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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. So Paypal disallows their original payment but by then I've reimbursed them X amount? And do they end up taking the car? lol
  2. Which part? The part that blamed Harper ( and Chrétien). Or the part where he was given a cheque for $10 million?
  3. Hoping the smart peeps here can help me on this. I posted an old car for sale on Kijiji. Noted that it is not safetied and could be a good parts car as it has lots of good parts. Intent was to see if a parts person would bite or else we'd just donate it. I immediately got two text messages. One from a Florida Area Code and one from a Memphis Area Code. Both using very similar verbiage about paying through paypal and wanting the car "immediately". Whats the deal with this? Im assuming its BS but whats the scam? They do a fake Paypal and steal it? Or they just come over and rob me?
  4. Great, throw him in jail then. Treason sounds like a great starting point. He joined a terrorist organization. Im not a lawyer. Im sure we have laws that disallow Canadians joining terrorist organizations and fighting on their behalf. But now, we have a left wing extremism loving government that thinks he's a victim because America got him. I wonder who nursed him back to health. I bet it wasnt the Taliban. Sure looks like he's been mistreated.
  5. I wouldnt have minded him here but we do have a lot of bottom six depth
  6. I dont care where he goes. Save the $10 million. Pay for a one way plane ticket to wherever he wants to go. There are means to revoke citizenship and terrorism is one of the grounds to do it. In fact, seems like an open & shut case.
  7. Shouldn't have been Canada's problem. And once this guy tried to make it an issue, Canada should have revoked his citizenship and washed their hands of him. He shouldn't even be in this country right now.
  8. Wasnt Chevy openly talking about extending him near the end of last season? I just find it odd that they'd tell Maurice to "prove" himself. I think they will announce an extension before the season.
  9. I tend to agree. A good player that adds depth. Doesnt have to play every game. Doesnt cost a lot. We'll see where we are next summer when his contract expires and hopefully one of the kids can take his spot.
  10. Im too lazy (and busy) to do some searching but I believe the last space race led to a lot of technological development. They basically have to invent new technology to accomplish these goals. Plus the scientific advancement that comes with experiments and gaining knowledge. I think the entirety of it expands human knowledge and evolution. The "national pride" that comes with it is a bonus but I wouldn't short change the positive that comes with a few minutes of largely global focus on a peaceful cooperative enterprise. Plus, if a mission to Mars has clear merit, going to the Moon first is probably advantageous to that. W. laid this all out and Obama cancelled it. The price tag is likely a fraction of that which is spent on wars. Humanity should always be pushing forward.
  11. Its definitely interesting that Maurice has not been extended yet.
  12. Then he's got the wrong publicists. At his age, with these charges, his PR people should be happy if the man can die in peace, let alone trying to rehab his image. It isnt going to happen.
  13. CNN is only fake when you dont like what they report. lol A new space race would probably be for the best. The day Japan or any country plants their flag on the moon, perhaps the US will wake up and get back in the game.
  14. This is a big thing. He left Canada. And his parents werent here because they loved the country anyway. Either way, this terrorist left Canada, trained at a terrorist facility and fought against Canada and its allies. So he can try to kill us and our allies and when caught he gets to say "oh Im Canadian"? There is the letter of the law and there is common sense. His citizenship should have been revoked. He was an enemy combatant. Its not like he got a DUI while on vacation in Mexico and needs Canada to help him get back. Screw him. This is so embarrassing to so many Canadians. Really really embarrassing.
  15. You're cherry picking. She has a lawful order in the US. I never said it was valid in Canada. But you're embracing a soldier of a terrorist organization who, there is no doubt, was making bombs with the intent of killing soldiers and who confessed to killing a solider. And you're defending HIS position while making excuses for the lawful order obtained by the widow of the dead soldier. In your order of importance, the terrorist is higher than the widow.
  16. Sleep deprivation and solitary confinement. Poor him. He was a terrorist combatant who murdered a man and conspired to attempt to murder many others im seeing statements about his lousy stay in Cuba but I'm not seeing any defence of his actions that make any sense why is he rich and why did he earn an apology? by the way, the government made sure he got paid to prevent the soldiers widow from trying to enforce the wrongful death judgement so I guess only certain laws are worth enforcing
  17. Yes, the lefty love affair with Khadr is all about their inherent anti-Americanism and their desire to prove that Islamic Extremists are just misunderstood and if we all just accepted their warped view of the world and their own religion, they'd gleefully skip off arm and arm with us. if we embrace their right to wish us dead, maybe they wont kill us.
  18. Have all those main characters who left Once Upon a Time been written off in the finale last season? if so, how? Im pretty sure i read that But I cant find anything about the others. And the thing about the three remaining stars having new identities is interesting. Like, they will be new characters or the same Fairy characters but new "real world" characters?
  19. And move Lowry down to 4th line with...Copp and Dano? Starting to sound better...
  20. I think we need Connor to make the big club and do well this year. Perreault is sort of that weird 2/3 line guy. He stirs the drink on the 2nd line but we're probably in much better shape if he's an everyday third liner.
  21. I stopped watching after the first couple of seasons but Im intrigued by this "re-boot". Plus, I had a huge crush on Anwar years ago. And Dania Ramirez (from The Sopranos among other things) aint half bad either!
  22. Yeah Im confused why people are getting caught up on the "they dont have specific, detailed, live, HD video of him throwing the grenade". He was fighting for a terrorist organization involved in murdering soldiers. Is there not video of him him making IED's? Are we supposed to feel sorry for him that he was 15 years old? Do we feel sorry for non-terrorists who break laws in this country? Do we pay them off? Besides, on the issue of whether he threw the grenade, what's interesting is, Khadr himself doesnt even maintain he didnt throw it. His two positions were 1) I threw it 2) I cant remember either way. As it relates to whether Khadr was tortured into giving false confessions, the military judge ruled his confessions did not arise from the incidents of aleged torture and, in fact, there was no evidence the torture happened. If you cling to the "there is no definitive proof he threw a grenade" how can you also cling to "he was certainly tortured"? Its simply a matter of accepting facts without concrete proof and rejecting the same from the other side. Khadr was sent to al-Qaeda camps where he was taught to use guns and explosives. He certainly had a lousy father. But let's assume they couldnt prove he threw the grenade (even though he admitted it and plead guilty to it - we certainly accept people DO give false confessions), he also plead guilty to attempted murder, conspiring with al-Qaeda, spying and giving support to terrorists. Is there also no evidence of that? He trained with al-Qaeda at the behest of his father who was a friend of Bin laden's. He was captured at an al-Qaeda base engaged in a fight with US troops. As another posted has noted, he planted IED's (he helped the US locate them). Whether he threw the grenade or not is moot. Oj Simpson was sent up the river because he got away with murder, not because he stormed a Vegas hotel room. Where is the outrage. Khadr is a terrorist. If people feel sorry for his upbringing, I can accept that. But every single day, there are kids that do bad things because of their parenting and we hold them accountable. The government is wrong on this one. They are excusing and rewarding a terrorist who fought against our allies. We can disagree with how the US treats prisoners. We can disagree with the Cuban base. We can even say that being held there is so litigating that Khadr should now be free. But to apologize on behalf of Canadians and give him money is outrageous.
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