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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This is not true actually. A lot of fans in North America cared. Also my point about Flair/Steamboat is not to argue how many fans watched those matches. Do you know how many fans watched those matches? Because it wasn't Monday night war levels.... it was that for a generation those matches were used as training tapes for every young worker. They were the standard for how to work during that era. And Omega/Okada has the potential to be the standard for this era. Probably already is but to be a real program of Flair/Steamboat level needs one more special match. And I give Omega more credit because he's actually a better worker than Okada especially "American" style. But I say all this with no disrespect intended. I'm sure there are people that think Shawshank Redemption sucks. Opinions vary.
  2. You're assuming your perspective as a WWE fan translates to everyone else. No doubt WWE is the biggest promotion on the world. And the average mark probably knows Ziggler over Okada and even Omega. But styles was a huge star and everyone knew who he was before wwe signed him. His reaction at RR proves it. And the reason he got a sudden push was because house attendance jumped when he began working which is a metric that tells is even average fans knew him. Kenny Omega is a big big star. We can be fair and say he's the biggest star on the planet not on WWE. But he's bigger than a lot of guys in WWE. I've had people who do not watch wrestling and k ow nothing hear me talking and say oh I've heard of Kenny. Im biased. But I also know wrestling. Sports illustrated doesn't do stories about him because he's a fringe or niche talent. His pro wrestling tees are always along the highest selling and he has multiple endorsement deals. He'll be bigger than styles if/when he finally goes to WWE. Hes the most talented wrestler in the world and I'm not sure it's close. He really is that good. And when he's main eventing wrestlemania we can all say we knew him when people on the internet said he wasn't anything special until he went there.
  3. You're entitled to your opinion but general consensus is this one was better. More high spots on the first. A lot of shades of the first match in this one which is how a program should be. Logic tells us third match is when Kenny wins the world title although im not sure that's the plan.
  4. I'd say perreault as 3C next year is possible. Connor-Perreault-Armia. But Roso will be given a chance out of TC
  5. so cap is flat and players already whine about escrow. So PA will invoke escalator and complain even louder about escrow. There will be labour strife because of this when too many players don't understand how it works and think they should just get whatever money is agreed to regardless of HRR split. They think League is robbing them when they get 50/50 but keep adding escalators to the cap every year.
  6. As I'm watching I really started to think about Flair/Steamboat and the impact their series had on wrestling. Okada/Omega could be the modern equivalent. Let's assume there is a third match, maybe at Tokyo Dome and that probably seals it as an all time great program
  7. He's probably a 4C on a really good checking line on a contending team. The offence hasn't blossomed Copp with more offensive upside. But centres the size and age of Lowry have lots of value. Perreault drives positive play a lot better. He's older than Lowry and smaller and hurt more often. Probably Lowry is the player you want for his upside and potential. Perreault is who you want right now. I lole dano but agree with @Goalie if you can deal with Vegas to protect 7 forwards in exchange for a pick and Dano, go for it
  8. Not true. If you think they assumed they would miss the playoffs after making the playoffs you are wrong. My criticism is they didn't address D or G at Christmas when it could have made a difference. But remember Myers was hurt all season so he's not a trade option. Toby was hurt and on leave for a chunk of the season and had a NMC.
  9. Not a whole lot. Producer Kurtzman said many of Fuller's "big ideas" for this season and beyond are still being used even after he left. The character of Mudd played by Rainn Wilson is confirmed as being in more than one episode. They are putting episode 5 to bed now. I think there is secrecy surrounding the details because the details relate to some of the plot elements. Nick Meyer (one of the true legends of Trek writing/directing is a consultant on the show. He said Fuller chose this time period because he identified an opportunity to go off on a different stream. Not sure what he means (please not another time line) also Meyer mentioned he is working on another Trek project that he can't talk about which got fans hopeful he was involved in writing a feature film
  10. Just finished Okada/Omega II live from Japan. I won't post a spoiler this early. But if you love wrestling, go out of your way to see it. Both their matches will be studied by trainees for years to come. If WWE could sign one guy in the world right now it would be Kenny Omega. Unbelievable.
  11. What's the point of "anti-sharia"? I'm not supporter of sharia law and it has not place here. But it seems like a way to actually have anti-Muslim protests by hiding behind an extreme "problem" that doesn't much exist widely here
  12. Chris Evans signed a one film extension as his contract was up after the next Avengers. He's now on for the Avengers 4 film its interesting. Assuming many of the originals will want to move on do they kill them off? And continue with the newer characters and forget the originals? Recast they could do the captain America story where he was replaced. But you sort of need Evans back eventually. Do they eventually reboot?
  13. When did the draft rules get released? Wasn't it just last summer? So last summer we knew guys like Laine were protected. You could maybe fault Chipman for not dealing with the 4 D we want to protect over this past season but the more pressing matter was trying to make the playoffs. The only thing they could have done was trade Myers, except he was hurt so they couldn't. Or trade Toby but he had a NMC and was dealing with a serious personal issue and I don't see the Jets trading him during that. And even if they wanted to, you need to find a team Toby wants to go to. Im not sure Chipman had many options. He has more now. Because he can make side deals with Vegas. Toby, with one season left and it being the off-season, perhaps its easier for him to consider waiving to go somewhere. Other teams in worse situations than the Jets. Losing Myers would suck. Losing Lowry or Perreault would be disappointing but not the end of the world. Reality is we will lose SOMEONE for nothing. At least were not in the position where we have to give twice as much to Vegas to take certain players because we're at the cap.
  14. And the government did a study that showed it was way underpriced. So to them, the $1.4 Billion was a non-starter as far as even discussing it since they didn't believe the estimates. Burke comparing a $40 million investment in MTSC to wanting the government to pay the majority of a nearly $2 billion development is pure idiocy. Manitoba made back that $40 million in, what, less than 5 years? (I recall it was well ahead of the estimated time line). But billions? Puh-leeze
  15. Based on what the flames want the government is right. But present a more reasonable plan and i bet the government is willing to help out.
  16. Again the issue isn't no public money it's what the flames want which is ridiculous.
  17. ****. Grew up on Adam West as Batman. Damn.
  18. He didn't give him the NMC in the last two years though.
  19. maybe because there was no need to protect players when Toby signed his contract. I suppose we could be critical of Chevy for not knowing there would be an expansion draft 5 years later but that might be pushing it.
  20. Behind the scenes showing some of the tech involved in the new Stark-made Spidey suit:
  21. Yup, production trumps personality. And the apologists will point to his clean track record (and suit!) for the past year and say he's a changed man. Which is fine. He produced and stayed out of trouble. He only has one year remaining. But you're not giving up much for him, for that reason. But chances are, he's going to free agency so its in Buffalo's interests to trade him. Although, they likely get more at the deadline.
  22. There is literally no where for them to go until the NHL decides they can leave, which they wont. If the options are leave or build a $2 billion palace with public money, then they should start renting moving trucks. The problem with Burke is, he assumes he's always right and allows no room for compromise or reason. And the problem with that is, it makes your opposition dig in because he's so unlikable. The example about Mosaic and IGF also doesnt compute since 1) the values are completely different and 2) those teams are publicly owned. And as the article points out, if the Flames were willing to accept the fraction of the cost that True North got to build MTSC, then Im sure Alberta would be on board.
  23. Who, Burke? Manitoba did not pay towards MTSC what Burke wants Alberta to pay towards their new project. Burke is either very uninformed or out and out lying. Also, if he thinks the Flames can up and leave without telling anyone, Mr Bettman is on line 3.
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