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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The Canadian system isnt perfect. But it sure does beat not being able to go to the Walk-in or ER whenever you feel the need. In fact, one of the issues with our system is that people go when they dont need to. The US really needs a scenario where they can revamp their military focus. Didnt they go through a period of "leaner" military, not less military just more efficient. One less war would fund health care forever.
  2. As much as I like Pavs, I cant disagree. He was banished to the Moose last season and by all accounts had a great attitude about it. He then had a shot at redemption....and crapped the bed in a most glorious manner. I hope the best for him. But it wont be here.
  3. Agreed. We werent that far removed from the Playoffs last year. With a D that never played the full corp. I expect Helle to be better and a back up like Elliott will be good for Helle and as long as he doesnt suck when he starts, everything else being equal, we should be in the mix for the playoffs.
  4. Sorry, I mis-quoted. I meant to address Pavs. Pavs was not better than Hutch.
  5. I suspect the Jets see Morrissey and Toby as their top 2 LHD. And they've got Chiarot there. I dont have an issue with Kulikov as I dont know much about him. But as a veteran who has played well in the past serving the role of bottom pairing and someone to potentially count on when/if injuries arise it might be ok for the right price. I'd rather have a bigger deal in that role. But I dont think the Jets will over-pay for it. I think they like their D Corp when its healthy. On the flip side Chevy flat out said he had deals he was working on that didnt happen due to "contractual" things on the other end, likely meaning NTC/NMC. So you gotta do what you gotta do. Which is why I think they will do everything possible to get Trouba under contract for at least 6 years, if not 8.
  6. Yes. This crazy idea that the goaltending issues are a combination of poor D and the fans is ridiculous. Clearly the Jets hopes Hutch was the veteran back up that could give Helle a break when he inevitably struggled as a rookie. He wasn't. So now they will sign someone who is. If the Jets need Elliott to start then something bad has happened. He's a back up meant to support Helle as he develops into an every game starter.
  7. Im not sure how a person hired to do a specific job and paid a lot of money and then consistently under-performs until his contract expires translates to "you guys ran him out of town". Im sure there are many who would gladly drive him to the airport but realistically, he can afford a car service. I always liked Pavs but lets not pretend he was anything more than poor at his job.
  8. Elliott will not be counted on to carry the load here. So if he "has a few hot streaks" that should be enough. Plus, its not just his play. I think the Jets are hoping for someone that can be a mentor to Helle and provide advice, feedback and competition.
  9. Grant Fuhr was a career 3.38 & .887 so I dont think he'd help the Jets this year
  10. Yup. Plus it looked like a trainwreck and the Ball's didnt follow the script (Though I havent seen it yet). But Vince and Dunn will think it was cool and generated buzz and no one will care by Wednesday. What should be the big news is the continued masterful booking of Brock & Joe (from I have read, I havent seen last night yet).
  11. I havent seen it yet. But WWE were very unhappy about it. What did they expect?
  12. And the story was, the first flag was raised by Ehrenreich to a producer. It sounds like he had trouble with the ad libbing and what not. He was prepared for the script and that days scenes and then these guys are yelling out different lines. Ron Howard is good enough to pull it all together. I have little doubt a script by Kasdan will be good. With Howard running the show, it should pull together nicely. One thing about Howard, when you watch Apollo 13, you know exactly how it ends and he built suspense and doubt in your mind. Really good film maker.
  13. Its hard to say. I was definitely in the "Aliens are real" camp for a long time. But as I have gotten older I get more...demanding of evidence I guess. There is some compelling accounts and video out there. I just saw one recently that was a daytime video from Las Vegas which clearly shows a circular object moving through the sky with two fighter jets "chasing" it. The easy explanation for a lot of this is secret US military craft. But some of the video and accounts are pretty remarkable. Maybe from the 80's to the 90's there was a lot of interest in this. The computer age which people thought was back engineered. You had Reagan give an odd speech about the world uniting to fend off a threat from outer space. That Canadian Defense Minister who admitted the US had aliens. Bob Lazar. And everyone had a camcorder. Edgar Mitchel (Moon walking Astronaut who says Aliens are real).
  14. Im not sure why this is bothering your or what you think the connection is between Hague and Logan. There is no conspiracy. I mentioned Hague first because I saw twitter chatter about him. Its always possible the Jets dislike a player for being big but I doubt it. Here was a player who was in that first round chatter. A D man. And yes, he had size, why not? Also from Kitchener and the talk was his improvement curve was more recent. As someone else said, maybe "off the board" for some teams but possessed some thing the Jets seem to like. No conspiracy here. Liked the player, speculated about a big bodied D man with upside. As it was the Jets drafted a big bodied D man with upside anyway. Just not Hague.
  15. Saw something that said Ottawa tried desperately to trade to get him back but they'd have to pay way more than Dallas. If so, why didnt Vegas take what Ottawa was offering if it was more.
  16. We weren't sssuming anything. We were speculating about a player we thought the Jets might like.
  17. Im surprised they decided to part ways with Kossy. Need the space perhaps? I guess there is a bust from the 2012 draft where the Jets took him in the 3rd round.
  18. More details on the Han Solo issues. Supposedly the directors were far too slow. And there were concerns with the lead to the extent they hired an on-set acting coach for him (uh oh). But the feeling is his issues might be more related to the directors who would yell out improvised lines during scenes.
  19. I wonder if this means Kariya's self-imposed NHL exile is coming to an end. It might be that the only way to accomplish that was to have him on stage with Teemu. I heard an interview with Selanne earlier this year where he said he often tried to convince Kariya to go back to hockey but he wanted nothing to do with the league.
  20. I think the suspicion is NASA might have preliminary evidence of life but not the direct confirmation. If you find a planet with the right temperature, an atmosphere, liquid water and certain gasses evident, it tells you there is probably life. But confirming that 100% is the issue, I think if/when they confirm microbial life, they will release it. If they have evidence of intelligent life...that, Im not so sure about. I would suspect the US government would "National Security" that information into oblivion. The problem is, there are other nations that might not. Who knows. I tend to think the discovery of life, even if its advanced would be a good thing for the world. Even the Pope "endorsed" aliens a few years ag.
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