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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I wouldnt even say the Jets were a budget team. That was the narrative by a lot of media before and shortly after True North bought the Thrashers "get used to never winning because they will be a budget team". Chipman sort of added to it by saying they had to be careful. But he also said, in year one, that if he thought they were close he'd go to the cap. People seem to forget that. I think the Jets are a careful team, not a budget team. Chipman once explained that they basically have a graph showing forecasts on every player with expected salary going years and years. So they know what they will spend. The worst thing would be to get into the playoffs and suddenly be in cap trouble. I think its fair to say the Jets have not been aggressive about pursuing Free Agents or trades to improve the team in the moment. For example, this past year. By Christmas it was clear the goalies were struggling and the D was not all going to play together due to injuries. And Chevy chose not to get goalie help or D help. But I dont think that was budget as there were options for minimal cost. They have never shied away from spending on players they value. Ladd, Toby, Buff, Wheeler, Scheif etc. The Jets arent a budget team. They are a careful team. Maybe too careful. Maybe too conservative. But thats the culture from the top down. Remember too, this wasnt a team that needed a couple of players and would compete. The Thrashers were a disaster. It took three years just to get above water as far as having assets. So a 5 year plan is nice. And being realistic, the Jets are vastly improved after 5 years. I'd say, as far as their window, they didnt even have a window when they came here. Chevy built the foundation. The glass went into the frame last summer when they drafted Laine and signed Scheif long term. The window is there. Look for them to start opening it this season.
  2. The injuries are going to kill them. What a shame. If Pens were healthy I think they'd march to the finals virtually unscathed.
  3. Trump went on record: http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/19/politics/donald-trump-comey-denial/index.html Washington (CNN)At a joint news conference with Colombian President Juan Manual Santos Thursday, President Donald Trump was asked a very simple question: Had he urged then-FBI Director James Comey to slow or stop an FBI investigation into deposed national security adviser Michael Flynn? "No. No. Next question," Trump responded. It was over in a flash. But in those four words, Trump staked the viability of his presidency. Why? Because he directly contradicted the reporting around a memo that Comey had written in the wake of a February 14 meeting in which Trump told him to see if he could find a way to end the Flynn investigation, The New York Times first reported and CNN confirmed. Both of those things can't be true.
  4. Yeah I dont know. Do we discuss non Football/hockey sports enough to warrant them being collected into their own forum? I think a lot of it is more news, like a football player kills someone, so we post. But maybe if there was a sports forum, people who are fans of NBA, NFL etc would post more. I think hockey discussion ramped up significantly once there was a forum for it.
  5. Well...I wouldnt bet on it. But I am competitive so....
  6. Yes, he will get paid wherever but not for at least two more years, possibly more. And even then, Jets would trade him to wherever they want to trade him. Unless his agent goes out and finds a team willing to part with an amazing offer, Trouba has zero choice in this matter for years. So he can take the money now or take his chances to set up a scenario where he chooses his team years from now. Players usually dont do that. Look at Kane. Wanted out of Winnipeg from the moment he arrived. Requested a trade every single year. Still signed a long term contract because thats what you do. If you can get paid today, get paid today. I think he signs an extension this summer.
  7. I agree. And there was some speculation around the time he signed that he was very frustrated with the advice he had received and just wanted to play. Maybe being here and seeing the talent we have and seeing other guys sign contracts, perhaps he sees it as a good fit. Ask any player if they'd prefer to play in their favorite city and never win or a city they didnt choose but win a cup. Of course, nothing is guaranteed.
  8. If the goal for any young player is to get that big money long term contract, then you have to consider it. And I think it is. Usually thats what you want. Maximum dollars for maximum years. Because once you have that contract, nothing else matters. Injury, poor play etc. You get paid.
  9. Why not? The gamble you take with trying to boost your numbers another season is that you dont...or you get hurt. We're talking generational money here. Do you decline that? How much are we talking for a long term deal, over $50 million for sure. Does he say "nah, lets see if I can do better?" If he's determined to leave Winnipeg, sure, he declines. But boy, is that a risk. That is the kind of money that secures your grand childrens futures. And keeps your dad in whatever hair-brained schemes he comes up with.
  10. About 1996/7 I worked at Grapes and walked in one afternoon, holding the door as a guy walked out. The hostess said to me "did you recognize him?" I said no, I wasnt eally looking. She said its some guy from Y&R...Suddenly it clicked. "Scott Reeves??!" I asked. I ran out to say hi and he was gone. Sounds silly but I was a huge Y&R fan and the Ryan/Victoria story is what hooked me in the early 90s. Ryan was in town for World of Wheels or something. It was at Grapes where I met some NHL players. Supposedly Grapes was Teemu's favourite restaurant. After a Flames game, Teemu and Housley came in together and asked for a quiet table. That was followed up by most of the Flames who went into the bar, including Fleury. The bar was mostly empty as it was a week night but soon a bunch of women showed up to party with them. Fleury and the Flames enjoyed the attention. Teemu ended up in the bar, sat with a couple of the guys and politely signed autographs but didnt look twice at any of the groupies. He was there another night with his wife and friends and closed the place down. As nice and funny in person as he comes across in interviews. Although I bet most of us have met him at some point. The entire Canucks team came into Grapes one night too. Grapes was a fun place...
  11. Im not sure Trouba necessarily wins. I guess he is over-paid he wins. His agent would not have advised taking an 8 year deal that didnt pay him, at least some of those years, as a #1 D. His play this past season shows that's his ceiling. But he lost money by sitting out that he will never get back. And since they were not willing to listen to an offer from the Jets that is really burned money because he ended up back on the Jets anyway. He still cant get to another team that easily. And Trouba blinked first when it came to sitting out. He wont do that again. Im not sure he will want to play the game of trying to be traded, going to arbitration etc. He seems like a "hockey kid". I think the Jets present him the option of being a core member of their attempt to win a cup here and he gives it serious thought. I'd say Jets go no less than 6 year extension.
  12. Again....there could be an in universe reason for the change. Everyone should relax until the show airs.
  13. They explained it in Enterprise. Some augmented humans (ala Khan) had their blood stolen or something and Klingons tried to use it to create an augmented warrior race. But it killed them. Phlox successfully cured it but not before it permanently altered millions of Klingons to look human. But the real reason they changed is TOS didn't have the budget for more advanced make up. The more subtle changes TMP and later films (and points in between) is acceptable in my opinion. But I do hope there is an in-universe reason for why they look so different
  14. Hmmm, I'd point out that Trip and T'pol are both white and Number One is black. But maybe it doesnt matter in the future...lol I also dont think Sarek was alive when that baby would have been a child. There was also an episode that had the Enterprise stuck in the expanse for a while and the Captain was the SON of Trip & T'Pol... There is a tradition for the previous Trek series to have a character appear in a cameo of the new series' pilot. I bet that tradition ends with this but a lot of fans would like to see T'Pol show up in a cameo. She's the easiest to explain...she'd be old but it works as a Vulcan. Number One could be part Vulcan, not half. The line "your tongue is too human" is sort of odd. If she's a regular old human then of course her tongue is human. If she's part Human or something else going on, then it makes more sense to point out that her tongue is "too" human.
  15. It depends on the real reasons and who was driving that. There was speculation that it was a strategy to get him somewhere bigger. So be it. But the speculation was Trouba himself wasnt the one determined to leave, that he was not happy that the strategy didnt work. If the point is to get him a lot of money and a long term deal, he can get that here. If HE doesnt mind playing here, then great.
  16. It would disappoint me if they changed the Klingon look that much just for the sake of change. They have maintained the look and feel of the era with the devices, ships and uniforms. Even the Vulcans. Changing the Klingons that much seems more like a specific decision for a reason within the show.
  17. I think Chipman's remarks about close to the cap show his hand - he's told Chevy to sign Trouba even if it means an over-payment to a degree. Lock him down.
  18. My friend said the same thing - JJ Klingons. My understanding is that is not the case. ie. they resemble them but are not related at all. CBS is producing this show and Paramount does the films and they dont exactly get along. CBS would never pay a licensing fee to Paramount or Bad Robot to use their elements when they already own the originals. I think the look of the Klingons are for a specific reason (some say "ancient" Klingons). Its possible its just creative license and they are meant to be the same old Klingons. But we shall see.
  19. Supposedly their dark matches are good and on PPV, should be even better. There is already speculation that WM next year is AJ vs Nak. So for now, Nak is high on their list of top guys... Sunday might change that, you never know.
  20. I tend to agree. Im interested in seeing it because Im guessing its a bigger scandal than I can appreciate. But when they announced more seasons after OJ and said they had a wealth of stories to dramatize, "Katrina" didnt immediately come to mind.
  21. The trailers (I prefer the Netflix version) gives me more hope. We cant make judgements about the Klingons yet because we dont know if they were changed as a creative decision or if there is an in-Universe reason. I have a feeling there is a reason. I also get the sense they held a lot back from the Trailer (we didnt even see the Captain of the Discovery and, in fact, I dont think we saw the Discovery at all). Its a very good cast. Remember this is just a first-look trailer. Im a canon junkie, but a sensible one. There are things you can change due to modern SFX technology and things that should be respected. Im seeing a lot of commitment to canon. The uniforms look like reasonable follow-ups to Enterprise. The ship in the trailer looks very much like the NX-01 from Enterprise. The flip communicator, tricorder etc. Red Alert Klaxxon etc. We can speculate on some of the story elements. Assuming the main character is a human raised by Vulcans. I was very worried about recasting Sarek but from the limited clips, he seems perfectly fine. Although others have said the acting all seemed stiff. One thing about Sarek, people will say "play him unemotional" but he actually seemed mildly annoyed at all times. Thats how he should be played...lol The big worries were that the production was "troubled", was cheap etc. Well, clearly it isnt cheap. And CBS must think its great to extend the first season. Fingers crossed!
  22. Discovery has been increased to 15 episodes for season 1. Trailer is out there. Just waiting for a good version. Everuone saying it looks really expensive and well done.
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