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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Most likely. My only thought is, there are still best case scenarios. Sure, Trump aint helping things. But lets say crowds start coming out in may with some restrictions...maybe by June/July, sports leagues are considering their options. If you can run the playoffs, normally, you wouldnt want to. But people will be chomping at the bit to get back to "normal". Here, yeah, everyone wants to go to the cottage and there will be a lot of vacations happening that were deferred from earlier, but I think a playoffs would do very well. Lots of logistics though. You'll have everyone trying to book dates at once. You'll have networks with multiple things to cover. NBA, NHL, CFL, NFL all at once. SO could be tough. But the owners will want to do it come hell or high water. The big debate will be how to decide because doing ANY games would be gold for the owners, so sure, Boston is in, but what about Detroit? They want some games. They already paid the players. They want to recoup. I think they'll try real hard to play something. And I think they'll try real hard to have every team play *something* at home. Maybe forget the standings and do some sort of league-wide play-in.
  2. Boy Dana White is sure being exposed for the prick he is (and most knew him to be).
  3. If the founding fathers could have predicted this they’d have included an IQ test in the qualifications for president
  4. My god. He’s an absolutely idiot
  5. He’s evil. That’s all there is to it.
  6. Nothing else going on in the US I guess
  7. Just wait. He’ll be campaigning that he have everyone a cheque and now he expects their vote. I’m surprised he isn’t requiring a commitment oath to cash the cheque.
  8. The idiot wants his signature on every cheque that goes out to Americans due to the pandemic. What a sleazy gross transparent moron
  9. I want to go to Vegas end of May yeah I know.
  10. Yeah. Plus the way I understand it in the US. It’s $1200 per individual and $500 per child. So a family of four can end up $3400. One criticism is it’s a one time deal. But they could revisit that. im curious how the Canadian payment will work. Do you have to have a 2018 tag return? So you have to have a registered business? Because people they say it’s for will fall out of scope of those things. It almost sounds like honour system. Apply if you need it sort of deal. and when this is over....what will the government do to make up the spending. Honestly, adding a percent to the GST for a period of time wouldn’t bother me as a means to recoup it.
  11. Nah. It’s war time president thing. People need a leader in times of crises. Remember how popular HW was right before he lost to Clinton? I heard Biden’s lead over trump in polls also grows. When the crises is over people will look at trump closer and be disgusted.
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