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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Essentially have a larger iphone. I probably wouldnt buy one at full price. But based on the deal, I want to. For example, if Im reading something on my phone before falling asleep, I'd be happy with a bigger screen. When I traveled last, the plane had the smart entertainment set up (no physical TV's) so I was watching tv on my phone and that was annoying. So taking the iPad on vacation to use for entertaining myself, facetiming etc, sounds like something I'd do. For every day use, Im still using my i6. For more intensive use, I have my macbook & iMac. So really more of a convenience factor. I think ive talked myself into a mini 4 haha
  2. I have an opportunity to buy a couple of iPads, depending on supply, due to my work (these are surplus). I have an iMac and iPhone but no iPad so Im literally clueless. There are some really cheap iPad mini's but Im guessing those are old? So Im looking at: Ipad Air 2 (Demo Display model) iPad Air (Refurb) iPad Mini 4 Ipad Mini 3 What do you think?
  3. GFW (TNA) has stripped Alberto El Patron (Del Rio) of their World Championship as a result of his public issues with Paige, namely the airport incident. Interestingly, it was Paige who assaulted Del Rio but in their statement GFW blames Del Rio for his lack of decorum.
  4. Steph's bump was very mild. Vince did make his decision about an heir to WWE and it was not Shane, hence why Shane abruptly quit. Shane had been openly lobbying for a bigger hand in creative and Vince promoted Steph to that role while moving Shane to "new Media". Shane's problem is, the things he's really good at arent the things that people in wrestling get excited about. And he is very good at his old job. He made New Media something when didnt even exist. He negotiated TV rights deals around the world. What an interesting thing is, he was always pushing Vince to expand. Shane wanted WWE to buy UFC when they could have got it cheap. He wanted WWE to be more adult-like and more ECW-like (and then they did it, and launched the attitude era). he wanted to create an Internet-only promotion that he would run that would air on WWE.com (with similar ideas to what Hunter ended up doing with NXT). But when it comes to creative, the book on Shane is, he just isnt very good. One thing said about Shane & Steph is that Shane always had a lot of ideas for top guys while Steph always had ideas for everyone. Im no fan of Steph as a booker. And I think Shane is probably the better "big picture" guy. But Vince chose Steph and by extension, Hunter. And once Shane was gone (and his sudden resignation was not met with happiness in the family), Vince took Hunter under his wing. In all the ways Shane could have learned from Vince, Hunter did instead. While WWE has not realsed an official succession plan, they've all but screamed it from the roof tops. Hunter will run WWE. He's EVP of all the things that directly impact what you see on Televsion. Steph is directly responsible for "spreading the word" corporately. And the business side of things will report to the BOD which is controled by the McMahons and will continue to be controlled by Hunter & Steph. The only thing that could change this (besides Hunter cheating on Steph and her kicking him to the curb) is what Vince does with his shares. I dont think he'd split them between Steph & Shane. Even if he did, Steph & Hunter have more shares today than Shane does as Shane sold most of his. Vince's shares are the imprtant ones - the voting shares. If he leaves the majority to Steph/Hunter, which I assume he wil unless he comes up with some trust account deal, its theirs. Keep in mind, currently, Shane doesnt even work for WWE corporate. He's an in-screen character. Thats it. To be in line for a seat at the table, he'd have to get a job with WWE at an EVP level, get a seat on the BOD and start accumulating WWE shares. None of that has happened.
  5. Ric Flair in ICU due to heart issues. Limited info. His management team is asking for prayers. Looks very ominous...
  6. http://money.cnn.com/2017/08/11/news/mh370-search-resume-us-ocean-infinity/index.html?sr=twCNN081117mh370-search-resume-us-ocean-infinity0545PMStory Months after the underwater search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was called off, an American company is offering to resume the hunt for the missing airliner. Ocean Infinity, a Texas-based firm that specializes in seabed exploration technology, told CNNMoney on Friday that it has submitted an offer to search for the remains of the Boeing 777 that disappeared more than three years ago with 239 people on board. The company declined to reveal the exact terms of the proposal, but said it's willing to "take on the economic risk of a renewed search." The group said the company expects a "fee" for the search only if it is successful in finding the aircraft's wreckage.
  7. It was better under Ryan Ward for sure. How it generally works is writers come up with everything and Hunter & Vince approve it or ask for changes. So its not like Vince & Hunter are spending hours working on the finer details. Hunter worked closer with Ward in NXT and then Ward got bumped to Smackdown. Gabe Sopolski is now working with NXT. Hopefully its a sign of WWE being more open to recruiting bookers rather then just hiring shitty Hollywood writers.
  8. I dont know if I'd say that. Hunter has been schooled intensively by Vince the last few years. And I dont think its to actually teach him detailed business stuff, but to alleviate shareholder fears of Hunter being in charge. He's someone with zero formal education and very limited executive job experience. Part of the motivation behind NXT as Hunter's baby is to show real world experience. Steph being there helps calm share holders as far as a McMahon still being on the executive team. They are both Board members. But behind Vince, they have a respected executive team as far as the COO and CFO. I sort of suspect they'd advance someone to CEO who isnt Hunter. But it would be a weird set up because you'd essentially have a CEO who answers to Hunter. The way they'd probably do it is have Hunter as the guy in charge of everything that pertains to what you see - talent, creative, live events etc, which is essentially his job title now. I think one of the reasons Shane came back was he saw an opportunity to be important again. Im surprised he's only remained an on-screen character. But I think there are issues related to his business dealings in China and WWE's business in China. I'd expect Shane to be back on the WWE BOD eventually. He'd likely be an asset in calming shareholder nerves as he's 1) a McMahon 2) was an EVP 3) was very well liked and respected by people that worked for him 4) negotiated some significant deals for WWE 5) ended up CEO of a Non-WWE company. But Shane & Hunter dont like each other and thats why Shane left. Vince is definitely of an age where they should have a succession plan and as a publicly traded company it will come out eventually. If he died tomorrow, suddenly, there would be issues. The other option is Vince selling WWE which is always a possibility. Business aside, Hunter probably keeps WWE creative humming along. I'd suspect it would be better under Hunter than Vince.
  9. Hunter & Steph don't like him. Long time speculation is Dunn is gone the second Vince is.
  10. Hunter is hired other pro sports athletes as scouts and talent employees. Hasn't always worked out. While talent is talent, generally you'd want people that get wrestling to be scouting for wrestling.
  11. Interesting comments from the lawyer for TRUMP not Manafort.
  12. Its really weird of them to advertise it when they have a stipulation about Brock leaving WWE if he loses at Summerslam. But I guess they dont really care about being consistent.
  13. Supposedly the WWE event in Winnipeg end of September is Brock vs Joe. Which is a very expensive main event for a Winnipeg house show. I can only assume its because Brock lives so close. Subject to change.
  14. I just upgraded to the 4K plan as I bought a new TV. I dont mind paying. Its a great service. I wish other streaming services were as easy to use. First World Problems I suppose, but it annoys me accessing HBO's VOD service through SHAW. My TV actually came with a dedicated Netflix button. Super fast and easy to use. I was debating with some morons on a Star Trek forum about CBS All Access which is where the new series is available in the US. Some people were very upset they had to pay for the service AND use a Roku device to get it on their TV's.
  15. I think there was talk of it but hasnt happened. The backlash would be huge but I dont think Trump cares. As President he can pardon anyone he wants and I would expect him to do so for his friends, family & associates. Pardoning himself...that would be an interesting constitutional debate. He could avoid it by making a deal with Pence to advance him to president but that didnt work out very well in the past. Also, supposedly there are investigations going on in New York as well. The President can only pardon federal crimes, not state ones.
  16. Romulans are a bit tougher because they are related to Vulcans so even the stupid bumpy forehead was silly.
  17. The interesting legal battle will be when Trump pardons himself.
  18. Embracing streaming is very smart. To ignore it would be detrimental. In fact, they let Netflix get way too much market share and now are playing catch up. Its about time. Ultimately it will be better for consumers too. I dont think piracy is a major concern nor will it negatively impact the studios. Music was different as they never embraced the internet.
  19. The suggestion that people will turn to illegal downloads and hinder the industry hasnt been shown to be true. The most pirated programs are also the most popular. The highest rated GoT episode this season was the one that was stolen and put on the Internet. I wish everything was free. But this idea that corporations are greedy for making money is ludicrous. If Disney creates a streaming Star Wars channel and people pay to watch it in large numbers, why is Disney the bad guy? If you owned Disney stock you'd think they're the bad guy for NOT doing that. Companies will go as far as consumers are willing to let them. If we are willing to pay, they will be happy to charge.
  20. Who's to say you wont be able to bundle in the future? Its possible an Internet provider might offer a deal where you pay X amount and get X amount of OTT services included. In that way, it would end up evolving into a similar set up as cable providers. Though I think that is what the studios want to cut out. They want to cut the middle man. I dont think there is much appetite among consumers to throttle Internet speed any more than it already is. Comcast or someone tried that in the US with Netflix and the backlash was very negative. The OTT services will always look like the good guy when they provide high quality streams and the Internet Provider raises the price or throttles. Fibre is expensive but once in, the providers will have little issue in handling the needs of consumers. The prices will work themselves out. Perhaps Internet Providers will make deals with studios to push specific OTTs. They all want to make money. Supply and demand and the willingness of consumers to pay will dictate the price. Its really that simple. if the cost of Internet rises to the extent customers wont pay, then those prices wont last long. How many shows on Netflix do you watch? Because the more studios pull their programming to support their own OTT platforms, the less content Netflix will have. If you view a lot of archival material, so be it. But original content is what drives subs. Thats true of Netflix. Its true of CBS All Access. Its true of WWE.
  21. I respectfully disagree. Enterprise made a cute episode about it but it actually made things worse. It made very little sense that people in Star Fleet would forget what Klingons looked like. Both Enterprise and DS9 contributed to this by being cute. The original intent was Klingons look how they look and despite make up issues in the 60's, we would ignore it. Regardless, Discovery Klingons look like Klingons in the same way different humans look like humans. I have no issue with it.
  22. Interesting because Manafort had been cooperating. Seems the argument was that investigators didn't trust him.
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