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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well OUAT is a great vehicle for Disney. It might seem counter-intuitive involving non Disney properties (public domain) but if it creates interest in the program that benefits Disney and it's owned properties. Since it's Disney, have they referenced an evil Emperor yet, or his "Dark Lord apprentice?"
  2. Not necessarily. But I do agree that business should be put into blind trusts. Sammy lied about that very issue and we know what Trump is doing. The provincial conflict of interest policy is quite clear (or it was when I needed to know it): Conflict is not just an ACTUAL conflict but a PERCEIVED conflict.
  3. I fell out of Once Upon A Time in the second season. I do think it was a brilliant concept and was very well executed, well acted etc. I just couldn't invest time in the massive mythology they were building. And I joke to my gf who still watches to let me know when Mickey Mouse shows up. The gf has said this season sucks. Also Rumpel should never have cut his hair.
  4. If so they might keep Kari as he only has a year left. But their paying him a lot
  5. You could be right. Cap friendly shows one with a modified no movement and the other with a no trade. Have to assume they try to dump one or both this summer
  6. On January Trump requested a dinner meeting with Comey. He demanded Comey pledge loyalty to him. Comey refused saying al FBI personnel pledge loyalty to the constitution not the President. We see what is happening here. I don't believe Trump could seize dictatorial powers. But he seems to think he can. And this behaviour seems to indicate a guy who lows there are some nasty skeletons in the closet and he wants people to protect him. Its really outrageous.
  7. That's a good deal for Dallas. What happens if more than one goalie has a NMC? Who can Dallas expose? I assume they trade or buy out the other two but just wondering
  8. I agree. Maybe @Rich can split off to a celeb encounters thread!
  9. WTF http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/12/politics/donald-trump-james-comey-threat/index.html (CNN)President Donald Trump issued a thinly veiled threat Friday to fired FBI Director James Comey, an extraordinary development in the ongoing feud between the President and the agencies investigating alleged ties between his campaign and Russia. "James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press," the President tweeted. When he fired Comey earlier this week, Trump garnered comparisons to President Richard Nixon and his infamous decision to remove the special prosecutor investigating Watergate crimes in 1973. The Watergate scandal accelerated drastically when it was revealed Nixon taped conversations in the White House. Trump didn't provide further details Friday on whether he was taping conversations.
  10. I have a funny Jason Botterill story. When I worked at a local nightclub, we'd often gets sports stars come down, usually CFL or AHL. Rarely, NHL. A lot of CFL & AHL players werent immediately recognizable but the process was, they'd show their PA card and get in. So when I was a kid, my parents had bought me one of the early EA NHL games for the computer and for some reason Jason Botterill was amazing in that game. My best player. So one day, huge line and this group comes in. And this guy, vaguley familar, says "do you have courtesy for NHL players?" I said yes, may I ask your name. He says Jason Botterill. I sort of laugh and say you were the best ******* player in NHL *whatever year*. He laughs and we chat for a moment and one of his group leans in and says "is there a problem here, do you know who this is?" angrily. Jason pushes him back and shushes him and says theres no problem. Anyway, silly story but he was a super nice guy. Man, I have a few stories like that. Maybe the best is either Teemu Selanne coming into Grapes when I worked there (2 or 3 times) or when Shannon Rempel came in - she had been denied entry to another bar because they didnt believe she was an Olympian. So she went home, got her Silver Medal and brought it to our bar to prove it in case we wouldnt let her in. Let everyone take pics with the medal. Awesome.
  11. I kind of agree with the Premier as far as the limited information out there. None of the opposition's business. If they have evidence of wrong doing, so be it. But throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks is garbage. The only words that should come out of the NDP's mouth when they speak is an apology for the shape they left Manitoba in.
  12. My only concern with this is that Trump had this guy in the oval office BEFORE elevating him to acting Director. Since Trump flat out said he asked Comey if he was under investigation, we can strongly assume the conversation turned to the investigation. I just hope he's not a pawn. If anything these words and deeds by Trump should create more momentum to bring him down and more desire to get at the truth. I love that when Trump was asked about the recommendation from his AG to fire Comey he couldn't even allow "credit" to a recommendation, he had to say no it didnt matter and he was going to fire him anyway. What an ego.
  13. Pretty big difference between Trudeau and Trump. And Im no JT fan and find his love affair with Castro to be utterly ridiculous.
  14. He insults Comey several times in this interview. Just a classless piece of garbage. Claims Comey told him he was not under investigation. I bet there are a lot of people in the FBI who are not friends of Trump today.
  15. Teachers is a funny thing. I think we're used to hearing that teachers are underpaid. I know several teachers (including a principle) who sort of laugh that off. They always felt they were well paid. And the perks of Summer off, Christmas off, lots of in-service days and personal development etc. They didnt work *that* much during the day because they are scheduled periods off for prep. But they did say some teachers are miserable and only it for the money and always complain whereas they love it and you're expected to make an effort, such as supervising events at lunch/after school etc. All my friends who are teachers are also coaches so thats their outlook. But I think teaching is another profession where I do not begrudge them their pay and perks. But...its a protected profession where poor teachers will get dragged along for awhile. I bet every single one of us can name really special teachers that impacted our lives for the better....and a few that were plain lousy.
  16. Looks guys are jumping off the KHL like the titanic
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