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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well yes in the US, you still have plenty of local and state leaders showing non-partisan leadership. Its just one that makes everything political and would rather people die. Unfortunately he's the top guy. I think his plan is clearly to try and make it seem like the individual States will be to blame.
  2. Its not really political. Most leaders have leadership skills and are relatively intelligent (either smart themselves and/or smart enough to have smart people around them). They *should* be great leaders in a crises.
  3. Unfortunately the “nothing to see here folks” feel that way because they’re afraid the economic disaster will spell doom for trump. Maybe not all. Some just don’t have any critical thinking skills.
  4. Not really. And it’s awfully distasteful to be doing his trump love routine when people are sick and dying, displaced, out of work, worried etc.
  5. 685k for AEW / .25 demo590k for NXT / .15 demo People are over these empty shows. Ofcourse, the news is also dominating ratings right now.
  6. Nobody stole his money especially if he invested in the markets.
  7. Or make different investment choices... 😉
  8. Can someone start a thread for the paranoid, delusional and the deniers of reality? They can jabber on to each other and the rest of us can continue to discuss the serious situation at hand.
  9. My dad passed away there. I agree, first rate. My dad was in and out while on palliative care, sometimes just to get meds straightened out. At the end, we tried to keep him at home but the level of care he needed was too much for us to handle on our own. They show a lot of care and compassion there. If coronavirus runs through that place...its going to be bad.
  10. Just found out yesterday??? Who’s he trying to kid
  11. His friend???!!!!! He’s not even pretending to not be a POS anymore.
  12. Speculation is the AEW taping location was DDP's studio. They made it look good, regardless.
  13. That’s what I thought too with artificial turf but I think they had to get out of Florida. And with crew at ringside this week when they weren’t last week it makes me think they were somewhere with different gathering rules. Looked like a small building though. Indoor soccer maybe? it’s getting to be a struggle. But A for effort. They’re really trying. Apparently they filmed matches for future shows in case they can’t get together. Still planning for DoN.
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