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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I dont want to say he obviously did it. And the jury's job is to judge whether the prosecution proved their case. But I mean, the guy admitted in a sworn deposition to giving women Quaaludes for sex. The sheer volume of women telling the same story and who's stories essentially check out after so many years....clearly, if you were a betting man, you'd bet on guilty. Sucks for Cosby that hes now old and going blind. But he should pay. At this point, those women should get a big pay day because as stated, even if found guilty, its not like he's likely to spend 20 years in jail.
  2. Quoting Logan in this thread (from the TV Show thread): Awesome, would love to hear about it. Prices sure have come down. Everytime there is a new threshold for size or tech, the current prices drop. I like Sony too. I had seen some chatter online that their quality was not as hi-end as it used to be but the reviews for their TV's are still very good. My old Toshiba basically was a great looking 1080 for the time but even a few years later the basic old 1080's looked far better...with that enhanced frame-rate (Soap Opera Effect) that made some films really look unbelievable. My buddy's parents bought one and we watched Avatar and I couldnt believe it was the same 1080P quality...theirs was so much better. Now 4K? HDR? OLED? Where does it end...lol
  3. Found the TV thread! @Brandon - give us an update on your Sharp (confidently I posted a story in the news thread about Sharp suing HIsense). Some of the topics in this thread are fun to look back on. in discussing haggling at Visions, I popped in there yesterday to look at some TV's on display and I told the guy I was sort of torn between Sony and LG and he volunteered that Sony has strict pricing guidelines so he is limited by how much "discount" he could offer. So he actually offered the fact we could haggle. Here's the new leading contender: http://www.visions.ca/catalogue/Category/Details.aspx?categoryId=529&productId=35090&sku=OLED65E7
  4. Phil Housley strongly rumoured to be Buffalo's next head coach.
  5. And reportedly he has submitted a new list
  6. Yes because those people knew. Im talking people who were Kimbo fans thinking he'd go in and show these fighters what a real street tough man can do. MMA people knew Kimbo was nothing. Which is why White made him go through TUF rather then take the money for a joke of a fight. Similar thing with Brock except the experts knew he was such a unique talent, he actually COULD overwhelm his opponents even with very limited skills outside of wrestling. And wrestling fans wanted to see Brock show these MMA guys who's boss which is why Brock was such a huge draw. The MMA fans hated the wrestler/outsider and the wrestling fans felt like it proved their sport was tough. Kimbo was no Brock. As much as McGrgeor would decimate Mayweather in an MMA rules fight, he has little chance here. I mean, he *could* get lucky but that would have as much to do with Mayweather making a mistake and/or being really cocky or unprepared. There is absolutely no reason Mayweather shouldn't have the skill to defend McGregor's striking.
  7. Dave Meltzer is not only the preeminent wrestling journalist, he's also one of the finest MMA journalists too (and a former judge). Here are some snippets from his story on this fight in his newsletter this week (I wont post the whole thing because it's a subscription newsletter but I highly recommend it if you're a wrestling/MMA fan: What is likely to be one of the biggest PPV events of all-time appears to be a reality. Figures of $100 million for each fighter have been thrown around, although the real number are dependent upon the PPV numbers. It’s quite the story about McGregor, who was living on government assistance just four years ago. What is notable is that for McGregor, this will likely be the first time one of his fights will be on PPV in the U.K. and his home country of Ireland, which increases the revenue potential. The fight, pitting the biggest drawing card in boxing over the past decade against the biggest drawing card in MMA in recent years, has one uncharted question. Will the public buy into two huge personalities when, as a boxing match, it should be a mismatch? Mayweather, 49-0, is the greatest boxer of this generation, although is 40. McGregor is 28, and is a great MMA striker, but that’s an entirely different sport. He has never boxed professionally. Those who know boxing well and knew him from his start in boxing gyms said that he had great aptitude for that sport and probably could have been a European champion and a ranked contender. But he didn’t go into that sport and has no experience at it. Here, unless Mayweather has suddenly slipped. or there is a fluke, there is no argument over who wins, and in dominant form. Right now, Mayweather is listed as a -1100 favorite. Promoters would be disappointed if the match did 2.2 million buys, a number that has only been reached three times in history, Mayweather fights with Oscar de la Hoya, Canelo Alvarez and Manny Pacquiao. The latter did closer to 4.6 million buys, raising greatly what was widely thought as the ceiling for a PPV event of less than 3 million buys. Because of that figure, there are those talking four million buys as a possibility here, whereas if that fight had never happened, the predictions would be closer to 2.5 million. If the general public doesn’t get interested, or sees it as a joke fight and doesn’t support it (many will see it as a joke fight and still support it because in the end, they want to see it), which on paper it is, the results will be very different. Mayweather decided to come out of retirement because he saw an opportunity to draw Pacquiao like numbers with a minimal physical risk. McGregor, to his credit, hyped this match for a few years, at a time when nobody took seriously any chance it could happen, and he was the catalyst in it happening. But if you think about it, the idea that a 49-0 greatest fighter of his generation could be sanctioned for a fight against someone with an 0-0 record, and sanctioned without discussion, points to the value of money overriding regulated sport. If Mayweather wins, it will give him a 50-0 record, breaking the Rocky Marciano record of 49-0 and retiring undefeated, although this is quite the cheap way to break that record.
  8. Yes, I acknowledge he has a puncher's chance. But he's an 1100 underdog right now which is so lop sided I am considering throwing down some money on McGregor lol
  9. Its comparable in the sense people who were fans of Kimbo thought he'd beat up trained MMA guys. People who are McGregor fans think he can beat Mayweather. He can't. And if Mayweather wants to embarrass him, he probably could. I imagine he will make a show of it though.
  10. Figured I could ask this in the TV thread. I think we discussed this very subject a year or two ago but I cant remmeber lol Thinking of upgrading my TV from a 9 year old Toshiba 52" 1080P. Im willing to spend money for something truly magnificent with the intent of it lasting ten years+ also. I was leaning towards a 75" Sony - 4K ofcourse but not OLED. I've now become intrigued with a 65" LG OLED (the E7) which is on sale for $2000 off. The sales guy encouraged me to go with the smaller (and less expensive) LG because of the unmatched picture quality and the future proof aspect as it included HDR10 support as well as Dolby Vision support. But others have said get the largest TV you can afford. I think Im leaning towards the LG for quality but I dont want to spend a lot of money and wish I had got the 75". The 65" will still be considerably larger than my current 52". A 75" would be monstrous...probably in a good way but there is also the issue of going too big. The savings of the LG are nice in the sense I'd want a high quality 4K Blu Ray player as well... My question is, for you all, what would you do? What do you have? What went into your decision-making process etc? I end up doing lots of research for big purchases and agonize over it...lol
  11. Mcgregor has no chance whatsoever in winning this. I mean, okay, maybe he has a.1% chance of landing a lucky punch. McGregor is not a boxer, doesnt box, never boxed professionally. This is like the old argument when Kimbo was going into MMA, that he'd knock everyone out because he was a scary street fighter. Tough guys dont beat skilled guys. Its that simple. Its really a mockery, to be honest. The money makes it easy to sanction but take a no-name but skilled boxer against a no-name "fighter" with no boxing skill and it doesnt get sanctioned. Mayweather will keep it interesting but he could probably win it in one round. Its fascinating though because of the money involved and I dont have a problem with it. People want to see the spectacle. But let's not pretend mcGregor has a legitimate shot.
  12. We should be free to shoot people if we want to! If I cant kill someone then am I really free? Its interesting hearing how "rattled" Congress is. How they are taking this as a personal attack on all of them. I hope they spend some time with parents of kids killed at school or the survivors who were traumatized and they can commiserate together about it. There is simply no reason whatsoever for people to have free access to weapons like this.
  13. Come on. The problem isn't the guy with the legal assault rifle. That's his right. The problem is the victims didn't also have weapons to shoot back. I think that was an episode of Star Trek actually. Arm both sides. More guns is the answer!
  14. trump "leaked" that he was considering firing the special counsel. Well Mueller trumped Trumped by revealing he is actively investigating Trump now And you just know Trump will want to fire him anyway in a near copy of the Saturday night massacre that led to Nixon's downfall.
  15. I actually think its the opposite. I think Perreault is under-valued. When you look at his fancy stats, he's a driver of offense who makes his line mates better. If you look at his goals/points and GP, he seems a lot more expendable than he is.
  16. So you're saying the addendum clause in NMC's does not apply to expansion claims?
  17. Im surprised because the president told us we didnt have to worry about guns since bad guys used knives and cars.
  18. They should issue hand guns to all UPS employees so the next time several innocent people are shot, it won't be as easy....
  19. Thats a good point. Depending on how much info Vegas top brass share with him in his current position, he has some close pals who's jobs rely on breaking news. This week is exactly why Gary was great to have around here.
  20. If they can keep this under wraps, more power to them. I love the idea of keeping the friggen trades a secret too! So on June 21st, they announce not just the player selections but possibly a slew of trades? Tremendous! But guys like Dreger and Bob Mac will be working Overtime to sniff out trades. Surely you have to tell the players and then they tell their families etc (cause what do they care about the NHL making a TV splash?) and it gets out. The PA might leak it too. But if it all stays quiet, that will be must see TV...
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