked Casino Royale but that the character Craig played wasnt James Bond. But I like him. Unfortunately, his first outting was the best of his films. There is still that idea out there that they will never do where they reveal that "James Bond" is a code name and all the previous actors exist in continuity. Get them all to star (or cameo) in an epic film when some villain finds out where they end up being sent to in retirement and begins killing them off.
  14. This is from LTR and actually pretty great: http://lrmonline.com/news/david-hasselhoff-wants-to-star-in-a-knight-rider-movie-in-the-vein-of-logan Hasselhoff had a conversation with CinemaBlend about his role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and Hasselhoff couldn’t help but pitch his dream project: "I have met Robert Rodriguez. He does Dusk til Dawn and Machete. And I said 'You need to do Knight Rider.' Because he was doing a marathon of Knight Riders and he said 'Can we have a selfie!?' And I said, 'No, I don't want a selfie! I want to do the movie! I want to shoot the TV series! I want to bring it back and make it dark! Michael Knight comes back and he's pissed.' ... I hope it happens, and if it does, it'll be kind of like Logan. It will be dark. Hasselhoff as Michael Knight in 2017. Knight Rider. The saga continues." They remade Knight Rider on TV a few years ago and I thought it had merit and they totally went the wrong direction with it. I think it was created as a total re-boot and then they shoe horned Hasselhoff in for a cameo and re-tooled the pilot to be more of a sequel than a re boot but it had no heart. There is a good story in there somewhere as far as AI and the fight for justice etc. You'd have to get William Daniels out of retirement though. I just checked and he did Girl Meets World this year so he's obviously open to acting.
  15. And his push might be over. From cashing in and losing to losing like that to Cena, it might be over. He better hope Cena gave a glowing report to Vince or he's in trouble. NXT was certainly better than Summerslam. My PVR screwed up so I only saw it from Styles/Owens on (and caught Balor/Bray later). Styles/Owens was good, not great. Way too much nonsense with Shane. Its basically a similar story to when Michaels was guest ref for Bret vs Undertaker in 97 and as I recall, HBK was not being constantly bumped. So when he was, it meant something. I like Shane and if the direction is, as it seems, Owens vs Shane, that's perfectly fine. But they over-booked this match. Jinder vs Nak was terrible. Jinder is playing the part well and I get the point. But what a dis-service to the rest of your talent to position Jinder as World Champion. And I just cant see Vince ever getting Nak enough to really put him over. Main event four way was good. They did what I figured they do - the swerve being there was no swerve. In many ways, it was awesome actually, especially how Roman took the pin. Joe is still the guy if they took off the blinders but they see Stroman as the guy now.
  16. I'm surprised they put Drew over so soon but he's got it all to be a top guy. He should be nxt champion for making time with the caveat that changes is Vince decided to call him up sooner. Also surprised about the ring of honor clique. I had heard it was possible but didn't think they'd be so obvious about it. But I like it. Makes all three guys better than they'd likely be as singles. I like Black but I don't think vince will love him.
  17. There is no comparison between Clinton and confederate statues. There just isnt. Im so saddened by people making these stupid comparisons. If I recall, when Clinton was impeached, the Republicans controlled Congress, no?
  18. I agree with the first and the last. But not so much the middle lol
  19. I said it here awhile back and Trump's biographer was on CNN last night saying the same thing - Trump will resign. What other option is there? IF he could last one term, he could decline to run for a second but can he really make it that far? Its possible Mueller's investigation produces nothing but the speculation and the info out there indicate he's hot on the trail of some legitimate investigations. Trump might think resigning takes the heat off him. But at some point, he might screw up enough where enough people threaten to quit if he stays on. Neither the 25th or an impeachment is likely to work now anyway. Dems need to take control of Congress to have a shot at it. *Maybe* the threat of the 25th would push Trump to resign even if he's confident he'd regain the presidency in Congress. I dont know... But I cant see him lasting three more years.
  20. wow, the alt right really doesnt get it, do they? Or they DO get it and are just providing flimsy arguments for the really stupid out there: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/08/18/seven-monuments-of-accused-sexual-predator-bill-clinton/
  21. Here is Brietbart's take: WASHINGTON, D.C. — White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders issued a statement on Friday confirming that White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon is leaving his position in the White House. The statement sent to reporters read simply: White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day. We are grateful for his service and wish him the best. Bannon joined then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016. He was brought on staff at the White House as Chief Strategist at the beginning of the Trump Administration. His departure comes shortly after several other White House officials have left. Shortly before confirmation of Bannon’s departure, 20 grassroots conservative leaders issued a letter praising President Donald Trump while emphasizing that they took comfort that Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway were assisting Trump in weathering “unfair attacks” and keeping President Trump’s agenda “front and center.” The leaders wrote, “While others may come and go in the White House, we feel sure that with Steve and Kellyanne at your side, you will always hear the voices of those of us who have supported you through thick and thin, despite the efforts by some to ‘manage’ you and your message.” The New York Times reported, “As of Friday morning, the two men were still discussing Mr. Bannon’s future, the officials said. A person close to Mr. Bannon insisted the parting of ways was his idea, and that he had submitted his resignation to the president on Aug. 7, to be announced at the start of this week, but it was delayed in the wake of the racial unrest in Charlottesville, Va.”
  22. Hopefully Trump himself. I'd say he'd somehow force Pence out as a fall guy. But Pence will seemingly put up with anything knowing he's very likely to end up in the big chair sooner or later.
  23. Reports are he resigned Aug 7th. So that puts his interview into perspective. And other reports are that Trump decided to get rid of him. I assume its another example of Trumps attitude of "you cant quit, you're fired".
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