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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Is Spicer a complete friggen idiot or just a cowardly ****? Because he either believes this nonsense or he's being made to say it. Either way, he'ss a totally inept and idiotic person. Why couldnt Trump just bring himself to admit he made a typo? This is the most absurd thing ever. They are so arrogant and self-important they simply have to make everything out to be some grand plan. Trump and his bunch are complete jokes. How long does the world and the poor American's have to put up with this clown?
  2. I dont know a lot about the details but I understand KBF's perspective here. What are these refugees escaping by leaving the US and walking into Canada illegally? And why are we just assuming its legitimate, opening our arms and welcoming them in? If they are being vetted, great, but if I try to walk across the border I dont get vetted, I get arrested and deported back to Canada and I probably face some charges. If your VISA runs out and you stay without a renewal, you are not a refugee. Are we talking about people that have been in the US for 20+ years?
  3. Men dont decide for women that the woman will have the child and they (the man) will raise it alone. I guess it could happen but would be rare and either way they can't impost that decision. We can deep-dive into the issue but I think my main point still stands. As a pro-lifer, I want to see education and family planning made available more widely and geared towards young people.
  4. Did Willy re-work his contract or is he going to be a very highly paid back up?
  5. Its interesting that while it takes both a man and a woman, only one retains rights. We allow that because its her body. But what if a man had the option of opting out of parenthood as well?
  6. I like red wine but im not knowledgeable. But yeah I had read to drink it at room temperature and I've had it served in many restaurants like that. I enjoy it like that. But I generally dont drink an entire bottle very fast so I read to put it in the fridge to extend it's life. But I think last night it was just too cold. Once it warmed up to just below room temp, so a little chill, it tasted much better. Im drinking some now that my gf got me - Benziger Cabernet Sauvignon. I enjoy it. I also really like the Coppola red label.
  7. Im hoping to see all the irrational anti-Pens people on social media who claimed the NHL was fixed in favour of Crosby because of the off side call, will be just as outraged at the stupid offside call on the pens tonight.
  8. ****BREAKING NEWS**** Pens are good. TUP is happy. Steak was awesome. My red wine tastes a little off but I had it in the fridge which is a no no for red, right? anyway Go Pens Go
  9. Exactly. They have the gay gene. We know sexual orientation is not a choice or learned behavior. So if you knew your unborn child was gay, and you wanted to abort, is that ok? Thats the problem I see with Pro Choice. To them its black & white - you want to abort, go for it. Doesnt matter why. And yes, it is black & white to a lot of pro-lifers too. The point being, will it be black & white to pro-choicers when those choicers run counter to other issues they are black & white about? Personally I have a big issue with the right wing conservatives who cant separate religion from politics or social issues and condemn sex ed in schools, condemn contraceptive education and yet also condemn abortion. I mean sure, condemn abortion if you so desire. But you're talking about something that is virtually 100% preventable under educated circumstances. Start there.
  10. Now I get it The Vegas Golden Knights and Chicago Blackhawks could be working out a deal ahead of the expansion draft in June. TSN Senior Hockey Reporter Frank Seravalli reports the Blackhawks could allow the Golden Knights to select Trevor van Riemsdyk in the expansion draft, on the condition Vegas also takes forward Marcus Kruger in a trade.
  11. Thats an interesting idea. The issue is, of course, increasing the revenue of the CFL. The NFL could easily afford it. But what would they want in return?
  12. I dont know a lot about this but most articles say Obama's commitment was to raise the level of emission cutback from 26% to 28% over 2005 levels by 2025. So really, an increase of 2%. The FOX story calls it "reduce emissions by nearly 30%", which sounds like a lot more than 2%. Im one of those people that thinks Global Warming/Climate Change has a lot more to do with natural occurrences rather than JUST "man made" but any effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which are bad for the planet should be seen as a positive step forward. Oddly, China is on board with this agreement...
  13. Either your point is unclear or mine went over your head. Not sure which. Either way, amusing.
  14. I think its an unfair comment only because there is zero indication that his commitment is anything less than it was. He's healthy, his child is doing well, they seem very happy. If you believe in fate or whatever, the fact he was out injured when his family needed him would be something. I like Myers. And if available I believe Vegas would take him in a heartbeat. Its funny. When Buffalo was looking to trade him, every pundit talked about him as the prize catch. Now he's with the Jets and we debate whether we want him. Yes, he's been injured. But he's a bonafide top 4 D man on a very good contract. If I had to choose between Myers or Toby, its Myers every day of the week...ideally, we keep both.
  15. I agree. There are different ways to help people that are or face becoming refugees. There are choices people make that increase or decrease their chances of surviving. An unborn child makes no choices. Their heart beats, their brain develops and someone decides it was an "oops" so away it goes. While a lot of good people who dont have the opportunity for any "oops" wait to adopt. In most cases of abortion, its a selfish decision. And some will now be angry I wrote that, but even if you're pro-choice, I dont see how you can disagree. This discussion is going to get a lot more complicated when parents can be told whether their unborn child will have medical issues...or be too short...or be gay...or what have you. Designer babies. it will be interesting to see what the Liberals say when the first abortion due to "gay gene" occurs.
  16. I have no links but I do recall seeing chatter about scientists being just as "muzzled" under the current regime as the last. To be honest, this muzzling is of little concern to me. Seems there was plenty of talk for muzzled scientists under Harper. If my dog talked that much with her muzzle, I'd return the muzzle (and make a lot of money because my dog could talk).
  17. Harper was a hell of a leader though. You get the sense he kept a lid on a lot of potential turmoil. No wonder he was such a "tyrant". He had to be to keep the party united enough to win. Until they realise they cant all get what they want, it will be more of the same. Its very disappointing, as a conservative. Those people with their far right wing beliefs have to come towards the centre or they can forever whine about their silliness and be losers or get over it and be winners. Same goes for the far left too, really. Wasnt there a time when the extreme views were looked at as "extreme"? The guy is entitled to his beliefs but to be anti-gay in 2017 is akin to being anti-black in the 60's. You might think you're right and maybe its how you were raised but boy will people look back upon you with much ridicule. The pro-life doesnt bother me as much. I think there is room for a mature discussion on that front. The goal, regardless of beliefs should be that abortions never have to happen. But if someone is so religious that they do not support contraception but are also pro-life, well you're just not grasping reality. So a Conservative saying he's pro-life but wont open the debate should not be controversial.
  18. Ideally yes. Problem is, if you're Toby, there is not a 100% guarantee Vegas wont pick you. Knowing the Jets, I cant see them framing a discussion as "we dont want you". But offering him an extension might entice him.
  19. Thanks to all of you attending camp and providing insight and observations. Love this time of the year. Speaking of Rock puns, are their rules around the "music" played? For example, could they play "Do you smell what the Rock is cooking" if/when Roc makes an INT? I was always waiting for the Jets to play "Im Buff and Im the stuff" when Buff laid a guy out but they never did. (Maybe for the best). I think Carolina does (or did) play Ric Flair Wooooo'ing when they score... And Tampa uses Hogan (is it Tampa)?
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