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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. plus one of Trumps buddies claims the President is considering firing the Special Counsel, which he can't actually do but he can order his AG to do it.... sound familiar?
  2. Stars have 3rd over all, yes. This has come up before because there has been speculation Stars would trade their pick. Im not sure if it really suits the Jets to trade a player like Myers for 3rd over-all to snag a player that won't help you for a couple of years. But it would get them out of expansion draft trouble. I don't know what Dallas looks like on that front.
  3. Completely unconfirmed social media rumour: Stars and jets talking. Stars 3rd overall for Myers + Jets 13th.
  4. In the fantasy trade department: thoughts? Guy is 30 years old.
  5. Perhaps our good friend Gary Lawless will give his old pals at TSN some scoops.
  6. Yes bettman takes it all in stride. He really comes across as a nice guy when he gives more conversational interviews.
  7. I think I disagree. I think the best series' are better when you can watch them in quick succession. The Sopranos certainly was better binge watching on DVD. If a series isn't that good because due to binging you see the logic holes and storylines don't impress then that's a fundamental weakness of the series. Of course the biggest negative is, as you say, not being able to pull away. And good to work very very tired. Lol
  8. I know its a monkey see/monkey do thing with boo'ing the commissioner but Nashville of all places? Ummm, Canadian fans boo him because they feel he sold our traditional hockey markets for southern expansion. The southern expansion team boo'ing him, why? They don't know why. They just do it. Thought the boo'ing of the Pens and Crosby was classless as well. If that was the Jets, I'd one heartbroken but Id hope, in that moment, I'd be able to contain my disappointment and show class and sportsmanship and respect the ceremony. The Pred players all sat there as they should letting the Pens celebrate before doing the handshake. It would be nice if it became tradition for the losing teams crowd to show the same sense of respect and sportsmanship. Could be worse, I guess, they could have rioted!
  9. Reminder: Schedule June 13, 5 p.m. ET — Deadline for teams to request players waive no-movement clauses to be made available in expansion draft June 17, 5 p.m. ET — Deadline for submission of protection lists by the 30 teams June 18, 10 a.m. ET — Protection lists released to the public June 18-21 — Vegas can negotiate with and sign UFAs and unprotected RFAs June 21, 10 a.m. ET — Vegas submits expansion draft player selections June 21, 8 p.m. ET — NHL Awards Show, including announcement of Vegas picks
  10. And don't forget, expansion protected lists are released this weekend I believe... No off-season in hockey!
  11. They have show runners so even if the episodes have different writers, the tone would be consistent (or should be). But they are actually continently inconsistent in tone. I cant remember which season it was, 3 maybe, that was criticized for being too funny and they made the effort to be more serious in season 4. Although I really thought the first half of season 4 sucked but the last half was really good. I think thats where the writing is inconsistent - they get a lot better when the different story threads come together in the last few episodes because the story flows more organically. Ill probably finish it today.
  12. Thats the obvious take-away. I don't know the details but from the comments Sharp was at risk of going under so the deal saved them. I would assume there was some language in the licensing about quality so probably what is at issue is Sharp thinks Hisense is not maintaining the agreed upon standard while Hisense believes it is. Its interesting because Sharp suing them publicly damages both of them. Who on earth would buy a Sharp product in the US now knowing this? Speaking of which, we discussed this last year but Im curious if anyone has bought a new TV in 2017... and what they bought, are they happy with it? I was leaning towards an LG but the reviews are quite good but not spectacular and most reviews point people towards a Sony that is quite a bit more expensive but a better TV if one was going to spend a lot for a 4K screen...
  13. Interesting (especially as im considering buying a new tv)
  14. Anyone watching OITNB? I just finished episode 10. Im underwhelmed. I find the show is at its best when dealing with serious issues and at its worst when it forces laughs. And it really has forced laughs a lot this season. It tries to be too cute. It also plays too many serious issues for comedy and the tonal shifts just don't work (such as mental health, attempted murder etc).
  15. NY Post columnist said Rangers have talked to Flames & Jets about Annti Raanta.
  16. Stats don't lie. He drives play and makes his line mates better.
  17. Con Smythe must have been tough. I thought Murray would get it but I guess how do you give to someone they missed half the playoffs. Sid is unreal. Love all the haters on social media saying how he sucks or it's rigged. Best player in the game. Bonafide hall of famer.
  18. I love the cup presentation. Sid gives it first to Rob Hainsey. Over 900 games played never made the playoffs. Finally does and wins a cup. Ron barely skates ten feet and hands it off to Matt Cullen. Fleury gets the cup and seeks out Murray to hand it off to. Awesome. Nashville fans are truly awesome. But boo'ing Bettman? Actually a lot of boo'ing. Come on....
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