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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. They believe the big drawing card of the PPV is seeing Nak's first match.
  2. have to say, this gives me hope. On location filming. Large flip communicator. Large TOS style tricorder. Great costuming. And Sonequa looks great. Expect more info dumps today.
  3. It's okay everybody. Putin has Trumps back
  4. The radio silence from the White House is very interesting. CNN speculated, perhaps staff listened to the "tapes" of the conversation with Comey and realized they were in deep crap. If the memo is as reported and holds up, it's enough for impeachment. If trump taped himself, he's toast. Congress will eventually demand those tapes. If they are altered in any way some people are going to jail. Reportedly Comey has many other memos. Question is, what side of history will the republicans want to be on? The side that blocks impeachment and keeps trump? Or the side that does the right thing and gets rid of this clown. There would have to be 25 republicans willing to impeach. Or, come is terms next year....voters will decide the direction.
  5. RAW rating up only 2% from last week Pretty Boy Doug Somers passed away.
  6. More on above story This will eventually lead to trumps downfall. Good question:
  7. From above Alone in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump began the discussion by condemning leaks to the news media, saying that Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information, according to one of Mr. Comey’s associates. Put reporters in jail.
  8. Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/us/politics/james-comey-trump-flynn-russia-investigation.html?referer=https://t.co/7nlT6gaY1G WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting. “I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. The existence of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.
  9. Im not so much concerned with his record as his style and philosophy. Those werent good Pens teams, despite having Mario. And he's not going to be Jets HC. Although I suppose he'd be the first one elevated....if this is even true.
  10. I immediately like the idea of Eddie O on the coaching staff. And thats only because he was a Jet and a seemingly good guy. So now that my emotions are out of the way, what is the book on Eddie as a coach? Can he help the Jets D? Can he motivate and/or prepare them better? And if we're hiring former Jets, when the heck is Dale going to officially join the organization?
  11. Didnt Hutch go from the ECHL to the NHL in one season? I think they liked his trajectory...
  12. And just imagine, they decide to secretly tape people in the White House, clearly for leverage given Trump's remarks and surely they all got together, cognizant of Nixon and said "but NO ONE CAN KNOW". Then Trump ******* TWEETS it!
  13. CNN In a sign of the hurried improvisation in the West Wing, national security adviser H.R. McMaster brought up plans to brief the press by several hours to 11:30 a.m. ET. "I stand by my statement that I made yesterday," McMaster told reporters at the White House. "The premise of that article is false." McMaster said everything Trump discussed with Lavrov and the Russian ambassador to the US was appropriate to the setting. "In the context of that discussion, what the president discussed with the foreign minister was wholly appropriate to that conversation," McMaster said. McMaster claimed Tuesday that Trump himself wasn't fully aware of important context surrounding the intelligence he disclosed to Russian officials, implying Trump didn't realize the gravity of his disclosure. So....Trump is either an idiot when it comes to clearly sensitive information or he is an idiot when it comes to receiving information and understanding it enough to ask appropriate questions of his intelligence officials or his staff is purposely holding back information from him. The idea Trump just didnt realise he shouldnt disclose this info is unbelievable. Especially when, this isnt the foreign minister for the UK we're talking about. It's the Russians. If there is anyone you're going to err on the side of keeping your fat mouth shut, its them. But look at this...this meeting was requested (demanded?) by Putin. He wanted it, he got it almost immediately. Coincidentally the day after Comey is fired. Is there a connection? Maybe not. Putin wants a meeting with Trump...Comey gets fired. Hmmmm. Next day, Trump has two of Putin's people in the Oval Office. They try to keep this secret but the Russians post photos leading to Trump saying they were "tricked" by the clever Russians. My God. Trump's staff start doing damage control. Oh Trump never revealed classified information. The report is completely false. Trump then says 'oh I revealed it alright. Because Im the man and I made a brilliant strategic decision.' Uh huh McMaster comes back out and say no, what I told you yesterday was true. Even though Trump undermined that today. And worse McMaster throws Trump under the bus. 'The President was too stupid to know what he was doing so dont blame him'. Then you've got this idiot who cant keep anything secret tweeting a threat at the former Director of the FBI to keep quiet or else...or else there migth be "tapes" of their conversations. Well, if you were secretly recording people in the White House, why would you tweet it? And how is that not obstruction of justice when Comey was set to testify before Congress? Is that not a "crime" under the impeachment procedure?? You've got Spicer looking like a complete idiot when he refuses to respond to questions about the "tapes". And they want to NOT sound like Nixon?? And Trump tweets about secret tapes?? Holy fack. How long before the Senate subpoenas thos "tapes" and we find out that Bannon et al immediately destroyed them after Trump's tweets? Or only kept blackmail material and destroyed others? This is Watergate times 1000. It took two years for Nixon to get impeached after the Saturday Night Massacre. Can we really go two years with this imbecile as President?? At some point, there HAS to be enough demand among both parties to demand Trump's resignation. And then what? How hot will it get before Trump starts a war with someone....he thinks it will turn the tide of public opinion. It wont.
  14. Absolutely. WWE can be so petty. Notwithstanding his injury, they seemed to start & stop a lot with him due to heat over him and Lana. They have given Lana a terrible new gimmic. It might have been the one meant for Emma. She dances to the ring. I thought Lana was a professional dancer but you'd never know it from the video (unless she's dancing poorly on purpose). Ill try to find the video.
  15. Between Joe and Seth, yes I agree. Im actually into the Jinder gimmick. But talk about zero lead time. Guy was jobbing every week on RAW and then is the #1 contender on SD a week later. I dont know how WWE can have so many really smart and experienced people plus 50 freakin professional writers and still cant book worth a damn. I hope Jinder wins the title though.
  16. ^^^I thought it sounded stupid but the trailer has some decent moments (and stupid ones). Seth is an unabashed Trek fan though. How long until Shatner guests on this? Probably sooner then him guesting in Star Trek. But how come the effects and designs look better in this than in Discovery? Hopefully we get a Discovery trailer soon (rumors of something coming Wednesday actually) with updated everything...
  17. You can absolutely attribute key metrics to certain guys. Ratings dont lie (especially when viewed overtime as trends). I'd say its more true that no one is moving ratings up as opposed to specific people are moving them down. But there was a time when they had Roman in every 3rd hour key story and that 3rd hour dropped more than its previous trend. On the other hand, Goldberg was moving ratings up or keeping them from their trending decline. The guys in the segments and the guys they promote are the ones that are drawing or not drawing. Same with House Shows. Vince was not a fan of AJ Styles when he debuted. Then the house shows he began working main events on suddenly saw a ticket increase. Suddenly, Vince was a fan. Tickets are a key metric for Vince. Fan response used to be a key metric for Vince but mostly in New York. PPV's are generally the main event drawing or not drawing. This has been true for 100 years. And very easy to quantify in the traditional PPV era where you'd see who was pushed (or what match was pushed on top) and then see how many buys were generated. Its a bit tougher now with WWE Network because its not about buys and how WWE books is different, in that they arent booking to pop one buy rate. But again, you can see trends. Overall WWE's numbers are flat or declining for TV which is probably a sign of flatness. They really arent growing their business at all. However, Seth/Brock from when Seth was a heel was a good angle (not much of a match). And Seth can bounce around like a madman, so it would be a good match. I just think Joe could be elevated into a bigger star.
  18. I wasnt watching that closely but I thought Bray got the loudest ovation from the crowd (Finn got the big pop in the graphic vs Lesnar too). But crowd reaction in the moment isnt a great measure. Although I grant you, Seth is over. But ratings, ticket sales and PPV views are the real measurables. And no one in WWE is really over. And Seth feels cold. Knowing Brock will mostly be cheered, I'd elevate Joe. But the problem is, you have three weeks to heat him up. If it's me, I probably have him win Extreme Rules and then defeat every single other guy in the match in successive weeks on RAW to heat up for Brock. But I can see Vince being appalled at that suggestion. Thing is, even you dont like Joe, he's the freshest of the guys in that match. Heat him up and push him vs Brock with the idea Joe is a legit badass with a fighting background and see if it pops a number. If it doesn't, what have you lost? Joe loses to Brock anyway. Given how flat everyone is, its unlikely any one guy is going to do worse than any other. But if you hit on the right formula, one might do better. Barring that, they like Bray for some reason so it might go to him. Seems too soon for Roman/Brock since they want that as the WM main event, but if Strowman is really out, Roman is listless right now. Of course, the best idea is probably to turn Roman. Right now. But WWE will probably panic if ratings keep dropping or stay flat and do a Shield reunion.
  19. I get that you dont like Joe! lol Seth is cold as ice. They ruined him with their booking and I would have sent him to SD to be revived. Joe has not been ruined yet. He's the one they should push. And let me qualify this by saying Joe and I nearly got into a physical shoot in a hotel room once so I have no irrational love for the guy. If "business is business" he's the one.
  20. So Trump essentially admits today that he provided "information" to the Russians. He makes sure to say its his right to do so, so for sure we're talking about classified info by his wording. As President, he can de-classify anything he wants whenever he wants. But if there any smoking guns to the Trump/Russia investigation, it would certainly create a new context for this. And potentially a major issue for the US. If the sitting President is indicted on charges he conspired with Russia to steal an election and thus makes him a foreign agent, do the regular rules still apply? Would declassifying information still be considered the President's prerogative or would it be another piece of evidence against him as a pawn of Russia? When will the Republicans turn away from this clown? Nixon was a crook who'd do anything to win but does anything think Nixon would sell out his country (legit question as Nixon was before my time)? Trump is.
  21. I wonder if they'd go back to original plans or if this is designed to extend things a bit. He could show up and destroy all 5 guys in the Extreme Rules match. One thing has hopefully showed them is they are terrible at pushing more than one guy at a time. Strowman gets hurt and they literally have no one that jumps to the fore. When Bray took out Joe on RAW, I cringed. They do too much "even steven" booking where its win one, lose one or Guy A lays out Guy B then Guy returns the favour. I'd have had Joe recover quickly, almost a no-sell but not that bad. Of everyone in that 5 persona match, he's the one with the most "star appeal" right now.
  22. The way they kept pushing the "six months" thing I wonder if its a swerve to have him come back a lot sooner to put over what a monster he is that an injury that should have been six months, only kept him out 2 months.
  23. i thought this was a terrible idea. But this trailer is pretty good.
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