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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well thats part of the issue. So many women are used to the groping and inappropriate behaviour that they shrug it off. Swift didnt do anything but complain to her mom and manager. The manager informed the sponsor (the DJ's employer) who did their own investigation and fired him. Then he, incredulously, sues Swift (and her mom and manager). He assaults her and then sues her. I have a lot of respect for Swift in how she handled out. Im sure the DJ figured she'd want to avoid the pub and expense and they'd come to a settlement. In stead, she takes the time to actually go to trial and counter sues for $1 because its not about money. And in her own statement she said she is very fortunate to be able to defend herself and finance a trial when so many others can't. So...good for Taylor Swift!
  2. Thats going back a ways lol My memorable WWE/Winnipeg shows: the first one I saw (Roberts vs Hogan). Flair vs Piper because we were all Flair marks and to see him live with the NWA World Championship was awesome. The night some jerk poured a beer over the head of Eddie Guerrero just a few feet from me and Eddie went balistic. The double TV (Raw & SD) from the old Arena. Waiting outside and having Earl Hebner punch me in the stomach and then a large group of kids chased Bret Hart's car. Seeing Sid live as he left the arena and he's the largest man I'd ever seen. Some good times.
  3. Meltzer's latest is colon blockage being the original reason for the hospital visit which spiraled into other issues. Kidney dialysis is happening. Its considered a positive development that he is alive as it was apparently looking pretty bad. I know from my own experience, my mom had serious bowel issues and her last surgery people visited and thought she was on deaths door. It can be a nasty surgery.
  4. One of his people tweeted a shirt with a quote attributed to Ric which I won't post due to its content but it essentially reads "I ain't dead yet, MF'ers" hopefully a good sign.
  5. Good for her for standing up for herself and not capitulating to the POS DJ
  6. Some reports now that it was colon surgery.
  7. Flair out of surgery but remains in very serious condition.
  8. From Metlzer: Not much more is clear other than the situation is serious. Flair was to undergo surgery this week, but we're not clear whether this was the original surgery scheduled or a new surgery. There is believed to be a heart issue involved and another issue. Dave had also indicated when news broke that he knew he was in hospital but it "sounded like a turn for the worse".
  9. So if I understand correctly it wasnt so much they hacked but had access? Or a combo of access and hacking. idiots. Hope they get the book thrown at them. All it did was provide HBO with a ton of free press and the highest rating ever for Game of Thrones.
  10. I believe Lawless is in Manitoba. But ofcourse, where he is has little bearing on who he talks to. He seemed pretty certain about his comment but we cant know whether it was opinion or fact. Whatever it is, hopefully it continues.
  11. Lawless tweeted during last game that it was clear MOS was taking a stronger hand in the D.
  12. Most of these sites are just reading twitter and posting. TMZ is always a good source as they have strong contacts. Ryan Satin is a bit of an ambulance chaser but used to work for TMZ. Meltzer would be the best source as he's legit friends with Flair but he's gone pretty silent.
  13. Probably 86. Supposedly no video exists and it was a 60 minute draw. But I've seen video purported to be of this match and it was a double count out, I believe. Flair was never AWA World Champion so he definitely didnt win the title that night. They used to do those champion vs champion matches from time to time. Flair also did a champion vs champion match with WWF Champion Bob Backlund. Bockwinkle lost his final AWA World title to a young Mr Perfect Curt Hennig. Flair/Bockwinkle is considered by many to be the greatest match ever held at Winnipeg Arena. if you saw it live, I am very jealous! My first Winnipeg Arena show was headlined by Hogan vs Jake Roberts in a feud that was aborted too soon because fans kept cheering Roberts.
  14. Some have reported that this is related to a bacterial infection and alcohol abuse. One such possibility might be Endocarditis which is a bacterial infection of the heart and can strike those with past issues, which Flair reportedly had and valve surgery can sometimes be required. Pure speculation on my part.
  15. TMZ reporting Flair to undergo surgery imminently...
  16. It better news, as expected, Adam Cole has signed with WWE and will start with NXT. Apparently, the Bullet Club merch is off the charts at recent WWE events (not sold there, just worn by fans). Kenny Omega defeated Okada this week in the G1 and many are saying its the best of their series (their two prior matches got SIX out of five stars from Meltzer) and the final where Naito beat Kenny was considered even better by some. Omega likely preparing to receive a brinks truck full of money from WWE on Feb 1st!
  17. That might be true. On the other hand, they've been great in my experience. So unless they are actually terrible but possess the power to alter my mind into thinking they are good, I have to disagree. And if they do have that power, that alone makes them a great company!
  18. As near as I can tell, neither Hunter or WWE has made a comment...which strikes me as very ominous. I hate to spread speculation but I've seen some suggesting the induced coma could be a way to preserve life until the family can assemble. Charlotte was in China and is flying home (or might be home now).
  19. Flair wrote about this in his book. He was treated for heart issues related to alcohol several years ago. he's only 68 but he lived a thousand lifetimes. When he stood in the ring on RAW and said he wanted to die wrestling he meant it. But man...this is tough. So much secrecy as well. medically induced Coma's are usually for brain injuries but who knows. Im no doctor. I know people will talk about Ric's personal life. But as someone in the business and far more importantly as a fan, Ric Flair is the greatest of all time and he influenced so many people who tried to live their dreams in wrestling. He's a huge cross over star who influenced athletes in many sports. He was being talked to about running for Governor of North Carolina at one point and made a lot of money as a State Lottery pitch man. He's huge.
  20. There are unconfirmed reports that Flair is now in a medically-induced coma.
  21. I was a late adopter. Always had PC's. Finally after our relatively new PC died, the gf insisted on an iMac. I reluctantly went along (she paid for it). Hated it for about 4 days as it was so different and now, I can't imagine going back to PC. I use a PC for work. But everything is better on a Mac. With the exception of software. Loads more options with PC but I do find the minimal things I do (video editing etc), Mac is great, easy to use. Although I wish they would make a next generation iDVD (for blu ray). When I graduated from flip phones, I went with an HTC Diamond. It sucked. So I went with Blackberry and scowled at all the pretentious d bags with iphones. And when I couldnt hold out any longer, I finally got an iPhone and swore at myself for waiting so long. Nothing is perfect. But Im an Apple convert.
  22. iPad Mini 4 16GB: $310 (Demo for $260) Air 2 Demo Only: $310.
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