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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Its possible he plead guilty to get out of jail. its also possible he plead guilty because he's guilty. The info about his father taking him there is moot unless its a mitigating circumstance to his own actions. Plus, we dont shrug off 15/16 year old Canadians for violent crimes (at least we shouldn't). I'd strongly suspect that 10 years in Gitmo was a pretty stiff penalty for his actions (not strong enough if you're the family of the dead soldier). But ten years in prison doesnt get you an apology from the PM and millions of dollars. This PM is really embarrassing. His remarks on Canada Day just showed his motivations and bias. As a Canadian, I'd like to apologize to our American friends.
  2. Are you rolling your eyes because you believe he is lying about Scheif & Wheeler having a positive impact on his decision to sign with Winnipeg?
  3. NHL.com WINNIPEG - Dmitry Kulikov had never been a free agent at any point in his career, and he thought the process would take a lot longer than it did. But the Winnipeg Jets wouldn't let that happen. "From the time I started talking to them, I felt in my gut that I think Winnipeg is the right fit for me, and I should be a Jet," Kulikov said via a conference call from Boca Raton, Florida. "Looking at the roster and the players that we have, it's an impressive group." The 26-year-old from Lipetsk, Russia put his name to a three-year contract with an average annual value of $4,333,333 on Saturday, just hours after the NHL's Free Agency period opened up. But it wasn't only Jets General Manager Kevin Cheveldayoff and management making the pitch to the left-handed defenceman. Captain Blake Wheeler and Mark Scheifele had a little something to do with it as well. "I know Scheifele from a couple summers ago. I trained with him in Canada. I skated with Wheeler this summer a couple times," Kulikov said. "They played a big role in my decision. They pretty much sold me on Winnipeg and talking about how good the team is and how good the guys are in the locker room." Kulikov has played in 507 career NHL games, scoring 30 goals and 143 points during that time. The majority of those came over seven seasons with the Florida Panthers between 2009 and 2016.
  4. So they did exactly what I suggested they do? Good. Me and the Germans, on the same page when it comes to International financial concerns.
  5. Impact is the name of their TV show, like RAW is the name of WWE's TV show. When Eric Bichoff came in, he really wanted to get rid of the TNA name and so they began referring to TNA as a whole as "Impact Wrestling" but it didnt really stick. When Anthem bought it, they began doing the same thing. I think they decided having the company and the TV show both called Impact was confusing and wanted a more traditional name that invoked an international presence, thus "Global Force Wrestling".
  6. A little history: Jeff Jarrett originally founded TNA in 2002 with his father. The idea was a PPV-only promotion. They would air their TV every Wednesday (I believe) on PPV for $10 and they felt there was enough of a market after WCW & ECW was swallowed up by WWE to make a go of it. Unfortunately, it didnt work. PPV was always successful *because* you had "free TV" to promote it. Without that, they simply werent generating enough revenue. Even more unfortunately, one of their top business people who was in charge of the PPV finances over-reported the amount of revenue. You have to wait X amount of time to get the actual money from the PPV providers. For some reason, this person maliciously over-reported the numbers so Jeff and his dad operated under the assumption of X amount of revenue coming in. When it actually came in, it was way less and they were basically on the verge of bankruptcy. But their Public Relations person was Dixie Carter. She went to her dad, who owned an oil business in Texas and convinced him to finance her purchase of TNA. She bought a controlling interest leaving Jeff with a minority interest (somewhere in the 40's% range). Jeff's dad was bought out (and his departure created a rift between father & son for many years (I think it was Jeff's wife dying of cancer that finally brought them back - Jerry Jarrett felt Jeff chose Vince Russo over him). Years later, Jeff began dating Karen Angle (Kurt's ex wife). They kept the relationship secret but when it came out, Dixie was livid. It resulted in Jeff being exiled from TNA, maintaining his ownership. Jeff hooked up with country music star (and very wealthy) Toby Keith to try to buy the rest of TNA from Dixie Carter. They had a deal in place with Dixie's dad but he insisted Dixie be kept on as an executive. Toby didnt want to have to keep anyone he didnt want (and clearly Jeff wanted Dixie out) and the deal fell apart. Jeff decided to try and start a new promotion from scratch. Reportedly Toby remained interested but not without a national TV deal. Jeff started Global Force Wrestling and tried to get a TV deal, to no avail. He ran bought shows at minor league baseball stadiums and filmed them so he had video to pitch Networks. He used many guys that he had used in TNA but not big names. Jeff also booked himself on Indy shows around North America as a "talent scout" for Global Force. Meanwhile, TNA continued to hemorrhage money and Dixie's parents had enough and tried to sell it. TNA needed cheap talent, a hot angle and someone for their Hall of Fame and Dixie reached out to Jeff and made a deal to have Global Force "invade" TNA. Jeff would go into the Hall of Fame, GFW would be promoted and Jeff would agree to sell the remainder of his TNA stock to Dixie. When the angle was over, they went their separate ways. That's when Billy Corgan sued Dixie claiming he was owed stake in the company. TNA was on the verge of bankruptcy. Global Force more or less stopped running altogether. Jarrett hooked up with some gold selling scheme using Global Force as the front (Global Force Gold) for some multi-level marketing scheme that, I assume, went nowhere. I dont know anyone who wanted to buy Gold from Jeff Jarrett. Dixie was finally able to sell TNA to Anthem (owned by Canadian-based The Fight Network). She maintained a board seat and executive title but was quickly ousted or marginalized. Since Anthem didnt know anything about wrestling, but knew enough to get rid of Dixie, they brought in Jeff Jarrett as an adviser. Whatever advice Jeff gave, Anthem liked because they hired him to run TNA. He immediately brought back "his" guys from Global Force and had the GFW champions appear on TNA TV. The idea was kind of sound in that they would build up GFW vs TNA championship matched and try to draw heat off it. But GFW effectively didnt exist since they didnt run any shows. And last week, Anthem announced they had purchased this non-existent promotion, GFW, and would use it as its new brand, replacing TNA. In short, Jarrett was gifted TNA originally, bankrupted it, sold majority to Dixie, was fired, founded GFW, drove it to virtual bankruptcy, was paid for his minority stake in money-losing TNA, brought in to run TNA when Anthem bought it and was paid for the non-existent GFW which is now TNA and he runs it. Jeff Jarrett - great man. No big names outside Lashley and Del Rio (and Gail Kim to a degree, Konnan) but these were all TNA guys anyway. And the fact they bought cheap bootleg quality belts tells you where their finances are.
  7. Why dont the Germans just ask for it back? Surely they can take back their own Gold, should they desire.
  8. Arent their conspiracy theories that all the gold in New York was secretly removed?
  9. Some fun TNA news. Ofcourse they have re-branded to Global Force Wrestling (which is better than TNA but still sucks). They were making new belts and had a couple of them backstage this past week but the logos were wrong (old GFW logo) and one of the belts is said to be identical to a current WWE belt (I'd assume the IC). They decided not to debut them yet and will be making new ones for all the belts and debuting in August. The ones they already made were said to be be cheap bootleg quality.
  10. Would make sense, no? You can always choose not to click if you dont want to discuss it.
  11. I'd assume not taxable. Well, the lawyers portion maybe. Who knows. There are a lot of people very uncomfortable with this. He was 15 years old when he took part in a fire fight with US forces, threw a hand grenade that killed an American. Pleaded guilty. And is now getting an apology and a lot of money.
  12. There is going to be a lot of concern as to where those millions go.
  13. Thats about what I'd do. I thought they should have done it with Roman.
  14. Yup. They're going to make a big mistake on Sunday and not put Joe over. Actually, I assume they see they have something there and likely will do a screwjob finish to set up a return match.
  15. Im kind of surprised Kenny won the title but once he got put in the tournament it sort of had to happen. And its interesting because Kenny doesnt travel to other promotions as much as some guys which is something I'd figure they'd want their US champion to do, especially in the US. Although I suspect this means he will be working ROH a lot moving forward. It kind of feels like a step back but it fits New Japan booking some what. And its historic (if the US title ends up meaning something). Cody Rhodes losing to Okada when he just won the ROH title is interesting too. It means ROH *chose* to put the belt on him knowing he'd lose. So they valued the pub over not having their champion lose. And I think it was the right call. Its possible they do a Cody/Kenny feud in ROH. If Kenny is ROH full time (outside of New Japan) it would not surprise me to see them get that title on him ASAP. There was heat between Kenny and ROH in the past but he's a much bigger star now than anyone in ROH so he will be calling his own shots.
  16. Thought I'd give a quick update since I've managed to stick to the low carb plan since May 1st. For the first 30 days, I was unbelievably strict. Did not cheat once, not a single morsel. During the next 30 days, I did "cheat" a couple of times (popcorn at the movies, fries twice). But generally very strict still. Between May 1st and July 1st, I lost 46lbs. I have not worked out as much as I would like but have been working out fairly regularly and adding some muscle mass. More importantly, clothes are loose, energy is up and my "bad" knee feels perfectly fine. When I compare myself to older photos, I am a tough critic but I think I look younger and healthier. First 30 days was 30 lbs. Next 30 days was 16. When it comes to low carbs or Keto, there is the Keto Flu to deal with. And I hit it hard around day 3/4. Felt awful. Took about two days to get over and have felt great ever since. Saving a lot of money on not eating out. I even make my own cheese burger now (the key ingredient being Cajun seasoning...amazing). I felt I hit a plateau about a week ago where the loss was grinding though i felt muscle gains were increasing. I was decidedly non-strict over the long weekend and will hit it hard again this week and hopefully punch through the wall. I just booked a vacation in Mexico for December so I have some inspiration to keep going. The goal was 100 total lbs so Im almost half way there. Not sure it will ever happen but I do feel proud of the results thus far but every time I do see a difference and feel good, Im reminded that its my own fault for being in this shape. If I hit my goal, Ill come out of "retirement" for one more wrestling match and really push my luck on my 42nd birthday next year... :-) Anyway, Summer can be tough (lots of parties, lots of excuses to drink and eat) but its also easy to go outside, work in the yard or walk, swim etc. Anyone else working on a "summer program"?
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