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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Word is out! The 30 teams have been informed which player they are losing to Vegas. All are in the process of informing those players of their selection. Source: John Shannon
  2. And by all rights he should retire forcing Hawks to pay "recapture penalties" of $3+ million a year. Instead, they will put him on LTIR and enjoy the cap savings.
  3. The thing with Hossa, if it hasnt been said already, is he's apparently alergic to his equipment. And the medicine he needs is so potent he has to have his blood routinely tested and there is concern about taking it so long (from Elliot Friedman). That's brutal. Scored 26 goals last season. I assume he goes on LTIR and this frees up cap space for the Hawks?
  4. So of the rumours making the rounds: Cody Eakin selected by Vegas from Dallas David Perron selected by Vegas from St Louis Brendan Liepsec from Toronto Mark Methot selected (and possibly flipped) James Neal might be selected but Nashville were determined to convince Vegas otherwise. Grabovki and a first rounder from the Islanders
  5. The insiders played it up big time even when they knew Laine was the guy. Even Lawless said "its Laine but...". Because its their job to have something to talk about. And it benefits everyone to create hype and suspense.
  6. And they sucked. So avoiding that kind of humor is the right idea.
  7. I love their main logo. Simple. Crisp. Has a fierce intimidation to it. You know exactly what it is. And its cute in that they have a "Knights" helmet forming a Vegas "V". I dig it. Glad they didnt use a cartoony design that was in vogue a few years ago. its why I like the Jets main logo too - simple and meaningful.
  8. Yes, hard to argue with Kasdan when it comes to the voice of the characters in Star Wars. And if the directors were trying to make a more modern buddy film with the gross out humor and what not, the silliness, that isnt really in keeping with Solo. The thing is, they can show some heart in Solo. Afterall, he doesnt just magically change over night. But when we meet him he's still a smuggler, he still killed a bounty hunter in cold blood, he still works with vile gangsters and he's in it for the money. So an origin film either has to be true to those traits or so us a better person who becomes jaded and selfish (leaving open the possibility - which we eventually see - of his redemption.
  9. The Jets are secretive at the best of times, let alone when the NHL has demanded MORE secrecy and other than speculation and innuendo, everyone is maintaining radio silence. Which is pretty cool actually!
  10. McPhee said they have taken a lot of D-men and will be making other deals. Which makes me think Toby...
  11. Loved Lincoln. He was so good in that film.
  12. From THR and Latino Review: So what was the main cause of friction? Well, as directors with a comedy background, they tend to have a lot of improv, which is in stark contrast with what Kasdan likes — a strict adherence to the words he wrote on the page. This wasn’t just a sticking point that slowly rose during shooting, either. Apparently, it was a near day one problem. There was also a difference in understanding the actual character of Han Solo. From the sound of the report, it sounds like Lord and Miller were aiming for a more wise-cracking, funny Han Solo, whereas Kasdan was likely in favor of a more sarcastic and selfish one. Despite these differences, Lord and Miller had hoped that they’d be able to work through it. Sadly, that was not the case. Kennedy backed Kasdan, and had to let the duo go. There are conflicting reports of whether or not Lord and Miller saw this coming. One source says they were blindsided, while another disputes the claim. So what’s to become of the film that is currently in production? Well, it’s going on hiatus until they’re able to find a replacement director. Once they find a replacement, they’ll need to go through what Lord and Miller have shot, re-edit, and then figure out the best direction to go from there. Possible candidates include Ron Howard (Apollo 13), Joe Johnston (Captain America: The First Avenger), and strangely enough, Lawrence Kasdan himself (The Big Chill). The latter name is an interesting one because he certainly seems to be the reason behind the firing.
  13. I thought she was cool after seeing her on some WWE show, one of those behind the scenes of NXT or something. By all accounts she was a really sweet person. Adds to the overall attractiveness package.
  14. I wonder if the players get to know and if so, how quick it leaks. Imagine being a player revealed as selected by Vegas...and then tomorrow morning you're told youve been traded somewhere else. Assuming tonight goes off without a hitch, kudos the the NHL. This is all very exciting. The fact there are 8-12 trades completed and we dont know what they are...all to be announced tonight. AND more to be announced tomorrow and no doubt between Thurs and the draft, even more? Very exciting!
  15. @Atomic Yeah, you're right. There was something...its that weird red stripe for no reason. Social media either loves them or hates them. I like them. New colour scheme to the NHL. Jets jersey is almost unchanged. Collar piping is darker blue now, rather then the polar blue. The jersey's are supposed to be of a new material and lighter and cooler to wear. Same as World Cup of Hockey jerseys (anyone have one?)
  16. If the Jets go "off the board" this weekend, I could see them going with Nicolas Hague in a similar vein to Stanley. Seen a little chatter about him. He's 18 years old, 6'6", 214lbs. LHD. Ranked as high as 18. Bob Mackenzie has him 25. Perhaps Jets trade down to take him. Stock seems to be rising. From Kitchener.
  17. On the right side? Hamonic is better defensively than Buff and Myers. I like Hammy. I wouldnt give up the farm for him though.
  18. Yup, the word is they did not get along with Kathleen Kennedy and Lawrence Kasdan. I mean, if you're going to clash with two people on Star Wars, they're pretty much the worse two to clash with. It does sort of dispute the usual talking points from the Star Wars films that the directors have all this freedom to do what they want. And the initial rumors from The Force Awakens was that JJ was clashing with Kathleen as well because he was used to having all the power...but he obviously capitulated. Dont mess with Kathleen Kennedy.
  19. Yes true. But they are still booking her poorly within that idea. I think you've hit on the problem. Vince and Dunn dont want to sleep with her so she's immediately put in the category of "weird" or "nerd" or "unattractive". And to them that means she isnt appealing to the general audience. So they try to book her only for that little girl market. Whereas, in NXT while she was insanely over with kids, she was still very over with adults because of the story. And she could be on RAW. She's over. they just arent getting all they can from her.
  20. Yes, she isnt a good worker. And my beef with WWE is they still want to push women based on looks. Carmella should have been kept with Cass & Enzo. She could have done Six Person tags etc. But what I like about her is that she has charisma and a good look. Needs to work on her work for sure, and promos a bit too. But as a personality and character I like her. And the other reason is purely sexual...lol She's gorgeous. Regarding Bayley, its hard to believe NXT and RAW are the same company with the way they book. Just do the same thing you did in NXT. She would have benefited from being on Smackdown where the NXT booker is. I will say this, they have done a GREAT job with Samoa Joe. From the second they decided to heat him up for Brock (once it became clear Stroman was out), they've really done a greta job and its not even complicated. Its simple. There has been a bit of an uptick in ratings and the hope is its due to Joe/Brock. Which means, I hope they dont just squash Joe. Im quite certain they would never entertain the idea of Joe winning the title, but I honestly think I would. I'd have Roman & Stroman get involved where one of them "accidentally" takes out Brock (probably Stroman). Joe wins. That ways you can do Joe/Roman at Summerslam, Brock/Stroman at SummerSlam. And you have a "killer" champion who's there every week and on house shows. Circle back around to Brock regaining from Joe or in a three way with Roman (or 4 way with Stroman) if you're determined to have Roman beat Brock at Wm for the title. Voila.
  21. Can you sight a source? I'm not saying your wrong but there has been other information to indicate that the receiving team must agree. The reason we don't hear about that is because if they don't agree the player being asked to waive would decline. Obviously it may be different under expansion but I believe you're incorrect about the routine circumstances of NWC's.
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