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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yes, its also poor defense. Pens just fired their goalie coach. I think when we have a succession of under-performing goalies its fair game to look at the coach.
  2. Thats impressive. Games are fairly well spaced two. No back to back. Some 3 night breaks. That will be the critical part of the schedule.
  3. Friday Nov 10th, Jets at Vegas. Vegas here twice. And jets have a ten game homestand in February. And a six game homestand in march.
  4. I think their plan is clear - regardless of available players in the expansion draft, they are building a team up. Much like Chevy had nothing in the cupboard when the Thrashers moved here. Rather then try to compete now and screw it all up, they are looking to build a team up. I think they might be decent to watch this year. They have a few players that might work hard and enjoy more minutes than they'd otherwise get. Depends how good that kid from Russia is too. And Fleury of course.
  5. As goalie corrected me, it was Friedman. I was reading his 30 thoughts and I think it was in there. It was speculation that Lack could be moved and he wrote (Winnipeg?).
  6. Heard one speculation (I think it was Dreger) of Lack ending up in Winnipeg. If I recall, he did not like it here.
  7. And some people hoped to wake up today and see that Toby was gone.
  8. Some teams change goaltending coaches to find the right match for their goalies. The Jets prefer to change goalies to find the right match with their coach.
  9. Thats interesting Howard was willing to take it on. Good for him. I wonder if he will have to go abck and re-shoot anything or if he can use what has been shot
  10. And we've talked about this before, that at some point you go from wanting to draft high to wanting to compete now. The Jets won the draft last year. That was gravy. Sucked they ended up 13 this year, a middle pick. They still have a low middle pick. The value is what it is. I doubt 10-20 years from now we will look back at the 2017 draft and decide dropping 11 spots was the difference maker... Its funny because I mentioned Nicolas Hague who Bobby Mac had at 25. Was my "off the grid" pick. Now he's a lot more reasonable. But there are others. jets will get a decent player who has an opportunity to help us in 3 years.
  11. Let's not pretend the money matters. it doesn't. Right now, Toby is one of our top 2 LHD. He might remain that this season too, we dont know. So we let him go (and we didnt have a choice really as Toby has a NMC, so he decided) and then have to replace him anyway. Cheaper? Sure. But its not like Toby leaves and we suddenly have $5.6 million windfall. We'd spend a lot of that replacing Toby PLUS probably another D and everything else. Jets have no cap issues whatsoever. Pavs contract out is the money for a new goalie +. Toby has one year left. Jets have no issues with honouring that contract and Toby fills a NEED right now, despite many people thinking otherwise. Also, there was praise for Toby at the start of last season for his play. He got hurt, his gf got cancer, his play dropped off (the Jets D corp was a mish mash of injuries and whatnot). Ill cut him some slack. Will he play up to $5.6 mm this season? Probably not. But for his selfless act of waiving his NMC, I have ZERO problem with paying that last year and keeping him here. The money literally doesnt matter whatsoever.
  12. You can think what you want but still be wrong. Dano and Entrom have more value to the Jets right now than 11 spots in the draft.
  13. You're really having trouble understanding this. They were protected BECAUSE Toby waived his NMC. The Jets clearly wanted to retain Toby and Toby wanted to stay. If he doesn't waive his NMC or the Jets are concerned about losing him, then they have to go 4-4 and then those guys AREN'T protected. You can't look at half the deal and say it was bad. You have to judge the entire thing. Before the draft people were talking about losing Dano PLUS possibility a pick to protect Enstrom. Or sening Petan plus a pick and still losing Dano. Chevy made out like a bandit. The Jets arent in a "win now" mode but they should be in a "compete now" mode with their talent. It was more important to retain their roster (either to use themselves on the ice or to retain assets for other deals). A 13th pick doesnt help them at all until at least 2-3 years from now and there is no guarantee on that. They STILL have a 24th pick which likely has the same 2-3 year trajectory as the 13th pick. And they have plenty of time to recoup youth if they somehow feel they really lost out on someone this year. Recap: Jets lost ZERO players in the expansion draft and retained a first round selection. It doesnt get much better.
  14. "It's Obama's fault I conspired with Russia"
  15. And that might be the important aspect of keeping the roster intact, to use one or two of those players in other deals.
  16. Agreed. I suspect their draft prep had them interested in someone that was ranked lower than 13, thereby making it make a lot of sense to trade down. They might not be done, who knows. Perhaps they package the 24 off to someone else.
  17. I can't believe so many have trouble with this. If you end up keeping 13 you lose Myers, Toby, perreault or Lowry. Then you have to go out and replace that player. Chevy lost no players and kept a first round pick. Good player available at 24. Jets had among the best night.
  18. I have to say the live jersey is pretty cool with the glittering gold
  19. Yeah they saw Dano or they could get the jets first rounder instead. Chevy wasn't coming away with no first round pick though. Vegas could have had Toby or Dano. Instead they took the pick. Jets probably come out of the draft among the most unscathed.
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