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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. So there is your minimum return for nba and nhl and cfl
  2. Blizzard forecast for thursday. So I guess mother nature is like, if you aint gonna stay at home, Im going to make you. Some say 5-10cm's other say 25. So...could be something. Wasnt it beginning of April the blizzard of the century in....was that 97? Led to the flood of the century. Even at 25 cm's this isnt as bad but wont help flood forecast.
  3. They own Daily’s Place in Jax but Florida rules make it tough plus the parking lot is being used as a major testing site. Secret location is somewhere in the south east. They don’t want fans showing up.
  4. Absolutely. 2016 showed them how to cheat to win. But the most basic thing remains true. If the left gets out to vote, they win. This pandemic going on long term is actually to Trump's benefit. If it largely goes way by summer, and allows the US to have a relatively normal campaign, he's in trouble. Because his handling of it becomes a huge election issue. Economy becomes a huge election issue. Unemployment etc. And if the Dems dont screw it up (and you can never discount that very real possibility) and come together, you have Biden with Obama, Warren, Clintons, Bernie and everyone else out campaigning and pulling everyone together for the common good. It *should* be a landslide. Trump will say "if was so close, you have to assume they cheated." or "I was beat so badly you have to assume it's unrealistic so they must have cheated".
  5. My immediate thought is, it would be idea for Sammy. Darby too, but he should chase it before winning. Sammy winning and defending every week...perfection. Plus you can have some subtle fun with Sammy being the only Inner Circle guy with a belt.
  6. Another democratic rock star that will be out there for Biden assuming there’s is some semblance of normalcy during the campaign.
  7. Can’t disagree with this. Should have absolutely cancelled their raise this year.
  8. Exactly what I’ve been saying they need!
  9. I’m not one for the insider stuff and shoot names and whatnot but hell of a promo by Undertaker to open Raw tonight!
  10. Sounds like some close daddy/daughter time is in order.
  11. NSFW but hilarious especially as the singer looks like Santa.
  12. Funny how so many of those religious nuts are all cheats (on their wives and taxes). Easy to be an SOB when you have a God willing to forgive you because you're special but also lets you stand in judgement of everyone else. Tailor made for Trump who thinks he can do whatever he wants. One thing Trump has shown is that the religious right are complete and utter phonies.
  13. Its totally relevant for media to point out his lies and contradictions and ask him to clarify,. in fact, they're really giving him a great opportunity to do so. He just keeps flubbing them and playing to his racist, moronic base.
  14. The first time he cuts off a question, refuses to answer or otherwise lies/misdirects, the next reporter should ask the same question and so on. It wont take long for Trump to angrily walk out and I think thats a better visual. He;'s going to get worse, boosted by his polls. And man, is it going to be fun watching him implode when this is over and his numbers crater.
  15. Hes a good politician, Ill give him that. "How many might die?" 200,000. "Ok, Ill say 2 million so when we have 200,000 everyone thinks Im a miracle worker". He's a POS trying to make political gains off death.
  16. If the election was next year I’d love Cuomo to enter.
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