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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Apple to spend $1 billion on development of original content in an effort to compete with Netflix and Amazon.
  2. I believe he released a statement that he stands with the President. I saw that headline but didnt read the story. If true, he's an absolute fool. Perfect time to publicly say the President is wrong. What's Trump gonna do, fire Pence? He'd have every adviser in the White House telling him not to and even if he did, Pence comes out smelling a lot better than "standing with the president" I always felt Trump would decline to run for reelection saying he made America great and there was nothing left to accomplish. But I DO think there is a possibility he actually resigns at some point. He'd go scorched earth and say he's the only one that can make America great but America doesnt want to be great so he's going to go swim in a pile of money and not worry about it anymore.
  3. Flair's fiance Wendy Barlow (Fifi the Maid) has given an update. Said it was NOT colon surgery. She took Ric to the ER for severe abdominal pain and he had multiple organ issues. Said he had surgery (just not colon surgery) and was still in critical condition.
  4. Im as negative on the far left as the next guy. But I am so disgusted by this. This defense of nazi's and KKK as "yeah, but what about the left..." **** you. I dont condone violence but I dont care one iota about the "left". Its not left vs right. its right vs wrong. Its reason vs insanity. Its peace vs hate. History shows us violent opposition was needed to this very kind of thinking. Im not condoning it. But to focus on the "left" which really includes a whole lot of people who used to be considered right wing...they have moved the line so far right that everyone is now left. Trump's nonsense about a few bad apples among the rightful protestors. Give me a break. If I go to a protest and the guy beside me is a nazi, sorry, Im not shrugging. Im leaving. Or im crossing the street to the other side. 10 people standing beside one nazi makes 11 nazi's. Stand and be counted. This is disgusting. History will judge the people that turned a blind eye to this. We're all human ******* beings. So gross.
  5. Checking out Fox News just makes me feel more and more marginalized as a conservative. They are becoming the unofficial communications wing of this White House, spinning the garbage to make it acceptable to the "right". http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/08/16/tucker-carlson-if-want-to-erase-past-must-prepare-for-consequences.html
  6. Saw this in a CNN article and its a brilliant suggestion. Made even better if its a joint presser with all of them there: A tweet by presidential biographer David Maraniss went viral, perhaps because it tapped into wishful thinking by liberals. It said: "The living former presidents -- Bushes, Carter, Clinton & Obama -- should make a joint statement calling on the racist Trump to resign."
  7. Good riddance. CIBC and PC both suck.
  8. I was at a dinner party on Saturday night and I am so reluctant, when discussing politics, to admit to being a conservative for fear of people immediately connecting that to Trump. He is a disgusting, vile, shameful human being...and that's an insult to all other human beings. Its beyond politics. This isnt idealogy. He's a bigoted, racist, clueless jerk. I agree @do or die, the entire GOP is complicit because they put winning ahead of whats right. They are so fearful of losing seats and power that they wont categorically condemn the "alt right" and everything it now stands for. True Americans would stand at their podiums and condemn those movements, condemn Trump and say "if you wont vote me now, that is your choice but if you support this crap, I dont want your vote". They desperately need to move, en mass, back towards the center. @johnzo- I too looked into the 25th because I agree that this HAS to be something talked about. You look at the body language of Chief of Staff Kelly, a friggen General, during Trump's rant. You look at the fact his staff immediately leaked that Trump went rogue. Where has his Jewish daughter and son in law been since this happened. I dont expect Ivanka to turn on her father but where is the red line for people who sort of go along for the ride. The problem is, the 25th is easy to invoke for the VP and cabinet, but the President can then send a letter to Congress disagreeing and then Congress must vote 2/3 of both houses to uphold the 25th. So even if you get the VP and Cabinet to do it, you have to know Congress will support it or Im afraid the Cabinet will be far too fearful of losing their jobs if Congress doesnt back them. But if they had any balls, they'd take that chance. But instead, they will probably all go along with impeachment when Mueller finishes and it will be over financial ****. Not the morally repugnant, divisive stuff that SHOULD be Trump's downfall. More than ever, yesterday, Trump lost the moral right to govern. He's finished. There is a Nazi in the White House. In 2017. Good God...
  9. They might do double TV here again. Its almost mind boggling that they havent come back for TV. They sold out RAW & SD here at a time they rarely did double shots. It only worked because they DID do the double shot because there wasnt a city close enough to get the trucks etc to the next day. Because they run double crews now, it probably wont ever need to happen again. But it was pretty cool and local WWE promoter Bob Holiday put over how thrilled WWE was and how they would for sure be back...then when MTSC opened he said they like to be first in for TV...never happened. During the down years of WWE, Winnipeg was very consistent in producing a high per person dollar figure, the average amount each person spends on admission and merch.
  10. The funny part is, even though HBO will be angry that they did this to themselves, it likely leads to even higher ratings.
  11. After the presser today, how long can Trump last? Wow.
  12. Update from Dave: Ric Flair remains in critical condition as of last word in a hospital in Atlanta. Flair underwent colon surgery yesterday to remove a blockage that was the catalyst for a number of different health issues that followed including kidney failure. Those in WWE were made aware that Flair is on kidney dialysis as well. A key is being able to get the kidneys back functioning. The surgery was considered a success, but as noted there are more issues involved. With fans and people within the pro wrestling industry sending well wishes for her father, Charlotte Flair posted a message thanking people for their support this morning. She wrote on Instagram: "Hi guys, On behalf of my family and I, we want to THANK everyone for the prayers, texts, calls and support. Our Dad is a FIGHTER and your continued thoughts and prayers MEAN THE WORLD to us. We will update everyone when we have more information."
  13. Yes, right after they poach me. Ill turn off the lights on my way out. Come on Gary, take me too!
  14. ha true! I hate lawn care and have often threatened to put in a "Vegas lawn" here.
  15. Yes and no. Its one thing to blame TSN but if they were so poorly paid, they'd have left before. Timing and opportunity are everything. And we can strongly suspect the Vegas franchise is paying well and I'd imagine there are some sweet perks too.
  16. Yup, will Vegas be successful? I dont know. But they wont have trouble hiring people. I dont know what Gary's home in Winnipeg looked like, but I bet his one in Vegas is a lot nicer! And he still has his cottage here. What a life!
  17. Why is Vegas raiding Winnipeg? Did Gary have anything to do with this? lol Its too bad, I liked Hnidy!
  18. Lawless is a tremendous source. I'd not be so supportive of that case the longer he is with Vegas as I'd assume he wont bother cultivating his sources. I think people confuse his style with BS. The reason Lawless had some really good stories is he protected his sources. So when you'd listen to him, there was a lot of reading between the lines. He's definitely going to be missed here. Speaking of our friend Gary, he's back in Vegas and posted a photo of his backyard. I think he made the right decision!
  19. I've hesitated even bothering on this because serious discussions here have a way of going off the rails. But is there a greater or more timely example of Trump's ineptitude (or worse) than his reaction to what happened this past weekend? And of course, it highlights his own hypocrisy when he attacked Obama for not mentioning specific terror groups and he does the same thing solely to avoid angering his base. Incredibly irresponsible at best and a disgusting example of a racist piece of crap sitting in the oval office at worst. Even when he made "stronger" statements, he then tweets about how its was basically to respond to the "fake news". Even Fox was perplexed by his lack of denouncement. And to the losers who justify their bigotry as "we're not racists, we just believe in our own white culture", ummm, yeah, you're racists. And every one of those Confederate "hero" statues and flags should be pulled down. if the politicians wont do it, the people should rise up and do it (as they did yesterday). History is important and if I go to a museum I want to see and hear stories of the Civil War and learn about General Lee and others. But to hold them up as heroes of the south....ugh The CEO of Merck quits a Presidential council over this and is then attacked by Trump. If Merck was so bad, why was that perfectly fine UNTIL he quit? Two more CEO's follow suit and Trump doesnt say a word. What a disgrace. I sat in disbelief watching the news on Saturday. So shameful.
  20. @Taynted_Fayth I might give American Gods a try. It looks good and has had good reviews. Im not sure how to watch it though (Amazon?). I might pick up the first season on disc in October and see if I like it. Interesting cast with Gillian Anderson, Ian McShane, Crispin Glover, Emily Browning etc.
  21. I have Spawn #1 somewhere. Was a huge comics nerd at the time of Image Comics. This could be interesting. With the way comics are killing it on film, Spawn could be a really good dark story. If I remember, the Spawn story was really interesting but Image comics, while looking beautiful (it was mainly top illustrators starting their own comic company), the stories were often slow in developing. I think I only collected Spawn and The Savage Dragon regularly. I think there was another I really wanted to collect...maybe WetWorks but if I recall, one of the artists had a fire at his home and it destroyed a lot of his work. I abruptly quit collecting comics one day. Quit cold turkey. It became too much with all of the cross overs and stuff.
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