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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You dont qualify for THIS benefit if you still make an income in the month.
  2. Those workers would not apply for EI. They dont qualify. They will apply for this benefit but if they have $20 of income in a 14 period, they dont qualify. Its nonsense. Provide a basic income or dont. But dont pretend you are when you're not.
  3. Its a bait & switch. I want to see all those people praising JT and saying "oh its just like UBI, what a great idea, thank goodness we're not in the US where they only get $1200". At least they get it.
  4. JT presented it as a benefit for people who dont qualify for EI. Gig workers. Self employed. Contract workers. If you're a contract worker who went from $4000 a month to $500 a month, you dont qualify for support. Thats BS. And its NOT what JT said it was.
  5. The way I understand it is, you have to go 14 days with ZERO income. So if you're a restaurant worker, for example, who was full time but is now 2 days per week, you lost a ton of income but dont qualify. If you go 14 days with no income and you do qualify but you get offered a shift or some gig for, say, $200, you'd have to decline it or you wouldnt qualify for the next benefit installment. So the usual Liberal bait & switch. JT gets to play the great man and then the bean counters put up road blocks. Just give it to everyone and be done.
  6. So am I reading this right, the co-called universal benefit is only going to be for people who made ZERO dollars? Thats not what it was sold as. JT the savior of all Canadians did not pitch it that way. I hope Im wrong. And all those Americans complaining that their stimulus cheque was smaller than Canada's can rest easy now knowing at least they all qualify for it.
  7. We dont really know that. Lets not forget the Liberals tried to grab a bit of power using the pandemic as a cover and were rightly knocked about for it. We'll see what we think when our economy is toast and they raise taxes. They also came out with some new rules to get the emergency money and they're not as broad as they originally made it seem.
  8. I wouldnt help airlines. They got bailed out after 9/11 and many of them were flush with cash. They quickly laid off their staff now. Ef em. I know they'll threaten to go under, leaving a monopoly for the ones that remain which will be bad for consumers...so the government will step in, but manage your business. And then they'll end up super profitable again and fight tooth and nail with their employees on wage and benefit increases. Speaking of which, my company is in the middle of CBA negotiations. They cancelled a meeting due to COVID. Think its a bad time to be asking for a raise....
  9. Extenuating circumstances and it doesn’t mean anything but yikes. when this is over I wonder if they rebound right back or If some fans just tune out and that’s that.
  10. I can't believe he's going to claim he was too distracted by impeachment. How many people are THAT stupid???
  11. Remember when there were 15 cases and they all went to zero and disappeared like a miracle and it was all a Democrat hoax?
  12. Shame. I have a nephew graduating this year and I’m sure it really is a blow to those kids looking forward to graduation. I have a buddy who is a Principal and he also made the point that kids going onto university will not be prepared. The semester has just begun when Covid hit so kids taking pre-university courses or prep courses are going to need some help. also a shame some kids don’t have the technological resources at home. Would be nice to see the province partner with a supplier to get basic laptops or desktops to kids that need them.
  13. Anyone watch Ozark? Season 3 dropped this past friday. Im almost finished. its really good. This could be the best season. Julia Garner is amazing as always (she won an Emmy for Ozark). But the whole cast is great.
  14. I guess doesn’t factor in a potential blizzard this week.
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