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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Im a Pens guy but Nashville is a great alternative to my 2nd favorite team not winning. Hard not to cheer for that team and that fan base. But dont count out the Pens just yet...
  2. With all the rumours out there, Vegas might end up with half the first round draft pick!
  3. Yes they did an uncharacteristically "subtle" way of making Joe a threat by having him drop the mic and lean in to speak calmly to Heyman, picked up by the camera mics for the home audience. He calmly explained he would wrap his hands around Heyman's neck and choke him out as a message to Brock...and then he did.
  4. I think Bayley's push is Vince's idea of a push. They had the perfect underdog story with Bayley already, in NXT. Why mess with success. They had her win the title too soon, killing the feel good idea of her winning at WM, then had her lose in her hometown. And then Alexa gets all the verbal heat on her and she doesnt even get a come back. Then Alexa beats her down and she gets no response. I agree that this IS their idea of booking an underdog. But the risk, unless you do it well, is that you're just burying someone. I dont think its been effective booking at all. But they will keep going and Bayley will eventually win the title and they will pat themselves on the back and she will be 65% as over as she could be. Now I have to complain about RAW. Firstly, very effective use of Joe most of the night...until the slip-on-a-banana-peel victory over Seth. Just have Joe beat him for **** sake. He's the #1 contender. They made Seth look like an idiot and made Joe's victory less effective. Just let him win. Its okay to win.
  5. Everyone panned wwe for the Great Balls of Fire name for ppv but at least they went all in with this awesome commercial.
  6. Great to hear. Haven't seen it yet but avoiding spoilers.
  7. Bayley booked perfect in NXT and awful in WWE. Go figure. I strongly suspect it's a matter of Vince and Dunn don't personally want to nail Bayley so they assume no one does and that's how they book women. Plus taking what made her special on NXT and trying to "improve" on it. Sure she's the girl next door, the nice girl etc but killing her six feet under doesn't make her sympathetic. Plus vince loves Alexa. And you can't push more than one person at a time.....*fart*
  8. Sadly a terror attack on US soil is exactly what Trump and his supports want. Well, I don't say it's what they want. But they will certainly play it for their narrative if it happens.
  9. A main event ppv against Brock is a push. And an opportunity for Joe to prove he can draw. Hopefully they book him strong. The wording they were using was "dream match" so I suspect Joe is going to be killing guys in the lead up. That's the way it should go anyway
  10. Joe with the big push. Finally WWE is listening to me. Lol
  11. I dont think I heard one good review of Ghostbusters, to be honest. If anything, Wonder Woman has more hype to live up to because its not just another super hero movie. Plus, DC has been so bad at this. Although it might benefit from reduced expectations for that reason. I think the worst review I saw for WW praised most of it and said the final act got away from them a bit. I thought Gadot was the best thing in BvS so I have very high expectations for this.
  12. Im a conservative. I dont want to see our economy or business suffer for ideas that look warm and fuzzy on paper but dont work in practice. I also dont embrace the idea of man-made climate change to the exclusion of other impacts on the environment (which are obviously true and happening). But...dont we all want a clean and healthy earth? Dont we want to find a better way than dirty energy? We should be encouraging green technology. And I think its been shown when the government requires it, things like more efficient and cleaner mileage isnt hard to come by. If they banned oil ten years from now, can we not expect corporations to simply create something else for us to buy? And arent all the big oil companies actually supportive of the Paris Agreement? So now, several States are planning to form an Alliance to adhere to the Paris Agreement. This is the Trump effect. He pulls out and yet the States will simply ignore him and stay in. What a neutered, sad little man.
  13. Very excited for this one. Gal Gadot is perfect in this role (from the BvS film). Film is banned in Lebanon because she's an Israeli. And hilarious that there are men angry because of some women-only screenings of the film. Yes, a lot of men (probably white men) are definitely being discriminated by. Sort of missed the point. A FEMALE superhero likely to be DC's best film to date. If those whining men have daughters (or sisters) they should understand the important not only of starring vehicles for women, but in this genre and the creation of a character little girls can look up to who arent damsel's in distress.
  14. Perhaps it was a strategic move on the part of the player. Had a really good season, go back in the draft and get chosen higher, can make the jump at least to the AHL this year, earn more potential bonuses and better playing time. Generally I subscribe to the notion that one in the hand is worth two in the bush though.
  15. Isnt Alzner a free agent this summer? He will want a raise. He's 28. LHD. I'd take a shot at him. But there will be multiple offers.
  16. Jets have a lot of contract space remaining.
  17. That would be a quick process and I'd be sent back and charged. The fact so many people can spill over the border should be concerning.
  18. How can they not sign a 7th round entry level player? Are they haggling over what line he plays on for the Moose?
  19. Absolutely and thats a big loss to the Jets. Unless the Jets look at their depth chart and see Buff-Truba-Myers as their RHD and feel Myers is too good and too expensive to be the 3RHD. But still, you lose him for nothing. If Jets are willing to lose him, then they should do what Chicago is doing and make a pre-draft deal with Vegas. Although since the Jets arent in cap trouble and dont have any bad contracts I guess there isnt a reason to.
  20. A wall, you say?? Hmmmm...doesnt sound so bad.
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