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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I believe people said the same thing when we went from 6 channels to 50. They will all have their own OTT platforms eventually, to catch the cable cutters. Its not just about saving money. its about being rooted to your TV at a specific time. People want to watch on their terms, when they want, how they want and where they want. Its the future. Im all for it. There will be some pain especially for people that maintain cable AND have to subscribe to OTT to get their favorite shows. But it will work itself out. Everyone is playing catch up to Netflix. I dont think stand alones will survive or at least, they will have trouble. But the studios and networks with vast catalogs and the financial backing to create quality original programming will. Netflix is in a ton of debt because they know the value of original programming. The archives are just gravy. Disney is somewhat unique in their properties are really tremendous and they will be hugely successful in doing this. CBS leveraging Star Trek is just the tip of the iceberg. If Disney does the same with original Star Wars content? Look out. Plus Marvel? Plus, Disney will continue to buy up IP (they've been speculated as an interested part in WWE). As consumers, it *should* give us BETTER programming. In Canada its a bit different. Both WWE and CBS struck deals with terrestrial networks to carry their OTT programming here. It will be interesting to see if/when that changes eventually.
  2. Disney announces it will be creating an ESPN streaming service as well as a Disney streaming service and pulling all of its content from Netflix. I assume the Marvel shows that are partnered with Netflix will remain. I was discussing this with some morons on a Star Trek forum who, before Disney's announcement, were touting CBS' leverage of Discovery to juice it's own OTT service as a bad business decision. Disney's catalog leveraging their own OTT service would be pretty formidable. Since we know original content is king, how long until they announce a brand new live action Star Wars TV show?
  3. Windsor gets a lot of picks in the trade although there is a built in caveat that should Logan not play a game for the Rangers, the trade only includes a 15th round pick.
  4. Regarding the Klingons, as much as I am a canon junkie, Im good with this. Some people who are really opposed are over looking the fact that every version of Star Trek altered the design of the Klingons. In fact, in TNG, Worf's make up changed from season to season. I still think they might provide an in-universe reason for the difference with these being ancient or nomadic Klingons. Not all humans look alike, why should all Klingons?
  5. I love when a show like GoT airs at its regular time and people go insane on social media over "spoilers". Its not a spoiler if its already aired but you didnt watch yet. Then again, I also get very aggravated when Im watching a Jets game on delay and an idiot friend texts me about something that happened, such as "wow, Jets sucks" and Im like, "I just started watching the game *******".
  6. Kevin Dunn's influence. Absolutely awful. Wrestling should be called like a sport. Booker is there because David Otunga was filming a movie or something and you can guess why it HAD to be Booker who filled in.
  7. He's mirroring Nixon in many ways. And Nixon was a hell of a lot smarter. Trump was so arrogant. Becoming president and the way he did it put the target on his back. How many investigations are actually happening? Supposedly New York has a RICO case about sex trafficking that Trump is involved in. There's a reason he said his finances were a "red line" that Mueller better not cross. And it's clear Mueller is doing just that. Trump will end up in jail eventually.
  8. According to the WSJ, the special Counsel has empaneled a Grand Jury in DC looking into Trump/Russia and suppoenas have been issues relating to Trump Jr and his meeting with the Russians. This comes after rumours abound that Trump wants to fire Mueller but his new CoS has warned him it would be very bad Its heating up.
  9. It could be good if they try to capture some of the atmosphere of the original. If it's just an overly styalized shallow cop show it won't work. Like the movie version.
  10. And his press secretary twists herself in knots to avoid admitting he's a liar
  11. I think they wanted to hire young, cool directors and give them the freedom to write their own stories. It seemed to work with JJ but I think they might be having second thoughts. Regardless, if they dont like the script, at least they are punching it up and not just hoping for the best. Disney doesnt seem to have any fear of bad press when it comes to replacing people or what have you. Good for them.
  12. This is supposed to go into production in January. Trouble brewing?
  13. This is going to make a great House of Cards style tv show one day
  14. I can understand the concern expressed below but this show really intrigues me! (CNN)HBO says it has "respect" for the "dialogue and concern" being voiced following the announcement of their upcoming drama "Confederate," but stands by the vision of the show's creators. The network's statement came after a campaign from the creator of #OscarsSoWhite, April Reign, gained traction on Sunday night, following a targeted effort. "Confederate" imagines what would have happened if Southern states successfully seceded from the Union during the Civil War and slavery continued to be practiced. HBO has been on the defensive about the project since announcing it almost two weeks ago. The series comes from "Game of Thrones" showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Nichelle Tramble Spellman and Malcolm Spellman also executive produce.
  15. HAHAHAHAHA What a clown show!! The Mooch has been fired after a week!
  16. For me, it really depends. Im digging Panago now (they make vegan for the gf). Santa Lucia never disappoints and sometimes you can just get a Pizza Hut. The Sheraton on Pembina HWY makes a fantastic pizza too.
  17. Fuller's original idea was to create an anthology series similar to American Horror Story. Every season would be a new era, beginning with Discovery and going through Kirk's time, Picard's time and beyond. CBS wouldn't commit until Discovery proves to be a success. Fuller went over budget and fought with CBS about the pilot director as well as things like the uniforms (Fuller wanted something closer to TOS) and his time constrains due to his other series. This jives with early speculation where the lead, Burnham, was kept more under wraps. I have a feeling she would have been the common thread between all the series' so either she isn't fully human or that was changed. Perhaps she was Vulcan. Im actually really excited for Discovery.
  18. I cant remember the call that annoyed me, last week I think and this one where the radio guys talk about it over and over and over and its like they never bothered reviewing the play. You can argue its a soft call but for people to suggest the Als player never touched him is factually incorrect. Clear two handed shove.
  19. Im no expert but on the Nichols one, replays clearly showed the Als player grab Nichols right shoulder pad and place his right hand on Nichols chest and pushed him. Even on the reverse replay, you can see Nichols shoulder pad move from the shove. Maybe weak, but as the ref said, he called the ball gone and the player pushed him anyway.
  20. Their whole business model is based on people forgetting or not going to the "trouble" of cancelling. They certainly arent doing anything to make the Network worth keeping post WrestleMania. Well, maybe thats not fair. They are doing the women's thing. But reducing their spend on original programming would seem to be the opposite of what you'd do. Their viewership tells them that the archives are really not that popular, although I dont think they promote the archives as much as they should. I wish they did more original documentaries. The Monday Night War docum-series was great even if it wasnt wholly accurate. The JBL series was good too but cancelled. They should do a writer's room TV show. Or have a camera follow Kevin Dunn around which I bet would produce many unintended gems. Call it "Well Dunn".
  21. He's currently shooting both (principal photography on MI and reshoots on JL). Supposedly the work on MI is to intensive for a fake mustache and Paramount doesnt care about helping out WB. Cavill made a joke post trying to claim it was all nonsense. But supposedly they did tests of the CGI removal of the stache and they are acceptable. lol
  22. For you WWE business wonks, they released their 2nd quarter results today. Summation by Mr Meltzer: WWE announced Thursday that they set a record for revenue of $214.6 million for the WrestleMania quarter, finishing with $5.1 million in profits as compared to $199 million in revenue and $800,000 in profits for the same quarter last year The big key was less spending on the WWE Network. With fewer original non-wrestling shows, the profit margin for Network and pay-per-view was $1.2 million for the quarter instead of $8.3 million in losses for the same period one year ago. Actual subscribers were up four percent as of June 30th, but the number of people who canceled was also the largest in the history of the Network. Television, based on new deals and escalating deals, also increased in profitability and when it comes to overall profitability, it is still television and live shows that carry things. Live event profitability was down even though business was steady. North American shows were slightly up in attendance when you factor out WrestleManias each year (with WrestleMania, things were down based on the larger venue capacity last year). North American non-Mania attendance went from 5400 to 5500 due to the increased number of pay-per-views that draw a larger attendance. Including WrestleMania in the average, it would be a decline from 6600 to 6400. Overseas shows fell from an average of 8000 to an average of 6300, but the drop was partially due to adding a lot more events in new markets. As compared to previous calls, the company provided significantly less information past the numbers themselves with Vince McMahon praising Paul Levesque's work in the women's division and how quarter hour numbers show fans are responding better to the women. They also pushed their new localized versions of WWE shows in the Middle East and India as helping to build popularity. The Network Numbers Aside from television revenue, which is a fixed contractual number, the biggest number is the WWE Network number. On June 30th, the WWE Network grew slightly to 1,568,000 subscribers as compared to 1,511,000 at the same point last year. In the second quarter of 2016, the Network gained 625,000 new paying subscribers while losing 471,000 (people who let their subs lapse after WrestleMania). This year, during the second quarter, the company gained 598,000 new paying subscribers while losing 604,000. Last year, it was the second quarter that gained the most subscribers of any quarter while this year they actually lost subscribers during the same period even with producing more PPVs in the quarter than the year before. As far as the other divisions, Home Entertainment was down 10 percent in profits, digital media had a stronger quarter with $1.4 million in profits, and while venue merchandise was down significantly, licensing and WWE Shop revenue were up.
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