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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Thats what Im thinking. In a perfect world Lowry is a really good 4C. Waiting for Roslo to take that 3C.
  2. I like that line up. I hope Lowry can be the big bodied sort-of scoring centre they want him to be. Copp might be better.
  3. You dont agree that people with medical conditions can just "work to better themselves"? Really. If you had a child that had a condition that hindered their ability to advance in areas that require certain social skills (and political), you'd be really happy if they got a job that they worked at and did well at where the employer recognized their efforts and rewarded them by not making them make the bare minimum for 20 years. That's just not right. Im not talking about someone being lazy. But I know I have absolutely skipped over people who did the job better than me because of my charming personality. ;-) So my point is, personality and knowing how to play the game gets you further than being a hard worker. So I feel for those people that are hard workers that dont have the other skills to advance when they probably deserve to.
  4. I think the idea is to have three scoring lines and the 4th is the checking line.
  5. Liking or disliking a player is one thing. irrational hate is something else. Certainly KBF does not have to rationalie his opinion. But there is a difference between opinion and fact. It can opinion that Toby isnt as good as he used to be. But its fact that he's not nearly as bad as some people say, just ask Jets management and coaches. And opposing coaches. Toby is a good D man. Who is aging. And declining.
  6. They also dont want to get caught with their pants down on Saturday if someone submits a better offer for Elliott. I'd imagine the players and teams will use all their available time to make their decision.
  7. There are definitely "issues" that afflict people that could cause them to simply be no good in a supervisor role and yet be very good at a job that simply requires them to show up and work hard. And yes, many of these things can be overcome but I think its insensitive and impractical to assume people who very likely dont think there is something wrong with them would be able to "work on themselves" until they are leaders or more skilled. In some cases, its a medical issue preventing it. In others, its just who they are. However, there are great jobs out there for those people. At the place I work, someone started at $18 to essentially...well I dont want to get too specific but lets just say a job that requires no skill other then being able to drive (which is a skill not everyone possesses). But I know if this person left this employ, they'd be hard pressed to succeed at a job paying half as much.
  8. Very much so. I suppose advanced robotics will likely need people to repair/replace for some time, at least until its cheaper to dispose. But when buying my TV we discussed warranties etc and it seems with many electronics, it's cheaper to replace than repair. I read somewhere else about that too...making items so its not practical to try and repair them. Just replace them.
  9. There could be many reasons. I've known people who are painfully timid and shy and while they are hard workers and follow directions, could never supervise others. Should they make $50,000 a year? No. Should they make more than the kid hired last week? Yes.
  10. I dont think there is even a discussion about minimum wage people buying a house. It was somewhat off-topic but I mean, kids used to live at home and work part time to help pay for school, maybe a beat up old car. Then move out, buy a small house. I meant, how does anyone buy a house anymore? lol Your McDonalds example is a good one though. I guess my feeling is, it would be nice if big business was kind. But you dont become a big business by being kind, usually. Perhaps they should bring back a youth minimum wage. There are many people, no just single mothers, who would be described as "what else are they going to do" types that are absolutely capable of holding a regular job and functioning well but are not going to rise to any sort of higher career position. Should they make minimum wage of $11/hour forever? Even if they do a good job for 20 years? Would general shaming do the trick? Like I really believe, regardless of the job, if you work somewhere for 20 years and that company isnt taking care of you, they suck. On the other hand, if working at Kmart paid $32,000+ per year, wouldn't that ice out the people that need that sort of job and invite those capable of better who arent incentivized to do better?
  11. I dont know. I think people should be free to do what they want. But I agree it has become a cultural thing. But the places I worked, that service staff was running their asses off. At a bar, you're tipping the staff to serve you. The beer is still the same as if you walked up and bought it yourself (although usually you're tipping the bartender too), but you're tipping the server for bringing it to you. At a sit down, you're not just tipping the server. You're tipping the host/hostess, the chef, the busboy etc. I generally tip unless the service is "negative" and its rarely negative across all facets. If my server sucks but the food is amazing, Im not leaving a $0 tip.
  12. As an RFA there is less leverage on Laine's part. McDavid is an RFA too but as THE player he has all the leverage. If he said, look Ill hold out if you dont pay me, it kills the Oilers. Laine does seem like an even keel guy. And plus, I dont think he'd look at Winnipeg and say he'd rather play in New York or Los Angeles or Montreal. One of the other benefits to Scheif's deal (and whatever they get Trouba to) is creating a "Jets standard". You take you leaders, especially if there is a sense they signed for less and it pressures other guys who want to stay to fit within that standard. If Laine keep getting better he will get more than Schief, but Scheif's deal with be sort of a claw keeping it from getting out of hand.
  13. I was a fan of the American remake of Dragon but the gf loves the original. She will be sad.
  14. Well Ovechkin got $9.5 9 years ago. So I think its sort of comparable. But the risk is that it raises the bar for non-generational talents. McDavid is unreal. But wouldn't it be nice if he took less so the Oilers had money to pay other guys. Crosby took less. Ofcourse, Crosby makes far money off the ice so what does he care. McDavid will too. If Laine scores 50, I dont know, what's he going to command in 2 years? $8 or $9 million? Makes Scheif look like a selfless team player with the contract he signed, doesnt it. Also raises the top end bar for top players when the Jets have a conversation with Trouba this summer. He's obviously not in that league but his agent will say he's the Jets top player so he should get TOP money,.
  15. Im torn on this issue. Interesting, until the 60's there was a lower minimum wage for women. Imagine that. And until 1988 there was a separate minimum wage for youths. When I got my first "real" job I made $5/hour. I think what people lose site of is that jobs that pay minimum wage arent meant to be careers. They are often jobs that do not require special skills or even high intelligence (which is not to say they dont need some intelligence). And there are exceptions. So when someone says they have been flipping burgers for 20 years and barely make more than minimum wage, the instinctive reply is, then get a better job. On the flip side, there are a lot of people who simply lack the skills, opportunity etc to earn higher paying jobs. What are they supposed to do? I DO think if someone works for a company for 20 years, regardless of whether its a "skilled" position or flipping burgers, if they make minimum wage, its a travesty. Every business should respect their long time employees who, one presumes, has been doing something right. Then you've got restaurant/bar server. And perhaps that position artificially holds back minimum wage because of the amount of people the industry employs. I've worked in many (mostly doing security so I was always paid better than the service staff). The service staff did it for tips. Thats where the money was. In that field, in fact, the low hourly wage might work to their benefit by resulting in less tax, higher GST cheques etc even though they could go home with several hundred dollars in cash tips. When I made closer to minimum wage back in the day, my complaint with the rapid increases was that every year I got closer to minimum wage because people below me got a raise and I didnt it. The last bar I worked at, after awhile, the owner recognized this and made sure to take care of those of us who were long time staff. Plus, we were permitted to take bribes which became pretty lucrative. I also know a guy, 41 years old, who is a waiter at a popular steak chain. Whenever I go there, the bill is north of $60 per person. Often times well north. So if we have a $200-$500 (depending on how many people) bill and he's taking an average tip, he is likely making "career" money doing that job. Then again, you look at rent prices. When I was 18 I got my first bar job making minimum wage. At 18, I think Canad Inns paid us a dollar or so above. It was great because I lived at home. I moved out at 23 and had to get a 'real' job during the day. I think I made $9 hour. I managed to rent an apt with two room mates and then on my own (making maybe $10/hour by that time). But my rent was $500 a month. How kids today can support themselves is beyond me. And buy a house? Good luck. Not without a huge gift from mom & dad. So I dont know.... you cant legislate business to be appreciative of long time staff. On the other hand, if McDonalds wanted to create it's own minimum wage and it meant a combo would increase by a dollar, I'd pay it every day (well I dont eat McDonalds, but you know what I mean). But Im also a big tipper (not at McDonals) at places that its appropriate to tip.
  16. Nice read. Lemieux trained lighter to add quickness and speed. Credit Dale with helping him see the need for change (can we just hire Dale already). Lemieux is very confident. Hope he takes a job this year.
  17. Yes, Toby & Buff seemed to be the go-to pairing. Toby seems pretty able to cover Buff when he's pinching. And Morrissey/Trouba *should* be the top pairing for the next 12 years...lol Kulikov/Myers?
  18. Yeah Moose bound. He married a local True North employee. He's been a company guy. I suspect he'd take the Jets pay to "player/coach" the Moose for a year and maybe get offered a corporate job. Maybe not. That's the business.
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