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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Go Pens Go A lot of hilarity on twitter. Some very angry people apparently don't realize there are Canadians playing for Pens and Preds. Oh well.
  2. Sure, if you're trying to prevent knives and guns and booze. Normal things. Guy walks up to a check point wearing a bomb. Is he going to check it?
  3. Yes. I believe his point was if they set up advanced check points, all you've done is further inconvenienced people, created more large groups for attacking and moved the threat further back. If the entrance to a venue is dangerous, moving the checkpoint 100 feet back doesnt end the threat, it just moves it. That was his point. You do searches now more as a visual deterrent. Its like having home security alarms on your house - if 10 homes have them and one doesnt, which one is most likely to be broken into?
  4. Yup here's a good story about him: https://www.nhl.com/jets/news/matteo-gennaro-finds-his-groove/c-287942142 Has some offensive upside. Could be a solid 3LW. Couple years with the Moose and who knows. He's 20, would the thought be he'd be signed and play for the Moose this season or can he go back to the Hitmen?
  5. Two Jets on the list. Gennaro and Karlstrom. Seems the expectation is Jets will sign Gennaro.
  6. Thats the big take away. Because the risk is now the medics are responding to TWO people in need of saving. My dad is on Fentanyl (prescribed, not an addict).
  7. Yeah, I imagine we might see more CPR kits "out there" for this very reason.
  8. Dont call it a comeback! Is it 15 compressions, 2 breaths?
  9. Thats the question. What does one do to prevent this. How do you stop a suicide bomber from walking into a crowd of people and blowing himself up? Catching that guy on the way to the bomb site isnt going to resolve it. Its the intelligence aspect of preventing it from getting that far. I think visible security is a deterrent to some attacks (reasonable security at venues, police on streets etc) but a guy with a bomb strapped to him....by that point its a bit late. In this case he didnt even go inside the concert. Its easy to walk into a crowded mall or anywhere else.
  10. Man that's tough. Two people in critical doesnt help the situation so you have to be safe. Paramedics have certain calls they wont respond to without police presence so they look after their safety too. I've done first aid and CPR in pretty awful circumstances, been covered in all sorts of nasty things. But everyone is different and if I had gotten sick, Im sure I'd have had a different perspective looking back. Speaking of which, isnt CPR now just chest compressions? I thought they dropped the mouth to mouth aspect... (its been awhile since I was certified).
  11. If you count Brock who I dont think is actually Canadian yet but lives here and apparently fights out of Canada in UFC, both world champions are Canadian. The US champion is Canadian. The IC champion is married to a Canadian.
  12. Well if a FOX reporter is condemning a Republican candidate, I'd say its an accurate account of what happened.
  13. Saw a Republican Representative on CNN, and he discussed the idea of increased security and said one issue is, if you create these situations where a large number of people are being searched, you still create areas of large groups waiting plus you inconvenience people. So in the end it doesnt necessarily solve the issue.
  14. Takes at least $50 million and a national TV deal. When Ted Turner's non-competes ended after all the mergers he wanted back in wrestling. He assigned some people to do a study on what it would take to compete with Vince and that's what he was told. He quickly lost interest.
  15. They blow off the ratings decline with numerous excuses one being that it doesnt really matter. But when their TV rights package is up for renewal its going to matter... And I agree 100%. Boring, formulaic booking. And not just the booking. Everything is same old same old. The announcing, the shooting, when and how they cut away to commercial, the backstage vignettes etc. It's all the same. They love Kevin Dunn, their exec producer/director, but they badly need a new vision.
  16. Its interesting because you have to wonder if this is just a quick fix or if Whedon is interested in more duties related to the DC films. Snyder is a good film maker. But the story telling aspects thus far have been abysmal. Whedon likely makes that a lot better. Having a team that includes Snyder, Whedon and Johns among others (Affleck doesnt hurt) would give DC a better chance to right the ship.
  17. TNA's top executive just publicly went after the Hardy's over the back & forth regarding the "Broken Universe" gimmick. From Wrestling Observer: The battle of the rights to the "Broken" Hardys character continues to rage on as Tuesday saw the release of public statements, legal documents, and a fiery series of responses. If you're new to this story, there is a dispute between Matt Hardy and Anthem Wrestling (the owners of Impact Wrestling) over who owns the rights to the "Broken" characters. Currently in WWE, Matt and brother Jeff are not using the characters and even while working indie dates to fulfil pre-WWE signed contracts, the full characters weren't used. Anthem Wrestling president Ed Nordholm released the following: "In response to on-going speculation concerning our position with respect to the “Broken Brilliance” creative, I am providing this detailed log of our communications on the subject and the contractual structure of our relationship with Matt Hardy with respect to intellectual property matters (which is standard to our roster and in the industry). There has never been any argument from Impact Wrestling that the Hardy’s were key contributors to the development of the characters and story line, or that Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy executed on their roles in spectacular fashion. But the position taken by the Hardys is a massive disservice to the contributions of the rest of the creative team at Impact Wrestling, including Jeremy Borash, Dave Lagano, Matt Conway and Billy Corgan, and is totally at odds with the terms of their contracts. The Hardys would have you believe that Anthem is somehow avoiding their lawyers to address this. This is the log of our communications with the Hardys and/or their lawyers. It is clear that we have not been avoiding them. March 10 – EBN speaks with executives at ROH about “Broken Brilliance” being used in ROH shows. I indicated willingness to provide an arrangement that would allow the creative to be used in ROH shows and encouraged ROH to have Matt speak with me if he wanted to pursue that discussion March 11 – EBN spoke at length with Matt by telephone about the structure of an amicable arrangement for use of the Broken Brilliance creative March 14 – Matt sent text message to Ed Nordholm at 4:05pm: “Tried giving you a call, it rang & went busy. I'm open to working things out amicably as we spoke about. The lawyer who represent me is interested in seeing your offer. My lawyer's email is {redacted} which you could send the offer to for review. Thanks.” And I responded by text at 6:41 pm “Thank you Matt. I was supposed to be [flying] into NYC today and am a little twisted. I will pull something together with [our] lawyers and try to get it over to your lawyer tomorrow or Thursday at latest“ March 16 – At 8:25 pm I sent an update text to Matt: “Hi Matt. My lawyer got me a draft too late to get reviewed for today. I will look at it in the morning. Sorry for the delay” And he responded at 9:16 pm “Ok, he's ready for it. Thanks for the update.” March 17 – counsel for Anthem Wrestling delivered draft proposal to counsel for Matt Hardy March 24 – counsel for Anthem Wresting followed up with Matt Hardy counsel requesting comments on the proposal March 27 – counsel for Matt Hardy responds that they have been away and have not reviewed the proposal but will be back “in the next few days” After which no further communication until April 18 – counsel for Matt Hardy leaves a voice mail message for counsel for Anthem Wrestling asking to arrange a meeting April 20 – EBN contacts WWE by email to determine veracity of internet rumours concerning WWE interest in Broken Brilliance April 21 -- WWE respond by email that there “is no interest on our end” {redacted email exchange attached} April 21 – counsel for Matt Hardy sends a follow up message requesting a meeting April 27 – lawyers speak to arrange a meeting May 16 – lawyers meet but no agreement reached Finally, I am attaching a copy of the relevant provisions of Matt’s contract with Impact. The clause is virtually identical to the corresponding provisions of every wrestler under contract with Impact. The facts are that we tried to accommodate the Hardys for their Ring of Honour engagements, and have tried to elicit an indication from WWE whether they have an interest in using the Broken Brilliance creative in WWE. We are not hoarding it from WWE; WWE is not interested in it. We fully respect the decision of Matt and Jeff to return to WWE and appreciate all of their contributions to Impact Wrestling. We wish them every success. Our focus is on the future and we will not have any further public comment on this matter." Matt Hardy's wife Reby did not take the above lightly, taking to Twitter to voice her displeasure. Some select tweets below: - Long story short: TNA tried a literal sales pitch on WWE re: #BROKEN gimmick (which isn't legally theirs) & they said "LOLZ yeah no, thanks" - Because it's ALLLLLL coming out in court, honey. From the attorneys we hired back in MARCH. Where are those "logs" ? - Should we release the phonecalls ? I kinda wanna release the phonecalls now... since we playin petty, apparently. As you might expect, we're not done with this story by a long shot. ***Reby & Matt Hardy both responded online. Reby claimed the contract Matt signed was not a standard one and threatened to release it as well as phone calls she has of them discussing the deal. Matt said his side of the story would come out in due time (presumably court). WWE's position is really interesting. TNA indicates WWE had no interest. Reby claims TNA tried to sell the gimmick to WWE which they declined. But there is no way WWE wants any talent making a claim for a gimmick they helped develop while under contract because it sets a precedent that could be used against them.
  18. 3 hours just makes the poor booking more glaring. 2 hours would make it easier to digest. But ultimately, their booking is generally awful.
  19. Anyone watching "The Keepers" on Netflix? Just finished episode 2 and its riveting. Its a true-crime documentary that is simialr but very different to Making a Murderer. As Im watching the first episode, it occurred to me that this seems like a tragic, but run-of-the-mill case...until the shocking twist! Its really interesting.
  20. RAW sinks lower in the ratings. Lower then the taped show a couple weeks ago.
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