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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Damon Lindelof (of Lost and Star Trek Into darkness fame) developing a Watchmen tv series for HBO
  2. It doesn't follow you regardless. The receiving team has to agree to accept it (under normal circumstances).
  3. Maybe there were only 9 rookies lol thats a head scratcher
  4. Uh oh. Isn't this actively filming right now?? Firing the director in the middle of production doesn't bode well
  5. I don't think it was "1290" saying it. I think it was a hockey person who called in. But there is certainly enough confusion. Even crazier for Toby to waive if he'd be subject to wherever Vegas wants to send him.
  6. They absolutely need to be popular among the local community. But I believe Vegas has a good hockey history at the college level. I think they had an outdoor game years ago too. They will do alright.
  7. Some of the new jerseys are being revealed.
  8. I have FTWD on the PVR but havent got to it yet. The gf is a HUGE TWD fan but she gave up on Fear pretty quickly. It absolutely failed to deliver on its promise. They never really showed us anything. It was a poor man's TWD almost from the start, just "earlier". They could have taken the concept of the outbreak and made it last multiple seasons if showing us a perspective we give a **** about. Not average people...we see that and a lot better in the main show. Show us the perspective of the leadership. The CDC guy from TWD was really interesting. There was a military chopper shown in TWD too, indicating some command & control still existed. the idea that the President and Cabinet/Congress are all dead doesnt make a lot of sense. If that's true, show us that. That this out break could spread globally so fast as to catch everyone off guard? Show us that. For example, in TWD, it made sense to go to the CDC since they were near Atlanta anyway. Big city etc. Made sense. But now they just wander around... go to Washington. That was their plan with Eugene. Why not go there? If there is any leadership in control, they are there. If there isn't, then they are probably holed up in an under ground bumker in Wyoming or some place. But you want a protected location? Go to the pentagon or the White House.
  9. @Wideleft I went with quality over quantity (and actually the 75" non-OLED was MORE than the 65" OLED I got). Got the LG OLED E7. And then went out and bought the OPPO 203 4K Blu Ray Player. Magnificent.
  10. I have no idea but I would strongly suspect the NHL has a clause on this. Because during the normal course of events, if you ask a player to waive his NMC to go to X, that player can say "sure, but only if they honor my NMC" and then they do and its done. For expansion, they had to get the player to waive before knowing if Vegas wants them. There is no opt out option here for toby to change his mind now. So it can only make sense that it's either "in" or "out" without any further addendum or what have you. And I'd suspect that the PA would prefer it be a "waive for Vegas only" scenario. But all the talk about Fleury was "waived to go to Vegas" and yet a lot of talk of Vegas picking him and flipping him. In short, who knows.
  11. Seen a few (dubious) rumours of the Pens being interested in acquiring Matt Duchesne. That would be dynamite for the Pens.
  12. If he's in your top six, its probably bad news for your team's chances. But this is Vegas. I'd say Dano gives them a solid 3rd line guy who, in the case of injuries, can move up as a fill in. There is still potential there.
  13. Perhaps the plan is to eventually move Cass to SD and reunite him with Carmella since they are a couple in real life (which must really suck when you're on different brands with different touring schedules). Although they already have Miz & Maryse and now Maria and Mike (hilarious gimmick that he took her name). Enzo will likely have a long career. He's so good on the mic and with all that charisma. he's a better version of Santino. Enzo is very likely a huge hit on house shows with kids. Probably often works the opener.
  14. I thought it was too soon to turn Cass and break them up. They respect the women...until they dont. It generates heat but at the expense of respectability. Although I like Carmella...
  15. That's the thing. Ideally, Dano is worth more because he's younger, still has promise, is cheap and they control him for years. Toby makes no sense for a team that is starting a build from scratch...other than the value he holds to another team. So the question is, is there another team that wants Toby right now and is willing to offer more value than Dano? I dont think so. Will there be a team willing to offer more value than Dano at the deadline? Maybe but more likely in the form of picks. When you consider Tobys public proclamation of not wanting to go, I think Vegas takes Dano. He offers more now and in the future. Toby is a wild card unless a team wants him right now. And Im not sure how many teams want an aging D-man with a less than spectacular past year or two with a high salary. Keeping him for the deadline is a crap shoot especially since Enstrom has been hurt. If you cant move him at the deadline, you lose him for nothing to free agency. Dano is worth more. He can play top six and a poor team. And they control him. Unless Vegas needs salary to make the floor but I think they will be active enough in free agency to not need to essentially waste a pick on Toby.
  16. I think if they take Toby it's because they see him as an asset that could bring in something better than Dano. But Dano seems like a good get for Vegas.
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