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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Time for some new screens. How much of the screen do the Riders use?
  2. The Nuke thing facinates me so I looked it up: Bruce Blair, a former Minuteman missile-launch officer and research scholar at Princeton University's Program on Science and Global Security, told Business Insider in September that the answer, essentially, is yes. Blair pointed to a step-by-step outline of the nuclear chain of command, which he helped describe in Bloomberg earlier in September. Here's what would happen, according to Blair: The president would consult with top military brass about the use of a nuclear weapon. The president would come to a decision. The order would be verified and officially issued. The launch crews would take over. And finally, the missiles would be deployed. If the threat wasn't imminent, Blair said it would likely take a few days to prepare the weapons. But if in the middle of a sustained conflict during which nuclear weapons had been on the table as a last resort, the process would be vastly accelerated — missiles could be in the air within as little as 15 minutes. Congress could do nothing to stop the decision if it were made in haste, Blair said. "I mean, the Constitution of the United States designates the president as commander in chief, and there is no wiggle room there," he said. "And of course, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in 1973 that allows for the president to deploy armed forces for up to 60 days without congressional approval. By law, by custom, Congress has bowed out of the process." Blair added that there is "a protocol and requirement" for NATO consultation, and if there wasn't consent from the country responsible for launching the weapon, "it's sort of open to question" whether NATO could "effectively veto" its use. For example, if the weapon were to be delivered from the nuclear base in Germany, where the US shares weapons, and dropped by a German plane, Germany could potentially ignore the order. "You're getting into kind of fuzzy territory there," he said. The only measure that could be taken at home, Blair said, is the invoking of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution — which has never been used. That section allows for the vice president, together with a majority of Cabinet heads or Congress, to declare the president disabled and unfit to execute the duties of the office. The vice president would have to submit a written declaration to the speaker of the House and president pro tempore of the Senate explaining why the president is unable to fulfill his duties. If approved, the vice president would take over. Blair called that "the only thing" government officials "could possibly do" in such a situation. ***I still say, barring an immediate threat that rises to the level of making nuke use warranted, Trump would be stymied by his military advisers and cabinet. Although, I think we we think of nuclear weapon use we think of a horrific outcome. I suppose a smaller payload, strategic strike would be possible. But I cannot imagine a President using nukes in this day and age in an offensive away that doesn't end his career.
  3. Regarding the screen, it always annoyed me that they bragged about this huge screen and then effectively covered half of it in ads. Even on replays. I always thought they should at least have replays knock out the ads and take up the whole screen (but I guess replays is when people are looking at the screen the most, hence advertising bucks). Did they not increase the actual video portion? Regarding the viewing zones, thats a great idea for using the space. But will they be actively trying to get people who stand around on the sides to move?
  4. I agree. I'd be surprised if the Jets dont know exactly who they are losing by now. The only caveat is if they are waiting for Toby to get back to them today but I doubt its a decision that requires taking all the time. Should be a convo that would have happened by now. And Im not sure Toby deserves our scorn if he declines. I was all over Stamkos for not waiving his No Trade when he said he was going to free agency. But thats different. I think the NHL should CBA-out those clauses for the final year of contracts. Which doesnt apply in Tobys case as it pertains to expansion.
  5. Im not sure its that they dont go there, its that its a tourist area and they arent tourists. But Im sure they go there for events they want to see. vegas gets 3 milion tourists a month. And I was surprised to learn its actually pretty consistent year round. I always figured it was way up from Spring to Fall and way down in the winter. But its consistent. Now, I dont think hockey is high on the list of most Vegas tourists. But it will become another thing to do. And a lot of tickets will be bought by the casinos to be used as prizes, give aways etc. Between the locals who like hockey (and Vegas has had a decent hockey history) and tourists, I think they will do ok. Even if they dont sell out every game, they likely sell most of the tickets and are financially stable. I think Vegas can work. If the team ends up good at some point, all bets are off as I think it could be like Los Angeles times 100 with the hype in Vegas for a Cup contender.
  6. I dont believe Trump would get away with a nuclear launch. The only way he could would be orchestrating something so heinous that it eventually leads to a nuke strike. But that takes a lot of time and effort. It would mean creating a black op the likes we've never seen to create the situation where a nuke strike seems reasonable. And even then, since they are under so much scrutiny and have alienated so many allies around the world, the pressure not to do it would be so great that even if it was reasonable (if nuke strikes could ever be considered that), it would come under such suspicion and disdain, I doubt he could get away with it. If Trump just went nuts and tried to launch, there are many things blocking his path. First, unless it was in response to a launch by Russia, I dont think he can simply use his executive power to unilaterally do it. Congress would demand a say. His Generals would have to carry out the orders and life-long military men are not likely to do something on the whims of a guy they think is nuts. You've got Republicans *now* who think Trump is a clown. If he did that, the pressure on Pence and the cabinet to remove him would be overwhelming. Trump trying a unilateral and unwarranted nuke strike likely leads to his own over-throw by 25th Amendment or a quiet military coup that simply refuses to follow his orders. Whats more likely is Trump trying to distract with more race-based war mongering. But I dont think that resonates enough to change his fortunes.
  7. Even saying that, Kimbo was a joke in MMA. Brock was actually a world class wrestler with ridiculous strength, power and speed. And even sayng that, if Brock boxed someone, he'd get knocked out. He did get knocked silly by guys with far less talent. Connor is a world class striker in MMA. Not in boxing. If this was an MMA fight, Mayweather wouldn't last 30 seconds. I think mcGregor's only chance is a major boner on Mayweather's part (figuratively) or he bum rushes Maywaeather immediately, shocks him and lands a miraculous flurry. Which wont happen.
  8. I watched that fight on PPV. Foreman was an enigma. A very talented fighter who altered his style with age, could absorb an enormous amount opf punishment. The odds were better for Foreman than McGregor.
  9. 6 white men, 4 white women. 1 black man, 1 black woman. Is that what you assumed?
  10. Thanks for the review! Ive been torn between Sony & LG.
  11. Seems about right for players of his potential coming off their elc
  12. Im not sure of the rules concerning the roster freeze but Toby has until tomorrow at 4:00 to give his decision to the Jets, presuming they asked him to waive his NMC. I would assume the Jets, if Toby declines, would have a window to buy him out before submitting their protected list?
  13. I think its telling in the sense that it likely means whatever has been leaked among the power brokers about what Mueller has and what he's pursuing is scaring the hell out of Trump and his pals. For them to be on this much of an offensive against a special consul they all applauded a month ago is something. They should also be cognizant of history. Trump is mirroring Nixon in many ways. It wasn't Nixon's crimes that did him in, it was the cover up, especially when he tried to obstruct the special consul. I suspect things will get even wilder, especially if there is any sense the Dems might take control in the mid-terms. If they do, its house-cleaning time and the far right wont allow that and their wussy "moderates" who would rather keep power than morals will go along with it.
  14. Does this clown not realize that his ridiculous hyperbole and baseless attacks only serve to undermine the credibility of the republicans?
  15. Maybe. Cosby was pretty big even back then and it sounds like the drug & rape thing was rather rampant among certain celebrity circles. One woman comes forward, he likely talks his way out of it with the backing of Hollywood elites. Keep in mind, the fact he drugged and raped women was common knowledge. It was the age of social media and it going viral leading to so many more coming forward that led to these charges.
  16. If Enstrom declines to waive his NMC, would the Jets consider buying him out? Wont cost much, they have the room. But it means losing Toby from an already weak left side. If Buff or Myers flipped to LHD, they could ice a very good top 4 though
  17. He was solid for the Ducks when they won the Cup.
  18. For those with 4K's what type of Blu Ray are you running? Everything points me to the Panasonic ($700) as its top rated in most books. However, it does not support Dolby Vision and I believe that cannot be rectified by a firmware update. LG (the TV I am leaning towards) put out a 4K Blu Ray player this year which gets good reviews but not as spectacular as Panasonic but does support all HDR formats and is on sale for under $300.
  19. What do you mean? E7 is the 2017 version of LG's line of OLED's (C7, G7 etc). last year it was called E6. http://www.lg.com/us/tvs/lg-OLED65E7P-oled-4k-tv
  20. They would have. But now they dont have to so they can protect another good player instead.
  21. Big move by Montreal And good return for Tampa. Kid is big and good. Shoots left too, darn it.
  22. Republicans that still don't get it setting up Trump's witch hunt claims to discredit Mueller I believe Newt was fine with a special counsel probing Clinton's sex life though
  23. Oh the humanity! Hopefully no one was hurt or I take back my remark.
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