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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. We have three bonafide RHD and a weak left side. I think its very important what side a guy is better at playing. When talking depth, sure its not as important because a bubble player will play where he's told. But even then if a guy can step in when called at his preferred side but sucks on his off side, thats an important factor to know. If Stone is a RHD that doesnt like to play his off side, then he doesnt do much for us unless the Jets see him as the 7th D man. I think we're mostly in agreement lol
  2. I have to be honest, I trust CNN more. I enjoy CNN more. I guess Im a bad Conservative. But when I watch CNN, I consider it news. When I watch Fox, I have my filter on - I enjoy it, I like the conservative perspective, but I expect to have to filter it through a BS meter. And while clearly most of CNN's staff are liberals, my thinking is beginning to switch. We should all be liberals. Because how we treat each other should be the defining characteristic of ourselves, our communities and our species. If you're a far left Liberal, I cant relate to you. If you're a far right liberal, believing in some Conservative things such as smaller government, fiscal responsibility, national security etc, Im on board. But the "Conservative" movement is becoming far too hijacked by the far right to the point "Conservative" is losing its traditional meaning. At least in the US.
  3. The other issue here is, yes ideally the media should be unbiased. But in this case the fact Trump seemingly has a melt down on a daily basis IS news. His lies and insults and all the chaos around him IS news. Trump wants the media to be an extension of his Press department. Also, Trump and his team routinely attack, personally, the media. What do they think is going to happen? The media is very powerful because often times there are black & white facts but more often, especially today I think, the news needs to be "translated" for the masses. Trump does himself no favours by belittling the media. And you see other media people get angry and defend the industry even when its not them being attacked. Trump had every opportunity to re-set after he won and he got worse. He could have re-set once he demoted (or whatever) Spicer but Sarah is even worse as an attack dog. Trump isnt just an *******, he's an embarrassment and very likely a very dangerous person. The only people still supporting him are either clueless morons (the racists and bigots), or so indoctrinated to the extreme conservative agenda (Hannity, many Republicans) that they'd rather have an insane, embarrassing, dangerous person in the White House because it means they "win". America BADLY needs the Democrats to absolutely wipe the floor with the Republicans in the mid-terms. To the extent that the Democrats take over both houses with a large majority. Then you will see Trump completely self destruct. His Presidency wont last long after that...
  4. I disagree. Ask players. Some guys flat out refuse to play off-side (or at least hate to do it). Hell, it was part of Trouba's issue here. Some guys dont mind and some guys grow up playing their off side. Shane Hnidy was talking about this and said some guys really have trouble with it. So the issue isnt "oh he's RHD" it's does he care? Cause if he's a Right Hand Shot that plays LHD, great. if he plays both sides, even better. But the idea that it doesnt matter is absolutely false. You think Buff wanted to play off side? If so, Trouba would have stayed RHD and Buff would have switched.
  5. I think Elliott said it was an intangible link. Ie being from here. Not a concrete link.
  6. At what point does the mental well-being of Trump really start to come to the forefront? Not just "oh he's a prick", but that there is something wrong with him that could seriously hinder the safety & security of the US and thus, the world? Ronald Reagan was heavily protected by Nancy and his aids during his second term. Trump is his own worst enemy and beyond protection. I flip flop between the likely outcomes being Impeachment and 25th. (in reality it will just be that he announces he's fixed America and declines to run in the next election, giving a boost to the Republicans who will score brownie points for a "less inflammatory" nature).
  7. Its definitely rich of Fox to belittle CNN over their one issue with that story. But FOX is far more personally invested, seemingly, in pushing a conservative agenda. I say that as a Conservative and while Hannity is an insane clown, I actually did enjoy O'Rielly's show. I find CNN gives more time to the opposing view than Fox does.
  8. I'd rather pay $4 for two years than lesser money for longer term. Jets have money but will also have big contracts to sign in...two years. Two years would be surprisingly solid term.
  9. Maybe Im crazy but I wouldnt have a problem with that contract. It's Free Agency so in many cases you have to over-pay to get the player you want. Even if he sucked, 2 years is short term. Jets can afford it. And with even slightly better goaltending last year and some healthy D we make the playoffs where the team easily recoups that $4 million.
  10. Its interesting to see the speculation shift to Mason. I'd rather have Mason over Elliott but I figured the fit was better with Elliott. Mason has said he wants a starting job. If the Jets sign him, likely for more money/term than we expected, then it means he's been given the chance (and probability) of starting for the Jets. Which isnt terrible (let the best goalie play) but it means they really goofed with Helle as starter last season and want to pull him back a bit and build him back up. I'd be happy with Mason. Sounds like a guy who wants to prove he's a starter.
  11. I like Postma for the depth. He probably never got the chance to "make it" in the same way Chiarot got the chance. But as Goalie said, he was behind guys that were better than him. Jets probably feel there is more depth there now, even in the event of injury, they'd go with Chiarot/Poolman etc, younger guys. I think Postma will be a regular for the Canucks if he signs (though the Canucks suck too) I like what Calgary is doing. They will be good this year. Its possible Smith and Lack crap the bed but they are betting on both to play up to their potential/standard. And I think they will be fine.
  12. Early predictions are: Chad Johnson to Buffalo, Brian Elliott to Philadelphia, Steve Mason to Winnipeg, Ryan Miller to Anaheim, Antti Niemi to Pittsburgh, Anders Nilsson to Vancouver.
  13. Hartnell bought out by the Blue jackets
  14. Id be shocked if Brock lost to either guys to be honest. I think Stroman has a short shelf life as a top top guy.
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